After Action Report for Hospitality Chair- updated for 2015 convention

Okay just finished 2015 fall convention.

Location: We did the best we could do. We were located on the bottom floor away from meal area, book store and even one floor below education rooms. We had a great space, okay a good space, however we were off the beaten path. So here is the good news.

Three bins were given to the next convention chair, JoAnn. They include the Bin 1) coffee pot, 2 carafes, some un opened coffee, filters, random sugar ect. Bin 2) That is the food bin with Famous Amos cookies, 2 containers of Twizzlers and sugar candy (I would only buy a small bag of mints to supplement), a gallon bag of chocolate some chips and pretzels. If the chips survived I would only buy one flat of chips. Might only buy 1 box of mixed cookies- let them eat Famous Amos. Now for sodas, they didn’t have cases of 12 so I got cases of 15 and 18. Bottom line there are 3 boxes of 36 mainly tea, Pepsi and Diet Pepsi. I would only buy 3 12 or 15 packs of your favorites. We didn’t buy water because the hotel provided.

Hot beverages: One mixed box of teas and hot chocolate is great. Go ahead raid your stash and share. The carafes keep your hot water and coffee hot and allow you to really double your supply of hot beverages. We do need some creamers.

Overall, your budget could decrease by at least $50 mostly likely $75. I spent $220.

Decorations: Please do something. I keep old decorations and reuse. I added cheap ribbon which I pinned to the table in an X. Then I added fall leaves and cute gourds and pumpkins.

Serving Units: Baskets, baskets, baskets and maybe those boxes that you see that sit in each other. Great for displaying all the snacks. Using paper plates scream “I have no creativity”. You will need 2 LARGE coolers. One for sodas and one for fruits and vegetables.

If I have forgotten anything please call or email. 618 6223025

Below are my notes from the first year combined the two should set you up marvelously.

Before I answer the questions that I had before the conference I need to answer the concerns given on the feedback forms. People who filled out the form marked the hospitality room down because it was not open when they expected. My concern was that with alcohol in the room someone needed to be in there. That may have been a too cautious approach. I also wanted there to be someone who could keep the tables and coolers stocked and the room clean. In addition, although there were people who jumped in to help me set up and man the area when it was open, I had only one person sign up for a time slot. Therefore, if having an unattended room with alcohol is no problem or if people will volunteer more of their time to host and clean, then keep it open. I still think even with all that said, as a minimum the room should be closed during the business meeting, classes and meals.

Bottom line: Is the hospitality room is convenient then people will want it open longer hours.


I sent out request for volunteers as soon as the general call went out. I learned that I can shop on line at SAMS and they will have the food ready for pick up (must call before 5 pm) the next day.

Hotel Dream list: sink, frig, microwave, coffee pot, ice supply, table for food display, extra chairs, garbage can to recycle cans and bottles.

My budget was $250-$300, and I spent around $225.

Here were some questions that I had before I started and the answers I discovered.

- What is the mix between diet or regular sodas? Most people drink regular. I got one type of diet soda. In fact I got 36 Diet Pepsi, 36 Pepsi, 32 Sprite, 12 Orange, 12 Root beer and 24 Ice Tea. I also bought 2 cases of water (64 total). There were 2 cases left over from a previous function and 2 cases of beer were donated by Kevin. At the end of the event, we had approximately 2 cases of water left over, no beer, and 1.5 flat of soda (appx 40). I think that 2 drinks per person is enough for planning purposes.

- Do people drink hot beverages? – Yes, they do. They drunk around a pot of coffee a night and they drank decaffeinated tea. One mixed box of tea was sufficient. The District has a coffee pot and filters. It also has sugars and creams. I used the hotel pot and filters. The District also has some hot chocolate packages. I brought a Pyrex measuring cup to heat water up in the microwave. But a little hot pot to heat water would work.

- Has anyone ever had fresh fruit? I don’t know if they did, but I tried it and it was a success. I bought a large container of grapes and strawberries and two pineapples. I washed and prepared the fruit on site. I used 2 tri –trays to hold the fruit. I put most out on the first day. I also bought one 4lb vegetable tray. That lasted pretty well. You will need a frig to keep the fruit and vegetables chilled, especially any dips.

- Is anyone allergic to peanuts that you know? No one said no, so I bought peanuts in shells and pistachios shelled (3lbs). The pistachios went and the peanuts were half gone. Both were a hit, but I wouldn’t buy the biggest bag of peanuts again.

- What about cookies? I bought 2 boxes of mixed Nabisco cookies, 24 packages in each. I had one single leftover.

- What about chocolate? Minis were a success. I bought one mix of Hershey (56 oz) and one of Mars (105 count). The only complaint was there was no dark chocolate. I had some leftover, enough for a half gallon bag.

- Some crackers- with cheese? I didn’t buy any. I did provide individual bags of Sun Chips, Frito brand chips and pretzels. The group didn’t eat a lot of pretzels, so a case was too much. Cheese will require a frig.

- For sugar I provided chewing candy mix (that included tootsie rolls- 5lb bag), individual wrapped red licorice and mints.

- The room was scheduled open in the evening and during briefing times. I also opened it up during check in and before the dinner on the second night. I didn’t leave it open all day due to the alcohol in the room. But I was flexible if anyone wanted a snack or quiet space to go in.

- Coolers can be requested from members. I put out a request and got a few. You will need one for beer, two for sodas and one for water. The hotel provided the mega ice. Shower Zhang and Debra Morrissey offered up their coolers. I had two smaller ones.

- I put out around 60% of the food the first night because some people will not stay after the Saturday evening events. In addition to the trays for the fruits and vegetables, I brought a collection of baskets, and hard cardboard gift boxes and a few napkins to line the baskets to put out the food.

- I did find out that I could have gone on line and had SAMS club pull everything for me and then simply gone to pick up. That required telling them by 5pm the previous day.

Yolandea Wood