April 28-30 at Highlands Presbyterian Camp and Retreat Center, Allenspark, CO

Please register by Sunday, March 19. Space is limited, so please register early.

(You may check with us after that date to see if space is still available.)

Theme: Telling Our Stories – How We Got from There to Here

Who we are today is partly determined by the experiences we’ve had and what we’ve learned from them. We are also the product of generations before us. What stories did they hand down to us? What are the stories about ourselves we tell others? Let’s gather to share our stories and learn from those of others.


·  What is a favorite book or story from my childhood that has shaped my life?

·  What were some important turning points in my life?

·  Reflecting on the movie Arrival,if you could view your life as animage, as a story told in one nonlinear and infinite symbol, how might you modify thatlife symbolif you could rewriteany aspects of your life?

More queries will be sent out in March before we gather. Please share any ideas you have for queries and activities around the theme.

Proposed Schedule:

Friday evening

Bring a snack to share. We will gather as a circle to introduce ourselves and our theme.


Yoga or Tai Chi


Worship sharing


Creative time – collage, painting, moving and/or writing on the theme

Nature Hike

Worship sharing




Yoga/Tai Chi, worship sharing, cabin cleaning, Meeting for Worship, evaluations, lunch.

Accommodations: There are two options for lodging:

- Modern (heated!) cabins with dorm-style bunk beds, shared bathrooms, and lounge

- A retreat center room (hotel-style) that sleeps 3-4 people


On the registration form, you can select any or all meals from breakfast Saturday through lunch on Sunday. Vegetarian options are available.

For questions or more information about this please contact Gail Hoffman (Mountain View Friends Meeting) at (303) 989-6454 or

We look forward to seeing you there!


April 28-30 at Highlands Presbyterian Camp and Retreat Center, Allenspark, CO

Registration Form

Name: ______

E-mail: ______

Phone: ______

Address: ______

For the retreat, I can:

Fees / Circle all / Total / Make checks payable to:
Colorado Regional Meeting
Send checks and registration to:
Gail Hoffman
9300 W. Tennessee Ave.
Lakewood, CO 80226
For more information contact Gail:
(303) 989-6454;
Cabin Lodging - $25/night / Fri Sat / $
Retreat Center Room (shared with 2-3 others) - $50/night / Fri Sat / $
Breakfast - $8.00/each day / Sat Sun / $
Lunch - $10.00/each day / Sat Sun / $
Saturday Dinner - $14.00 / $
Registration fee (covers chapel rental) / $ 20
Optional Donation to Scholarship Fund / $
Request from Scholarship Fund / $
Registration forms and payment are due March 19, 2017
(you can email by then to save your spot)
After March 19, please contact Gail to make sure there is still space available.
In early March, you will receive an email with directions and suggestions on what to pack. If you don’t have email, please be sure to provide your phone number!

Special needs/requests (dietary, physical):______

Roommate request(s) if staying in Retreat Center (we can reserve triples or quads):

Would you like to share or lead something? (ex. morning yoga/tai chi, creative art, nature hike, a written or oral story-telling “block” or workshop) ______

Interested in carpooling? Yes No

Registration form may also be downloaded at: http://tinyurl.com/CQWR2017