AP Statistics

Primary Textbook

Peck, Roxy, Chris Olsen and Jay Devore. Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, first edition. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 2001.


All students have a graphing calculator for use in class, and on the AP exam. Students will use their graphing calculator extensively throughout the course. Methods of using the calculator for all statistical analyses are demonstrated to the students and are tested on each test.

Students are required to use and analyze computer-generated graphs in all projects throughout the course.

The majority of tests and assessments include the interpretation and analysis of computer generated graphs and statistical printouts (ex. Minitab).


Projects are a major part of the course. Students complete three to five projects each semester. Some of these are completed during class time, while others are completed outside of class. All projects require written papers to support the concept covered.

The first project involves designing a well-controlled experiment, carrying out that experiment, calculating the summary statistics on the data, and writing a report connecting the design with the summary statistics. This report must include computer-generated graphs of the data.

All other projects (included in the curriculum each six weeks) require students to gather data or use published data. They are required to analyze these data using descriptive and inferential statistics. All reports must include computer-generated graphs of the data.

Other Resources

Annenberg/CPB. Against All Odds: Inside Statistics. 26–30 min.Washington, D.C.: The Annenberg/CPB Collection, 1989. Videocassettes

Bock, David E., Paul Velleman, Richard DeVeaux. Stats Modeling the World. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007

Moore, David S., and George P McCabe. Introduction to the Practice of Statistics. 4th ed. New York: W.H. Freeman, 2002

Rossman, Allan J., and J Barr Von Oehsen. Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data and the Graphing Calculator. first edition.New York: Springer-Verlag,1997

Scheaffer, Richard L., Mrudulla Gnanadesikan, Ann Watkins, Jeffrey A. Witmer. Activity-Based Statistics. first edition. New York: Springer-Verlag,1996

Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator

Other resource materials used in the classroom come from articles in newspapers, journals, and the Internet (currently including Agile Mind).

Worksheets for reinforcement, introduction of concepts, or review.

Unit /


/ Topics and Activities
Exploring Data / 2 weeks / Reasons to Study Statistics
Project: Random Rectangles / Statistics and Data Analysis
Students are guided through the / Nature and Role of Variability
activity to discover various methods / Types of Data
of sampling. A brief written synopsis / Data Analysis Process
is required explaining the importance / Collecting Data
of randomization.
Adapted from Activity Based Statistics / Sampling
Experimental Design / 2 weeks / Overview of Methods of Data Collection
Project : 5-4-3-2-1 Blast Off / sample surveys
Students design and complete / experiment
an experiment involving / observational study
paper rockets. They are / Planning and Conducting Surveys
responsible for gathering / characteristics of good design
their data, utilizing technology / populations, samples, randomization
and writing a full report of / sources of bias
their results including all / sampling methods (SRS, stratified,cluster)
aspects of experimental / Planning and Conducting Experiments
design. / characteristics of good design
treatments, control, units, replication
sources of bias and confounding
completely randomized design
randomized block and matched pairs
Generalizing and Concluding
Displaying Data / 1.5 weeks / Displaying Categorical Data
frequency tables, bar charts, pie graphs
Displaying Numerical Data
dot plots, stem and leaf plots
Displaying Numerical Data
Describing Data / 4 weeks / Univariate Data - Constructing and Interpreting
center and spread
Project: Descriptive Statistics / clusters and gaps
Students are required to gather / outliers and unusual features
data that can be compared. They / shape
are required to analyze the data / Summarizing Distributions
they have found and complete / center - median and mean
all necessary calculations. All / spread - range, IQR, standard deviation
formulas are required with / positions - quartiles, percentiles, z scores
substitutions and interpretations. / boxplots
They must document the use of / Comparing Distributions
the TI 84 calculator. They are / center and spread
required to turn in a written / clusters and gaps
report that includes all calculations / outliers and unusual features
as well as a comparative stem and / shapes
leaf plot and box plot. Comparisons / Categorical Data
of the plots must be included. / frequency tables and bar charts
marginal and joint frequencies
relative frequencies
comparing distributions using bar charts
Bivariate Data / 3 weeks / Bivariate Data - exploring
Project: Least Squares Regression / scatterplots
Students are to gather data and / correlation and linearity
complete a full least squares / Least Squares Regression Line
regression analysis. This includes / residual plots, outliers, influential points
calculator use and a formal paper. / transformations - log and power
Probability and Simulation / 4 weeks / Chance Experiments

Project: Simulation

/ Basic Probability
Students are to create a situation / Properties of Probability
and write three corresponding / Conditional Probability
probability questions. They must / Independence
answer their questions using / Probability Rules
simulation. They must include / addition
three different methods of creating / multiplication
random values (calculator, RNT, / conditional
dice, coins, etc.). A written paper / independence
of the project is required. / Interpreting Probability
Law of Large Numbers
Simulation of Sampling Distributions
Probability Distributions / 3 weeks / Random Variables
independence vs dependence
mean and standard deviation for sums and differences
Probability Distributions - Discrete
Probability Distributions - Continuous
Mean and Standard Deviation of Random Variables
Binomial and Geometric Distributions
Normal Distributions
models for measurement
Normality and Transforming
Simulation of Random Behavior
Sampling Distributions / 1.5 weeks / Sampling Variability

Project: Cents and Central Limit

/ Sampling Distribution of a Sample Mean


/ Sampling Distribution of a Sample Proportion
Students complete the penny activity / Central Limit Theorem
in class and write a paper explaining / Sampling Distribution of Difference between 2 Proportions
their discovery of the CLT. / Sampling Dist of Difference between 2 Sample Means
Adapted from Activity Based Statistics / t distribution
Estimation / 1.5 weeks / Point Estimation
Confidence Intervals
Large Sample Confidence Interval for Proportions
Confidence Interval for Means
Tests of Significance / 4 weeks / Hypothesis and Test Procedures

Power Applet Activity

/ logic
Students will investigate the effects of / null and alternative hypotheses
sample size, alpha, and difference / p-values
between null and alternative means on / one and two sided tests
power. / Errors in Hypothesis Testing
http;//wise.cgu.edu/power/powerapplet / Large Sample Hypothesis Testing for Proportions
1.html / Hypothesis Tests for Population Means
Type I and Type II Errors
Inferences - Difference Between 2 Means - Independent Samples
Inferences - Difference Between 2 Means - Paired Samples
Large Sample Inferencing for Difference Between Proportions
Tests of Significance / 1 week / Chi Squared Tests for Univariate Categorical Data
Test for Goodness of Fit
Test for Homogeneity
Test for Independence
one and two way tables
Inferential Methods/ / 1 week / Simple Linear Regression Model
Linear Regression / Test for the Slope of Least Squares Regression Line
Inferences of Slope of Population Regression Line
Model Adequacy