PBIS Readiness Action Steps for ______

(School Name)

TO DO / By
When? / Date Completed
1. Provide all faculty and staff the opportunity to attend or view a PBIS Overview and ask questions.
A. Request to schedule a PBIS Overview for your school to your school PBIS Division Coordinator (DC). Your DC will contact the appropriate Regional PBIS Systems Coach to arrange the overview.
B. Have your faculty and staff watch an online 30 minute overview at:
Follow-up Activity: Ask faculty and staff to answer the following questions (in a manner for collection that best suits your school system i.e. Google Form survey):
  • What benefits do you believe PBIS would provide our students, teachers, parents, and community?
  • Are there any questions you would like answered or request more clarification about PBIS?
  • Share the feedback with your DC and/or your Regional Systems Coach.

2. Once the overview is completed at your school, survey all faculty and staffto determine the interest for moving forward with PBIS in your building. (70% support is necessary to proceed with training, otherwise more exploration time and educational opportunities are necessary to provide to your staff).
3. Review the “PBIS Team Roles and Responsibilities” handout (in your folder) as you prepare to plan the make-up of your building PBIS Team. Establishing a successful team requires careful selection of team members.
  • Create and establish a strong PBIS Team.
  • Select each team member intentionally using the Roles and Responsibilies as your guide.
  • Ensure school-wide perspectives as you select people to serve on the team.
  • Choose positive people.
  • Be particular selecting the coach of the team (not an administrator). The coach should be respected by the school faculty and desires to be the lead on the team for PBIS.

4. Complete the Working Smarter Not Harder Team/Committee Worksheet (in folder). The goal for this activity is to determine if all teams and/or committees assigned are producing the outcomes desired. Are they measurable, matching school goals (SIP, Division Strategic Plans, etc.), efficient and effective, a broad representation of faculty (or are a few staff doing the brunt of the work on many different teams)?
  • Read the guide for understanding the purpose of the Working Smarter not Harder Worksheet
  • Complete the Working Harder not Smarter Worksheet
  • Discuss ways to better align your committees/teams to be more efficiently and effectively structured

5. Access the “Implementation Blueprint and Self-Assessment PBIS”document (see link below) to learn more about PBIS, specifically about SWPBS Context, Input, Fidelity, Impact, Replication, Sustainability, and Improvement.
  • Educating yourself about PBIS will make you a better leader

6. Contact your PBIS Division Coordinator and your Region 5 Systems Coach if you have questions.
  • Dr. Beth Baptist, CCS PBIS Division Coordinator
  • Jacki Nickel, Region 5 TTAC @ JMU PBIS Systems Coach