Chris Polanco

Seán Daly

Andrew Lytwyn

Title: GetRekked

Types of Users:

1. Standard users

2. Admins

3. Creators

Use Cases:

User - Standard user.

Create profile

User creates a profile to be added to the Database

Update profile

User updates their profile

Deactivate profile

User chooses to deactivate profile, if the user may want to

return at a later time

Delete profile

User permanently deletes their profile from the database

View non-friend user’s profile

User views non-friend user’s profile

Recommend something to another user

User recommends something to another user

Report User

If User1 violates a rule, User2 reports User1, adding a flag

to the database

Content - Books, Games, and Movies

Add Content

User adds Content they’ve seen to profile

Delete Content

User deletes Content from profile

Add Rating

User adds rating to Content in profile

Update Rating

User updates current rating

Delete Rating

User deletes their rating of a Content

Add Comment

User adds comment to Content that’s in their profile

Update Comment

User updates comment made on previous Content

Delete Comment

User deletes comment made on previous Content

View/Find Movie

User can find movie by attribute and view information about


View/Find Ratings

User can find ratings on a specific Content

View/Find Comments

User can find comments on a specific Content

Add to Content List

User can add Content to list in one of two categories. Seen or

want to see.

Update Content List

User can update Content to list

Delete From Content List

User can delete individual Content from list

Delete Content List

User can delete whole Content lists

Admin - Administrators of the application

Add Content

Approves additions to the database that are in the pending table

Delete Content

Deletes content from database

Ban/Suspend User

Bans or suspends a malicious user

Unban/Unsuspend User

Unbans or unsuspends a formerly malicious user.

View Reports

View reports that other users have written about malicious users

Creators - Special users that make games, or write books, or produce movies.

Add profile

Special user creates a profile

Update profile

Updates their profile

Add content

Adds content that they have created to a pending table.

Deactivate Profile

User suspends profile.

Delete Profile

User removes profile from the database.

View ratings

User can view the ratings their content has received.

View comments

User can view the comments other users have made about their


Add creator comment

User creates a special type of comment on the content they created.

Reply to comments

Reply to comments other users have made about their content.

Friends – “Friends of User’s”

Request Friend

Send a friend request to another user

Delete Friend

Delete a friend from User friend list

Accept Friend

Accept a friend request from another User

View Friend

View a friend’s Profile (Shows more information than a non-friend profile view)