Procurement Services

Certificate of Exemption
Form 4434.2

CDU Staff Member / Requisitioner
Supplier Name:
Total Cost Involved (Excel. GST): / $
It is a requirement of the CDU Procurement Guidelines that you must acquire a certain number of quotes depending on the total value of your requirement; these values can be seen in the table below This form is to be filled in if you feel you have grounds to be exempt from seeking the required number of quotes/tender. If your requirement is covered by one of the Standing Exemptions, you are not required to complete this form. Any questions please email
PLEASE NOTE: All exemptions require either Manager of Strategic Procurement ($100,000 or less) or Tender Committee Approval ($100,000 and above)before any work is commenced.
Value / Quotations/Tenders
$0 but less than $1,000 / At least one verbal quotation is to be obtained.
(Note: view this as being Credit Card purchases and a Verbal quotation would meet the requirements).
$1,000 but less than $5,000 / At least one quotation in writing.
$5,000 but less than $10,000 / A minimum of two quotations must be obtained.
$10,000 but less than $100,000 / A minimum of three written quotations must be obtained. Should the minimum number of quotations not be obtained, the associated documentation must detail the reasons why and a Certificate of Exemption may be required.
$100,000 and above / Must be by formal tender.
The above amounts are GST Exclusive.
Please indicate which exemption grounds you wish to use (at least one must be selected)
a)The supply of Goods or Services is via a government and or statutory body and not the subject of competitive quotes
b)The supply of Goods or Services has been the subject of a prior determination under reference No ………..
c)Licence or subscription renewal;
d)The supply of Goods or Services is the result of an existing Contract and or Agreement and cannot be amended;
e)The supply of Goods or Services are deemed to have a negative financial impact on CDUby either a delay and or cost by adhering to the Procurement guidelines, refer attachment;
f)The proposed procurement contract is for the purchase or lease of real property and market conditions do not allow for effective competition;
g)As a result and a requirement to meet safety and security issues, adherence to Procurement guidelines cannot be followed, refer attachment;
h)The proposed procurement contract relates to obtaining goods or services that cannot be evaluated objectivelyin the open market e.g. high specialised equipment or services where a sole provider is available; refer attached
i)As a result of minor scope changes, unforeseen additional costs are required to be expended against thebudget.
If your exemption request does not meet one of these grounds please contact the Senior Procurement Officer for further classification
Background and Support Information – provided by requisitioner (give as much information as possible, using additional pages if required). Please separately attach any relevant quotes, invoices, contracts, etc
DECLARATION: THE REQUISITIONER HEREBY DECLARES that the information given above is in every respect true and correct and that they have not withheld any information within their knowledge likely to affect the decision of the Manager Strategic Procurement/Tender Committee as to the grounds for exemption in obtaining quotes/tender
Signature of Requisitioner: / Print Name: / Date:
Endorsed Not Endorsed Senior Executive Leadership Group VC/PROVOST/DVC/PVC/CFO
Signature of Recommender: / Print Name: / Date:
Please forward the signed version of this form to the Office of Strategic Procurement Services via internal mail, or scan and email to
Certificates of Exemption under $100,000 are able to be approved by Manager Strategic Procurement and are not required to be submitted to the Tender Committee. However, at the discretion of the Manager Strategic Procurement, Exemptions under $100,000 may be referred to the Tender Committee on a case-by-case basis.
Approved Not Approved Manager Strategic Procurement
Signature: / Print Name: / Date:
Process to Tender committee YesNo / Signed: / Date:
Procurement Office Use Only:
Signature of Secretary: / Print Name: / Date:

Master Document located at: W:\fas\fas-Quality Management System\Quality Management System\01 Quality System\03 FORMS\4400-4499 Procurement\4434.2CertificateofExemption.docx

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