2014-2015 Tryout Form Checklists

Forms Included in this packet:

___ Release to Participate*

___ Cheer Skill Checklist*

___ Athlete Contract*

___ Cheerleading Application

___ Teacher Recommendations (2 letters in back of packet)

___ SHS Athletic Packet (with all signatures)*

*Forms to be filled out and turned in at registration of the first day of Tryouts

Other items to include that are not in this packet:

____ Most recent Power School printout/Official Report Card ( see your consoler or the athletic office for help)

Please put all items in a large envelope and label it “SHS Cheer” along

with your first and last name. Forms must be dropped off at the SHS

athletic office by 3pm on Tuesday, April 8th or at registration the first day of clinics to be able to participatein tryouts. No exceptions!

If you have any questions or want to verify that we have received your

packet, please email Coach Suzie/Coach Andrea at .

Release to Participate:

Even though a proper progression of training will be utilized and the safety of allparticipants is the highest priority, there still exists a potential for injury. Students with ahistory of health related concerns must supply pertinent information to coaching staffprior to participation and should not engage in any activity that is contraindicated fortheir condition.

By signing this document:

1.You acknowledge the potential for injury inherent in engaging in strenuousactivities.

2.You attest that your child is in good physical condition and can safely participatein all activities associated with team tryouts, and I agree to disclose any existing health related concerns to the coaching staff.

3.You assume all responsibility and/or liability during the tryout clinic.

The undersigned will be contacted in case of emergency. In the event of a medicalemergency, the undersigned hereby appoints Skyline High School and/or itsagents to act as guardian in my stead for purposes of authorizing medical treatment orattention without liability to Skyline High School and/or its agents, and releases Skyline High School from any and all liability, suits, courses of action, claims, orother responsibility for injuries or illness incurred while at or resulting from the program.Special instruction for medical situations, etc. should be included.

I have read and fully understand the above statement:

Parents Signature: ______Date:______

Print Name: ______

Please list all health related concerns or recent injuries here:


Cheer Skill Checklist

The coaching staff will put athletes into tryout groups based on their experience and skill level. Allcandidates need to circle all skills (tumbling and stunting) on this form that they can doconsistently, without a spot and no touch down. If you have no experience with stunting ortumbling, you can still make a cheer team. We simply want to know skill level before hand so wecan create tryout groups. Whatever you circle on this form are things we will expect to see youperform at tryouts.

Standing Tumbling

No Experience Cartwheel Back Handspring Multiple Back Handsprings

Back Handspring Back Tuck Back Tuck Cartwheel Tuck Standing Full

Other: ______

Running Tumbling

No Experience Round off Round off Back Handspring Round of back-handspring (Multiple)

Round Off Back Handspring Tuck Round Off Back Handspring Layout

Front Handspring Round Off Back Handspring Tuck Round Off Back-Handspring Full


Stunting- Circle all the skills you can consistently perform and circle which position(s) you can

demonstrate for each stunt. F= Flyer B= Base S= Back Spot

No experience

Elevator (retake) Elevator (cradle) Extension Single Base


Liberty (cradle) Lib, retake, Lib 360 Single Leg Stunt with Full down


Basket Toss Quarter Up Rewind Toss Hands (Boys/Flyers only)



2013-2014 Athlete Contract

*By placing my initials under each item, I understand/agree to the following:

I understand the skill requirements, and if I do not make a team I may not have not possessed the skills required

to make a team at Skyline . However, possessing the required skills does not guarantee you a spot onthe team.


I understand that teams are coach selected, and all decisions are final.


Cheerleading is a year round sport and I thoroughly understand the commitment asked of me.


I may have to sacrifice some of my personal ideas for the improvement of the squad.


I am expected to conduct myself in a manner that positively represents Skyline , our cheerleading

program and our community well at all times.


I will be expected to perform the skills that I tried out with when asked. Failure to do this can result in not being

placed on a competition team and/or removal from the team.


I have read and am fully aware of the expectations and discipline policies and I understand the consequences

should any disciplinary actions be necessary.


Gossip about any cheerleader, coach, or the program is not tolerated.


I will not loan my uniforms or practice wear to anyone who is not the SHS cheer program.


I will keep everything I post on any social media site (i.e. Facebook, , Twitter, etc.) appropriate (including

statuses, wall posts and pictures). This means that you would be okay with your parents, grandparents, coach

or our school principal viewing your page. All team members must also be “friends” and “followers” of the team

Facebook and Twitter page.


I understand that if I miss school or practice (even if it is excused) within 2 weeks of competition, I will be

removed from the routine.


I fully understand the attendance/academic and tardy policies and realize it could affect my ability to

participate in games/pep assemblies, competitions, etc…


If I choose to participate in an all-star program while I am a cheerleader at SHS, I understand that high school

cheer will come first and events for all star (competitions, practices, etc.) will not be excused absents.


It is not my place to ask why a certain expectation exists. Everything expected of both athletes and their

parents are outlined in this packet. If you are part of this program, you must abide by all expectations set forth.

If you cannot adhere to these policies, please do not tryout.


I can fully commit to the team


***I have read and completely understand the Athlete Agreement. If I am placed on a cheer team at SHS, I

am obligated to abide by the Athlete Agreement and program expectations outlined in this packet. Failure to

comply with this agreement and/or program expectations can result in your immediate dismissal from the

cheer program.


Athlete Name


Athlete Signature Date


Parent Name


Parent Signature Date

2014-2015Skyline Cheerleading Application

Name: ______DOB: ______2013-2014 Grade: 9 10 11 12

Parent Names: ______Home Phone: ______

Athlete Cell: ______Parent Cell: ______

Athlete Email: ______

Parent Email: ______

Address: ______

T-Shirt Size XS S M L XL

Please answer the following questions pertaining to Skyline cheerleading. Feel

free to use additional paper and attach. Put a lot of thought into these answers!

1. Which cheer team are you trying out for (circle one)

Varsity Coed Cheer and or Varsity Cheer

If you are not willing to try out for both teams, please explain why below:

2. Please rank the following stunt positions in the order you prefer to tryout for (1 being

the position you most want to do, 4 being the position you would least like to do).

Flyer Back Spot Main Base Secondary Base


3. Cheerleading is a very high contact sport. Please explain any past or present injuriesand how they will affect you ability to participate.

4. Bullying and drama is not tolerated in our program (and outside of cheer events). Ifyou were to make a team, how can I trust that you will be accepting of every teammate on your team, even if you aren’t anything alike or don’t get along?

5. Do you have a good reputation at your school? Why or why not?

6. List all the activities you are currently involved in (all-star cheer team, school activities,clubs, tumbling classes, driver’s education, babysitting, work, etc…). If you make a team, will Skyline cheer always be your first priority? If no, why not?

7. If your best friend on the team posted an inappropriate or negative wall post, Tweet,or photo on his/her Facebook or Twitter page, what would you do?

8. Why is it important to be loyal and respectful to your coach, even if you don’t agreewith a decision she makes?

9. Why should we select you to be part of the Skyline Cheer program?

Dear Teacher,

My name is Suzie Triplett and I am the head cheerleading coach at

Skyline High School. We are in the process of selecting our Varsity cheer teams for the 2014-2015 season and I need your help.

Our program is looking for respectful, high quality individuals that can be a

positive role model in a team setting. In many ways, your interactions with these

candidates in the classroom may reflect how these individuals will act in a cheer

team setting.

We are asking that each candidate get two teacher recommendations to be

completed no later than Monday March 30th. 2015

Please give usyour honest, thoughtful replies so that we can select positive, hardworking and enthusiastic cheerleaders. This recommendation will remain completely

confidential and will only be viewed by the coaching staff and/or administration.

Once you have completed your recommendation please send an email to

letting me know you have placed your letter in my Skyline mailbox located in the athletic office (Leslie’s Office)

I realize how valuable your time is and thank you in advance for your time and

cooperation in helping us establish a great cheer program! If you have any

questions, please feel free to contact me at (970)690-5821.


Suzie Triplett

Skyline High School

Head Cheer Coach