Chapter 3

Unabomber Trial

…They have also asked that I convey to the court my opinion on the nature, presence and severity of the mental disorder suffered by Mr. Kaczynski as it explains the reason he has refused the government's mental examination while allowing himself to be evaluated by defense mental health experts…

Diagnosis and assessment of depression and suicidality using the NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children

The diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC-2.3) was studied in a sample of 265 adolescent inpatients to determine type and concurrent validity of depressive symptoms and depressive disorder diagnoses for different DISC-2.3 informants (parent, adolescent, both).

Scottish Society for Autism - National Diagnosis & Assessment Service

The Society is fully committed to the view that specialist, multi-disciplinary diagnostic and assessment services for ASD should be available in the local area, together with the widest possible range of provisions for meeting educational, health and other needs.

5th Congress Autism-Europe Articulos / Proceeding

The Unit for Diagnosis and Assessment of Developmental Disorders: a new Concept for a personalized approach


The primary clinical role of neuropsychology within CNS is to provide detailed psychometric assessment of cognitive, emotional, and personality factors that impact upon behaviour. Through the use of standardized, reliable, and valid testing instruments, along with careful qualitative analysis, neuropsychology can provide useful and accurate assessment of cognitive functioning.

Diagnostic Assessment of Children

What constitutes an effective child diagnostic assessment? And, considering the pressures of impatient parents and cost-conscious case managers, can such an assessment reasonably be completed in one 50-minute session?, Autism Diagnosis

One area of particular concern is the need for early diagnosis. In a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence concerning autism in young children, the Committee on Educational Interventions for Children with Autism of the National Research Council (2001) recommended a focus on early intervention and screening and multidisciplinary evaluations, as well as follow-up diagnostic and educational assessment 1-2 years after the initial evaluation.

The Diagnosis and Assessment of Dissociative Identity Disorder

This paper will describe the methods and criteria used for diagnosing and assessing Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The symptoms and etiology of DID will be discussed. The use of client histories, different psychological tests and the test results of different test items will be discussed in terms of their applicability to a diagnosis, as well as their validity and reliability.