ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 N2102a

Date: 2011-05-16



Data Management and Interchange

Secretariat: United States of America (ANSI)

Administered by Farance Inc. on behalf of ANSI

DOCUMENT TYPE / Other Document (Open)
TITLE / SC32 Kona Meeting - List of Attendees – 2011-05-16 through 2011-05-20
SOURCE / SC 32 Secretariat
STATUS / list of delegates to the SC32 meeting in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2011, to be updated at opening plenary and closing plenary
Number of Pages / 8
SC Chair
WG Conveners and Secretaries

Dr. Timothy Schoechle, Secretary, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32

Farance Inc , 3066 Sixth Street, Boulder, CO, United States of America

Telephone: +1 303-443-5490; E-mail:

available from the JTC 1/SC 32 WebSite

Farance Inc. administers the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Secretariat on behalf of ANSI

JTC1 SC32 Kona, Hawaii, USA — Delegates and Attendees

AS OF 2011-05-16


National Body

/ Address/Phone/Fax/Email /


/ Capacity / Family Name
*† / Jake Knoppers / Canada / President
Canaglobe International Inc.
PO Box 2231, Station D
Ottawa ON K2P 1A4 Canada
Phone: +1 613-234-3244
Fax: +1 613-234-3935
E-mail: / SC 32
WG 1 / Delegate, HoD
Expert / Knoppers
*† / Ray Gates / Canada / John Hancock Retirement Plan Services
Information Systems Architecture
Phone: +1-416-928-7405
Alt phone: +1 416-926-3080
/ SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Gates
C. "Baba" Piprani / Canada / Metaglobal Systems
6335 Fortune Drive
Ottawa ON K1C 2A4 CANADA
Fax: +1 613-837-1794
Mobile: +1 613 799-3884
E-mail: / SC 32
WG 2
WG 3
WG 4 / Delegate
Expert / Piprani
* / Dr. Wei Chen / China / Director General
Department of Software and Information Service
Ministry of Industry and IT (MIIT)
27 Wanshou road, Beijing 100846 CHINA
Phone: +86 10-6820-8351
Fax: +86 10-6820-8288
/ SC 32 / Delegate, HoD / Chen
*† / Zaiwen Feng / China / State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering
Wuhan University
430072, Wuhan, Hubei, CHINA
PH: +86-27-6877-6057
FX: +86-27-6877-6057
E-mail: ; / WG 2 / Expert / Feng
* / Hongqiang Han / China / CESI
Email: / SC 32 / Han
*† / Fei He / China / Wuhan University

/ WG 2 / Expert / He
Bing Li / China / Wuhan Univeristy
/ WG 2 / Expert / Li
Peng Liang / China / State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering
Wuhan University
430072, Wuhan, Hubei, CHINA
PH: +86-27-8765-3491
FX: +86-27-8765-3491
E-mail: ; / WG 2 / Expert / Liang
Ms. Guangzhi Sun / China / China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)
No.4 Zhichun Road, Room 804,
Beijing 100088 China
Phone: +86-10-5881-1553
Fax: +86-10-58811456
E-mail: / SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Sun
*† / Wenfeng Sun / China / China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)
No.4 Zhichun Road, Room 804,
Beijing 100088 China
Phone: +86-10-5881-1607
Fax: +86-10-5881-1456
Mobile: +86-138-1109-0796
E-mail: / SC 32
WG 1 / Delegate
Expert, Convener / Sun
*† / Dr. Jian Wang / China / State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering
Wuhan University
430072, Wuhan, Hubei, CHINA
PH: +86-27-6877-6057
FX: +86-27-6877-6057
E-mail: ; / SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Wang
*† / Dr. Ms. Chong Wang / China / State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering
Wuhan University
430072, Wuhan, Hubei, CHINA
PH: +86-27-6877-6057
FX: +86-27-6877 4590
/ SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Wang
*† / Ms. Jing Wang / China / China Electronics Standardization Institute (CESI)
No.1 Andingmen East Street, Beijing China 100007
Phone: +86-10-8402-9159
E-mail: / SC 32
WG 1
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Wang
*† / Dr Ms Dongya Wu / China / China Electronics Standardization Institute (CESI)
No.1 Andingmen East Street, Beijing China 100007
Phone: +86 (0) 10-8402-9172
Mobile: +86-135-2297-2481
E-mail: / SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Wu
* / Liqiang Xing / China / Deputy Director General
China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)
No.4 Zhichun Road,Haidian District
Beijing, China 100088
Phone: +86-10-5881-1627
Fax: +86-10-5881-1616
E-mail: / SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Xing
Hongtu Zhang / China / Deputy Director General
CESI / SC 32 / Delegate / Zhang
Ms. Yanqi Zhang / China / / WG 2 / Expert / Zhang
*† / Joern Bartels / Germany / Oracle
Riesstrasse 25
80992 München
Phone: +49 89 1430 1120
Fax: +49 81 4159 502
Mobile: +49 172-957-1607
Email: / SC 32
WG 3
WG 4 / Delegate, HoD
Expert / Bartels
Tatsumi Adachi / Japan / NEC Corporation
14-22, Shibaura 4-chome, Minato-Ku
Tokyo, 108-8558, JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-3456-7425
Email: / SC32
WG2 / Delegate
Expert / Adachi
*† / Hidekazu Enjo / Japan / NTT Data Corporation
3-3-3 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
Phone: +81-50-5546-9741
Fax: +81-3-3532-0488
Email: / SC 32
WG 1 / Delegate
Expert / Enjo
*† / Hajime Horiuchi / Japan / Professor
Tokyo International University
1-13-1 Matobakita, Kawagoe
Saitama, JAPAN 350-1197
Fax: +813-3700-2589
/ SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Horiuchi
*† / Takashi Kotera / Japan / Hitachi, Ltd.
Software Division
503, Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku,
Yokohama, 244-8555 Japan
Phone: +81-45-866-8123
Fax: +81-45-865-9045
/ SC 32
WG 3
WG 4 / Delegate
Expert / Kotera
*† / Kohji Shibano / Japan / Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1, Asahi-chou, Fuchuu
Tokyo 183-8534, Japan
Phone; +81 42 330 5648
Fax: +81 42 330 5648
Home Phone & Fax: +81-44-954-7337
/ SC 32
WG 4 / Delegate
Expert, Convener / Shibano
*† / Toshihiro Suzuki / Japan / Oracle Corporation Japan
Oracle Aoyama Center, 2-5-8, Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061
Phone: +81-45-591-4098
Fax: +81-45-591-4098
/ SC 32
WG 3 / Delegate
Expert / Suzuki
*† / Masashi Tsuchida / Japan / Hitachi, Ltd
890, Kashimada, Saiwai-ku
Kawasaki Japan 212-8567
Phone: +81-44-549-1708
Fax: +81-44-549-1718
/ SC 32
WG 3 / Delegate, HoD
Expert / Tsuchida
*† / Doo-Kwon Baik / Korea / Professor
Korea University
1, 5-Ga Anam-Dong Sungbuk-ku
Seoul, Korea 136-701
Phone: +82 2 925 3706
Fax: +82 2 921 9137
<> / SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate, HoD
Expert / Baik
Jae-jin Choi / Korea / KSA / SC 32
WG 2
WG 4 / Delegate
Expert / Choi
Sung-Kook Han / Korea / Wonkwang Univ / SC 32
WG 1 / Delegate
Expert / Han
*† / Dr Dongwon Jeong / Korea / Dept. of Informatics & Statistics,
Kunsan National University
San 68, Miryong-dong, Gunsan, Jeollabuk-do, 573-701
Phone: +82-63-469-4617
Fax: +82-63-469-4611
Mobile: +82-16-411-9677
/ SC 32
WG 2
WG 4 / Delegate
Expert / Jeong
* / Dr Hanmin Jung / Korea / Korea Institute of S & T Information (KISTI)
246 Daehangro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOREA
Phone: +82-42-869-1772
/ SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Jung
*† / Jangwon Kim / Korea / Department of Computer Sci & Radio Comm Eng
Korea University
1,5-Ga, Anam-Dong; Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul 136-713 KOREA
Phone: +82 2-925-3706
Fax: +82 2-921-9137
Mobile: +82 10-9532-5322
/ SC32
WG 4 / Delegate
Expert / Kim
*† / Sukhoon Lee / Korea / PhD Student
Department of Computer Sci & Radio Comm Eng
Korea University
1,5-Ga, Anam-Dong; Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul 136-713 KOREA
Phone: +82 2-925-3706
Fax: +82 2-921-9137
Mobile: +82 10-7488-4517
/ SC32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Lee
*† / Sung-joon Lim / Korea / Department of Quality & Standardization
Korea Database Agency (KDB)
10, De-dong, Jung-Gu, Seoul 100-180 KOREA
Phone: +82 2-3708-5413
Fax: +82 2-318-5040
Mobile: +82 10-3319-7267
/ SC32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Lim
* / Taesul Seo / Korea / Korea Institute of S & T Information (KISTI)
66 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun-gu
Seoul, KOREA
Phone: +82-2-3299-6290
/ SC32
WG 2 / Delegate / Seo
*† / Ewelina Szczekocka / Poland / Telekomunikacja Polska SA
Ul. Obrzezna 7, 02-691 Warszawa, POLAND
Phone: +48 22 699 53 43
Fax: +48 22 857 99 86
/ SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate, HoD,
Expert / Szczekocka
*† / Philip Brown / United Kingdom / Independent Consultant
71 Dairyground Road
Stockport SK7 2QW England
Phone: +44 1614-400-306
Email: / SC 32
WG 3 / Delegate, HoD
Expert / Brown
Ian Cornwell / United Kingdom / Mott MacDonald Limited
1 Atlantic Quay,
Broomielaw, Glasgow G2 8YD.
+44 (0)141 222 4576
/ WG 2 / Expert / Cornwell
*† / Keith Gordon / United Kingdom / 29 Adam Close
High Wycombe, UK
Phone: 44-1494-531570
Email: / SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Gordon
Dr Steve Harris / United Kingdom / Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Wolfson Building, Parks Road,
Oxford, OX1 3QD
+44 (0)1865 610711
/ WG 2 / Expert / Harris
Steve Mathews / United Kingdom / ArticSoft Ltd
25, Holmdale
Sidmouth, Devon, EX10 8DL
+44 01 395 576 889
/ WG 2 / Expert / Mathews
Mike Newton / United Kingdom / 86 Wolverton Road
Newport Pagnell, MK16 8JG
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1908-610598
Email: / SC 32
WG 4 / Delegate
Expert / Newton
Frank Farance / United States / Farance Inc.
555 Main Street
New York, NY 10044
Phone: +1 212 486 4700
Fax: +1 212 759 1605
Email: / SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Farance
Dan Gillman / United States / Bureau of Labor Statistics
Office of Survey Methods Research, Room 1950 2
Massachusetts Avenue NE
Washington, DC 20212
Phone: 202-691-7523
/ SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Gillman
*† / Keith Hare / United States / JCC Consulting, Inc.
600 Newark Road, P.O. Box 381
Granville, OH 43023 USA
Phone: +1 740.587.0157
Fax: +1 740.587.0163
Mobile: +1 740-405-5623
/ SC 32
WG 3
WG 4 / Delegate
Expert, Convener
Expert / Hare
Kevin Keck / United States / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
University of California, Berkeley
1 Cyclotron Road, MS 50B3238
Berkeley, CA 94720-8147
Phone: 510-499-5563
/ SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Keck
*† / Krishna Kulkarni / United States / IBM Corporation
555 Bailey Avenue
San Jose, CA 95141 USA
Phone: +1 408 463 3970
Fax: +1 408 463 3834
<> / SC 32
WG 3
WG 4 / Delegate, HoD
Expert / Kulkarni
*† / Jim Melton / United States / Oracle Corporation
1930 Viscounti Drive
Sandy, UT 84093 USA
Phone: +1 801 942 0144
Fax: +1 801 942 3345
/ SC 32
WG 3
WG 4 / Acting Chairman
Expert / Melton
* / Jan-Eike Michels / United States / IBM Corporation
555 Bailey Avenue
San Jose, CA 95141
Phone: 408-463-2608
Fax: 408-463-2608
/ SC 32
WG 3
WG 4 / Delegate
Expert / Michels
*† / Judith Newton / United States / Ashton Computing and Management Services, LLC
P. O. Box 53
Ashton, MD 20861
Phone: +1-301-774-0929
Fax: +1-240-218-0069
/ SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Newton
*† / Barry L. D. Newton / United States / Ashton Computing and Management Services, LLC
P. O. Box 53
Ashton, MD 20861
Phone: +1-301-774-0929
Fax: +1-240-218-0069
Email: / SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert / Newton
*† / Laura Reece, PhD / United States / ASTX / Enterprise Engineering
15036 Conference Center Drive
Chantilly, VA 20151
Fax: 1-866-383-2112
Mobile: +1-703-655-7783
/ SC 32
WG 2
WG 4 / Delegate
Expert / Reece
Paul Scarponcini / United States / Bentley Systems, Inc.
66 Willowleaf Drive
Littleton, CO 80127
Phone: 303-948-2657
Fax: 303-948-2657
/ WG 4 / Expert / Scarponcini
*† / Dr Timothy Schoechle / United States / Farance Inc.
3066 Sixth Street
Boulder, CO 80304
Phone: +1 303-443-5490
Fax: +1 303-442-8186
Mobile: +1 303-818-8760 / SC 32 / Secretary / Schoechle
*† / Denise Warzel / United States / NIH/NCI, Center for Bioinformatics
6116 Executive Blvd. Suite 403
Bethesda, MD 20852
Phone: 303-722-9446
Fax: 303-777-1419
Mobile: +1-204-205-5775
/ SC 32
WG 2 / Delegate
Expert, Convener / Warzel
Fred Zemke / United States / Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
Phone: 650-506-2051
Fax: 650-506-2051
/ WG 3 / Expert / Zemke

* attended opening plenary

† attended closing plenary

32N2102 ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 Delegates List—Kona 2011 Page 3 of 8