Patterns of Inheritance

Heredity is the transmission of traits from one generation to the next

Genetics is the scientific study of heredity

•Gregor Mendel

Born in 1822

Was a priest at St. Thomas Augustinian Monastery in the Czech republic

Studied mathematics and plant breeding

Before Mendel’s work, people had only vague ideas about heredity, many of which were wrong

Essentially, the underlying genetic basis for what they observed was a mysterious black box

•A character is a heritable feature that varies among individuals

•A trait is a variant of a character

  • Each of the characters Mendel studied occurred in two distinct traits

–Worked with the garden pea, Pisum sativum

He understood the basics of plant anatomy

•Pea plants are normally self-fertilizing

•Mendel figured out how to force cross-fertilization

•He used varieties that were true-breeding for certain traits

He carried on crosses between true-breeding individuals displaying distinct traits of the same character

Genetic terminology

•Parental plants are the P(Parental) generation

•Their offspring are the F1(Filial) generation

•The offspring of two F1 parents are the F2 generation

•The distinctive traits make up an organisms’ phenotype

•The underlying genetics make up its genotype

•Mendel analyzed seven characters

•He determined which form of each character was dominant and which was recessive

•When F1 plants either self-fertilize or fertilize each other, their offspring are the F2 generation

•If the F1 plants were hybrids, this would be a monohybrid cross

Monohybrid crosses

•The F1 plants of any particular cross all looked the same but the subsequent F2 plants showed a mixture of phenotypes

•Mendel concluded that:

–1. the heritable factor (gene) for white flowers did not disappear in the F1 plants

–2. only the purple flower factor was affecting the F1 plants

–3. the F1 plants must have carried two factors for the flower color character, one for purple and one for white

•Mendel developed the following hypotheses:

1. There are alternative forms of genes (alleles).

2. There are two genes for each inherited characteristic, one coming from each parent.

3. A sperm or egg (haploid) only carries one allele for each inherited characteristic because the allele pairs present in the parent segregate (separate) during the production of gametes. Fertilization restores the paired condition (diploid).

4. When two different alleles are present, one can be fully expressed (dominant) while the other has no noticeable effect (recessive).

•A Punnett square is used to predict or explain the results of a genetic cross

Mendel’s principle of segregation

•Pairs of alleles segregate (separate) during gamete formation; the fusion of gametes at fertilization restores pairs of alleles again.

What about when there are two traits?

•Mendel also crossed true-breeding plants having round yellow seeds (RRYY) with plants having wrinkled green seeds (rryy)

•Were the two characteristics transmitted as a package deal or were they inherited independently?

•What did Mendel find?

•A mixture of phenotypes including combinations not seen in the parents

•A phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1

•The traits were inherited independently!

•With all the dihybrid crosses that Mendel conducted, he always found the same 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation

Mendel’s principle of independent assortment

•Each pair of alleles segregates independently of the other pairs during gamete formation.

•Mendel published his work but it wasn’t until 16 years after his death that the significance of his findings were recognized

A useful tool - the testcross

•A testcross is a mating between an individual showing the dominant phenotype (but with an unknown genotype) and a homozygous recessive individual

•Inheritance is based on probabilities

•Mendel’s principles apply to the inheritance of many human characters


•To determine how particular traits are inherited, we need to track these traits

•Geneticists can develop a family pedigree

•It’s like a “genetic family tree”

•Particular pedigree patterns give us an idea of the type of inheritance involved

•The idea of dominance and recessiveness only comes into play in heterozygous individuals

•It does not extend to populations

–Dominance ≠ more common

–Recessive ≠ less common

Human disorders controlled by a single gene

•Our ~21,000 genes are distributed among the 24 different types of chromosomes (22 autosomes and 2 different sex chromosomes)

•Inheritance is pretty straight-forward for the autosomal gene disorders

Recessive disorders

•Most humans genetic disorders are recessive

Recessive disorders

•Cystic fibrosis

–Affects one in:

•17,000 African Americans

•90,000 Asian Americans

•1800 Caucasian (European ancestry) births

–Allele is carried by 1 in every 29 Caucasians

Dominant disorders


–Affects about 1 in 25,000 people

–Head and torso develop normally but arms and legs are short

Genetic testing

•Today many tests can detect the presence of disease-causing alleles

•Most genetic tests are performed during pregnancy if the prospective parents are aware that they have an increased risk of having a baby with a genetic disease

•In amniocentesis, a physician uses a needle to extract about 2 teaspoons of the fluid that bathes the developing fetus

•In chorionic villus sampling (CVS), a physician inserts a narrow, flexible tube through the woman’s vagina and into her uterus, removing some placental tissue

•Newer genetic screening procedures involve isolating tiny amounts of fetal cells or DNA released into the mother’s bloodstream

•These newer technologies are less invasive, more accurate, and can be performed earlier

Variations on Mendel’s laws

Incomplete dominance

•The hybrids display an intermediate phenotype

•The genotypic and phenotypic ratios are the same

Incomplete dominance in humans

•Hypercholesterolemia is characterized by dangerously high levels of cholesterol in the blood

•In hypercholesterolemia,

•heterozygotes have blood cholesterol levels about twice normal, while

•homozygotes have about five times the normal amount of blood cholesterol and may have heart attacks as early as age 2


•Occurs when different alleles each have an independent effect on the phenotype

•Both alleles are clearly seen in the phenotype

Multiple alleles

•ABO blood types

•Governed by three alleles IA, IB, i

•This is also a case of codominance


•Pleiotropy is when one gene influences several characters

•Sickle-cell disease results in abnormal hemoglobin proteins, and causes disk-shaped red blood cells to deform into a sickle shape with jagged edges

•In most cases, only people who are homozygous for the sickle-cell allele have sickle-cell disease

Polygenic inheritance

•Many characters are governed by more than one gene

•Often, each gene has several alleles as well

•Usually in polygenic inheritance, the phenotype is determined by the interaction of multiple genes, each having an additive effect on the characteristic

•Polygenic traits frequently exhibit continuous phenotypic variation, rather than discontinuous (incremental) variation

•There are no discrete phenotypic classes

•Thus, these display a bell-shaped distribution curve

Epigenetics and environmental effects

•Often, the environment can affect the phenotype displayed

–Temperature, exposure to chemicals, nutrition, acidity of soil, etc.

•Sometimes the role of the environment is pretty simple

•This is also seen in Himalayan rabbits

–Rabbits raised at 20°C or less show black at the extremities

–Those raised at 30°C or more show none

•In general, only genetic influences are inherited and the effects of the environment are not passed to the next generation

•In recent years, however, biologists have begun to recognize the importance of epigenetic inheritance, the transmission of traits by mechanisms not directly involving DNA sequence

Linked genes

•Linked genes

are located near each other on the same chromosome and

tend to travel together during meiosis and fertilization

•Such genes are often inherited as a set and therefore often do not follow Mendel’s law of independent assortment

Sex determination in humans

•Many animals, including all mammals, have a pair of sex chromosomes (X and Y), that determine an individual’s sex

Sex chromosomes

•Autosomal inheritance is pretty straightforward; the sex chromosomes are a whole other story

Sex-linked genes

•Any gene located on a sex chromosome is a sex-linked gene

There are many more X-linked genes

•Because of this, inheritance patterns do not follow Mendel’s laws

•The sex chromosomes contain genes for other traits besides sex determination

These are called sex-linked genes

•Most of the genes on the X chromosome do not have a corresponding copy on the Y

•Therefore, females have two copies of all the genes located on the X chromosome; males have only one copy

•What happens if that one copy is defective?

•Sex-linked disorders are much more likely to affect males than females

•Red-green color blindness is a sex-linked recessive disorder