Pre Conference information Wednesday, March 1st, 2017
Pre-conference 1- Communication Skills That Foster Empathy, Understanding, Connection and Saves Time, Kathy
Masarie MD and Jody BellantScheer MD
Compassionate Communication is a powerful tool for creating trust, respect and cooperation in our work and personal lives. It is based on the work of Marshall Rosenberg, author of Nonviolent Communication, that all behavior has underlying values/ needs. Becoming aware of these values allows us to connect in a positive way with others, no matter what the behavior looks like, including our own. This empowers us to stay calm and grounded in challenging situations.
Goal: Learn a communication approach that fosters empathy, no matter what the behavior looks like, and an understanding that can lead to solutions that work for everyone.
Strategies to be utilized in achieving the stated goal:
● This experiential workshop will provide an understanding of how Compassionate Communication and interpersonal neurobiology are tools for increasing well-being.
● Learn several skills and process to understand Compassionate Communication into everyday situations and conflicts, based on the work of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, author of Nonviolent Communication.
● Each participant will practice ways to bring Compassionate Communication into everyday situations and conflicts.
Pre-conference 2- ASCA National Model Training- Andra Kelley-Batstone and Nita Hill
In this hands-on workshop, you:
• Get an overview of the school counseling program's components.
• Focus on the shift of the school counselor's role and function from an entitlement culture to a performance culture.
• Address student success as well as system change supporting student success.
• Learn about results/outcomes, which incorporate the use of data to make school counseling program decisions.
• Discover how to use school report card data to develop a curriculum or small-group action plans.
• Focus on how data-driven school counseling programs align with district/school improvement plans, and address specific goals such as student achievement, graduation rates, attendance, achievement gaps and school safety.
• Analyze school data, create a data-driven intervention related to school improvement goals.
• Implement intervention strategies (curriculum action plans), evaluation interventions and share results.
You'll discover how to align your school counseling program with the mission of the district or school and create answers for the questions: "How is student achievement increased as a result of what school counselors do?" and "How are students different as a result of the school counseling program?
Pre-conference 3-Anxiety, School Refusal and Depression: Students being held hostage-Dr. Mary Graham
Anxiety and Depression are growing amongst our elementary through high school students. It is leading toward drop in academic performances, personal/social issues, self-confidence issues, school refusal drop-out, self-harm and in severe cases, suicide. Anxiety and depression impact a student’s post-secondary education choices and behaviors. Anxiety and depression often go hand and hand and can immobilize students. School Refusal is directly related to anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. It is imperative the school counselor have a thorough and working understanding of the signs and symptoms of students struggling with anxiety and depression. It is just as important for school counselors to understand the best ways to serve students with anxiety and depression. School counselors have the unique opportunity to impact the systems in which students operate. A school counselor well informed about anxiety and depression and its impact on academic, personal/social and career outcomes for students can serve as an advocate for students, an educator for teachers and parents and a create system wide change that will have positive outcomes for students being held hostage by anxiety and depression.
1. Participants will gain a working knowledge of the signs of anxiety
2. Participants will gain a working knowledge of the signs of depression
3. Participants will gain a working knowledge of school refusal
4. Participants will understand long-term impact anxiety and depression has on the student
5. Participants will be given a list of common medications students take for anxiety and depression and learn their impact on student’s school behaviors
6. Participants will be given a systemic framework of strategies to implement in their schools when working with students, teachers, families and administrators concerning anxiety and depression
7. Participants will be given tangible strategies for dealing with school refusal
Pre-conference 4-Professional School Counselors as Mandated Reporters- Dr. Cher Edwards
This full-day workshop will cover the various types and indicators of child abuse and neglect and Washington State mandating reporting laws as they relate to the role of the Professional School Counselor. Considerations including prevention, advocacy, consultation, court testimony, and ethics will be discussed. Dr. Edwards will share case studies and examples from her work as a K-12 counselor and caseworker for CPS as well as issues to avoid during the mandated reporting process that could negatively impact an abuse investigation and prosecution. This workshop meets the requirement for Washington State Continuing ESA School Counselor certification. Completion of an exit exam is required prior to receiving the 10 clock hours for this workshop.
½ Day Pre Conference 9:00 a.m.-12:00
Why Johnny Can’t Keep His Hands to Himself and Answers to Other Baffling Behaviors!Resolve Conflict in Under 11 Minutes- Sherene McHenry
Why Johnny Can’t Keep His Hands to Himself and Answers to Other Baffling Behaviors!Why Johnny Can’t Keep His Hands to Himself and Answers to Other Baffling Behaviors! Motivate students experiencing difficulty both in and out of the classroom. Focusing on strategies for identifying and changing negative patterns of behavior, you’ll learn why individuals don’t always feel valued even when others are knocking themselves out to show how much they care. You’ll leave equipped to change lives, transform classroom climates and enhance staff relationships. In one school alone, discipline referrals decreased 47% upon implementation of concepts.Resolve Conflict in Under 11 MinutesDo you ever walk on eggshells? Would you rather have a root canal than engage in conflict? Or are you the opposite, lashing out at others in frustration and anger? What about your students? Learn 10 ways to avoid throwing gas on the fire of conflict, how to disagree productively and a model for teaching children of all ages to resolve conflicts respectfully.
½ Day Conference 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m.
Networks for Life-Cindy GonzalezNetworks for Life is a 3-hour certified training for school staff. It discusses the professional's and the institution's role in youth suicide prevention, intervention, and post-vention (what to do after a youth suicide).
Content includes:
Policies and procedures
Skills to identify, explore, and intervene in signs of suicidal thinking
Communicating with students' families about depression and suicide
Laws and ethics around confidentiality and reporting
How to support other youth after a suicide loss
Thursday and Friday Workshop topics include:How to get a school up and running again after a Trauma, Motivation in Crisis, Motivational Interviewing in Hard times, Data tools,Self Care for Educators, Functional Vision and bal-a vis X for Brain and Body Intergation, What makes a school counselor great?, Understanding the Unique Challenges of Foster and Adopted Children in School Settings, Implementing a data driven RAMP ready program, Facing Down Gender Stereotyping, Growth Mindset, Engaging the Unmotivated, Be hip with the lingo social media and pop culture, Not Just Cyberbullying Anymore, Applying 2-for-1 Graduation Credits and more in Skyward!, Understanding the Unique Challenges of Foster and Adopted Children in School Settings, Section 504: Hot Topics, Supporting Grieving Students in our Schools, Leadership through Collaboration: Partnerships to Empower Immigrant and Refugee Students, Face to Face: Kids’ Social Lives and the Brain Revolution, Engaging Parents and at risk children by creating a cultural of success.Emotional Wellness: Practical strategies for supporting young students.
There are over 70 workshops to choose from!