Free Route Airspace Albania


Within the scope of the pan-European network FRA initiatives, Albcontrol has committed to make available permanent free route operations. The Free Rotue Airspace Albania is named FRALB .

Implementation will be in two phases

First Phase :25 May 2017 till December 2017 Night Free Route Airspace

Second Phase : 7 December 2017 H24 Free Route Airspace

Airspace : Lateral Limits, AoR Tirana ACC

Vertical Limits : FL195 – FL660

Time Availability : 20:00 – 04:00Zsummer time (plus a buffer of 20 minutes flexibility on both ends)

21:00 – 05:00Zwinter time (plus a buffer of 20 minutes flexibility on both ends)


  • The same safety level is maintained;
  • Sector capacities shall not be effected
  • FRALB operations be compatible with existing operations;
  • FRALB be capable for further development;
  • FRALB be capable of expansion with adjacent airspace;
  • Cancellation of ATS routes in FRALB airspace during FRA activation
  • No change to SIDs/STARs
  • Due to safety and capacity reasons some DCT might be prohibited, such DCTs will be published in RAD.
  • Use of intermediate waypoints allowed
  • Usage of LAT/LONG allowed only for speed/level changes
  • No change to COPs/FL orientation scheme with adjacent ANSPs
  • Sectorisation remains unchanged
  • TSAs will be activated via NOTAM


FRALB night operation will be published via AIC with a double AIRAC procedure.

Entry/Exit/Intermediate points will be published via AIC.

Entry/Exit points are required for flight planning to enter and / or to exit the FRALB area for overflights, international arrivals and departures.

Flight Planning

Overlying traffic: An overflight entering FRALB airspace above FL195shall file, FRALB Entry Point (E), than the acronym DCT and the FRALBeXit Point.

Traffic with destination Tirana airport: An arriving flight to Tirana Airport shall file FRALB Entry point (E) in FRALB airspace thenacronym DCT and then TMA entry point defined as FRALB Arrival point (A). In case of FL change use Intermediate point (I)

Traffic with destination Tirana airport with RFL below FL195 shall use airways in their FPL : FPL shall contail FIR entry point followed by AWY followed by TMA entry point.

Departing traffic from Tirana airportand leavig via FRALB (above FL195) shall file: TMA exit point (last SID point) defined as FRALB Departure point (D) then acronym DCT then the FRALB eXit point (X)

LAT/LONG may be used to indicate level change and speed

The intermediate points (published in AIC) shall be used to connect the ATS network with the Free Route Area. They are also used in the FRA area to indicate a change of level, a change of direction.

Overflying traffic with destination or departure aerodromes close to FIR:

Overflights with Destination : LGKR, LGPZ, LGIO, LWOH, LYPG and LYTVshall file FRALB Entry point (E) DCT eXit pointeven if some portion of flight is below FRALB

Overflights departing from : LGKR, LGPZ, LGIO, LWOH, LYPG and LYTV shall file FRALB Entry point (E) DCT eXit point even if some portion of flight is below FRALB

Overflights from LGKR/PZ shall file : Entry point NIRKO DCT OVEER DCT eXit point

FRALB Airspace and FRA related points

Figure 1 shows FRALB airspace along with FRA related points (E,X,A,D,I)

Fig: 1

Military areas

Figure 7 shows Temporary Reserved and Danger Areas depicted in red lines

LATSA1 - FL110 – FL285

LAD1 - GND – FL330

In case of activation of the above areas a NOTAM will be issued 7 days in advance. To avoid those areas published Intermediate points shall be used


ATC system improvements

In order to cope with FRA requirements and prepare for cross border DCTs or even cross border FRA system improvements are tested and ready to implement.

Following are some of the system improvements for FRALB implementation

  • Stripless environment in order to reduce ATCO head down time
  • Trajectory improvements in order to reduce falce MTCD alerts
  • MTCD improvement in order to alert flight trajectory entering military active areas
  • Procesing of DCT segments in order to aslo prepare for Cross Border DCTs or even Cross Border FRA
  • No limits in the DCT segments’ length
  • Procesing of LAT/LONG in the field 15 of the FPL
  • Ability to send/process OLDI messages with LAT/LONG or Fixed Radial and Distance to support Cross Border DCTs or Cross Border FRA intercenter coordination

(A) Aeroporti "Nënë Tereza" P.O.Box 8172, Rinas Albania