Examplesand decisions trees on the control of legal international trade of lindane


July 2012

The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention (SSC), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the United Nations (UN) or other contributory organizations. SSC, UNEP, UNIDO, UNITAR or the UN do not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned, directly or indirectly, through the use of, or reliance on, the contents of this paper.

Examplesof the activities required by the different stakeholders involved in the control of legal international trade of lindane are presented below. The first example illustrates trade between Parties. The second example concerns trade between a nonParty and a Party.

Example 1: Trade between Parties

For legal supply in a Party (Party A)

Producer in Party A

  • Produces lindane product for use as human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment
  • Should initiate Party A to register the specific exemption by informing the Party A government abouttheproduction, and check with the Party Agovernment on whether the exemption has been registered and/or whether there is national legislation that allows the supply

Government in Party A

  • Should register lindane for use as human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment and inform the producers
  • Should enact legislation that bans all other uses but permits the registered use

For legal supply to a company in another Party (Party B)

Producer in Party A

  • Produces lindane product for use as human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment
  • Should ascertain through the importer that the import into Party B is legal:
  • an import license has been issued by the relevant ministry in Party B, if applicable, and/or
  • Party B has registered the specific exemption for the use as human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment with the Secretariat of theStockholm Convention

Government in Party A

  • Should register lindane for use as human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment and inform the producers
  • Should enact legislation that bans all other uses but permits the registered use

Customs in Party A

  • Should check whether export of the POP for the use as human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment to Party B is allowed:
  • Party A has a registered exemption
  • Party B has registered the specific exemption and/or
  • an import license has been issued by the relevant Ministry in Party B, if applicable

Importer in Party B

  • Should check whether export of the POP from Party A into Party B is allowed:
  • needs to get an import license issued by the relevant ministry in Party B, if applicable,and/or
  • needs to check whether Parties A and B have registered the specific exemption and/orfor
    Party B whether there is national legislation that allows the import

Customs in Party B

  • Should check whether export of the POP from Party A into Party B is allowed:
  • Parties A and B should have registered the specific exemption and/or for Party B whether there is national legislation that allows the import and/or
  • whether an import license has been issued by the relevant ministry in Party B, if applicable

Government in Party B

  • Should register lindane for use as human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment and inform the producers
  • Should enact legislation that bans all other uses but permitstheregistered use
  • Should issue an import license through the relevant ministry, if applicable

Example 2: Example of good practice oftrade between non Party and Party

For legal supply in non Party (non Party A)

Producer in non Party A

  • Produces lindane product for use as human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment
  • Needs to check with the Party A government on whether there is national legislation that allows the supply

Government in non Party A

  • No specific task under the Convention

For legal supply to a company in aParty (Party B)

Producer in non Party A

  • Produces lindane product for use as human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment
  • Should ascertain through the importer that the import into Party B is legal(responsible care):
  • an import license has been issued by the relevant ministry in Party B, if applicable, and/or
  • Party B has registered the specific exemption for the use as human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment with the Secretariat of theStockholm Convention

Government in non Party A

  • No specific task under the Convention

Customs in non Party A

  • No specific task under the Convention
  • Ideally should check whether export of the POP for the use as human health pharmaceutical forcontrol of head lice and scabiesas second line treatment to Party B is allowed:
  • Party B has registered the specific exemption and/or
  • an import license has been issued by the relevant ministry in Party B, if applicable

Importer in Party B

  • Should checkwhether import of the POP into Party B is allowed:
  • needs to get an import license issued by the relevant ministry in Party B, if applicable,and/or
  • needs to check whether Party B has registered the specific exemption and/or whether there is national legislation that allows the import

Customs in Party B

  • Should checkwhether import into Party B is allowed:
  • Party B should have registered the specific exemption for lindane and/or there is national legislation that allows the importand/or
  • whether an import license has been issued by the relevant Ministry in Party B, if applicable

Government in Party B

  • Should register lindane for use as human health pharmaceutical forcontrol of head lice and scabiesas second line treatment and inform the producers
  • Should enact legislation that ban all other uses but permits registered the use
  • Should issue an import license through the relevant ministry, if applicable