Partners for Success

High Achiever Principal and/or Centre of Excellence

Nomination Form

School Durack……………… District Corinda………………………

Application to address succinctly demonstrated Leadership and Achievements in the following areas:

SC1 Leadership and Planning

Durack State School is a multicultural school that includes 59 indigenous students (17% of our population). The majority of our indigenous students are currently in P – 3 – 37 students ie 63%. There are only 2 indigenous students in Year 7.

Our school community is committed to achieving quality education outcomes for all students. Durack’s Partners for Success Strategy has provided clear direction for the achievement of that outcome

Leadership decisions have focussed on:

Teaching and Learning. Planning to raise the standard of literacy and numeracy achievement to within State Benchmark range or above for our indigenous students has involved identifying expertise to bring about changes to:

·  Oral language based programs targeted at each student’s instructional level

·  Relevant small group inquiry based learning

·  Daily individualised support for students with high support needs

·  Programs that are linked to student learning experiences

Achievements Refer Year 2,3,5,7Tests – in State range

Establishing working partnerships (improving retention, attendance and participation) with the Aboriginal Student Support & Parent Awareness Group (ASSPA) by

·  Providing practical assistance and support to collaboratively develop Action Plans and Budgets to support Partners for Success Strategy (established 2002)

·  Creating a consultative environment where committed individuals, services and networks share responsibility using the Health Promoting Schools Framework - Here are the issues/tasks. What do we do about it? How can you help?

Achievements - Active ASSPA membership, P4S activated, services working together

Creating a Skilled and Confident Workforce (supporting employment opportunities) by

·  Offering training programs and follow up support

·  Actively encouraging indigenous parents to seek employment at Durack and other schools

·  Accessing indigenous community and services expertise to provide a presence and relevant professional learning

Achievements- Increased employment from 1 to 6 indigenous workers, all staff attended induction program

SC 2. Teaching and Learning

To date, through P4S, we have targeted significant planning and resources to our younger students and success is now evident in our Year 2 Net results. We have achieved high achievement levels by using an oral language based approach that endorses inclusiveness. (Showcases finalists 2004). We believe that successful inclusive teaching and learning has been achieved because:

1.  The Durack community set high expectations i.e. every student will achieve and succeed – targets are set and teachers, students and parents are supported to achieve these targets

2.  We have adopted focussed teaching and learning as a key teaching strategy. Teachers, aides and specialist work in teams to ensure direct teaching and learning is maximised

3.  Small group instruction has significantly improved on task behaviour. This has been achieved by

o  reducing class sizes to 20 -22

o  ensuring group activities are relevant, achievable an inclusive


Everyone working closely together has achieved the success of our program. Principal, staff, ASSPA, Elders and local indigenous services have ensured student well being, connectedness and success by:

·  Securing ATAS school tutoring program for the past 4 years

·  Training and employing 6 indigenous community members as ATAS tutors, teacher aides and office staff

·  Working in partnership with Indigenous Health, Family Services, Elders, Police Liaison Officers

·  Using “What Works” to inform and skill key staff

·  Purchasing culturally appropriate resources where possible

·  Targeting attendance through Pilot program “Solid Score”

·  Open Door Policy

SC3 Relationships and Community

Today, Durack has numerous multi-cultural partnerships focussed on the school - ownership is high – WE have proved We Can Be-Long!

Our Change Model

Pressure for Change 1999 -2000

·  Low literacy and Numeracy Levels (Year 5 Test- 50% in literacy 60% in numeracy below 15%ile)

·  Poor attendance (P-7) and retention ( 3 students did not successfully complete Year 8)

·  Employment – ( two indigenous teacher aides )

·  Behaviour Management in crisis

Sharing the Vision

The P4S Working Party (now the current ASSPA) developed a consultative school strategy that addressed

·  Staff recruitment

·  Staff induction

·  Partnerships to meet school based outcomes around retention, behaviour and attendance

·  Literacy and numeracy standards

·  Student health and wellbeing

Capacity for Change

·  Identified parents, representatives from cultural groups, local health services, community workers, Elders then worked with other parents to plan and organise activities and events that supported the P4S Working Party’s vision to improve outcomes for our indigenous students.

First Steps

A training and skilling program for parents was established in 2002 to:

·  Improve academic support at home (20 families were represented at 2004 workshops)

·  Create a workforce pool of tutors which led to employment opportunities at Durack and for 2 parents at nearby schools (2004)

Model the Way

·  Local individuals and services, cultural and sporting groups, health professionals, were approached to work with staff and students to conduct classroom programs and provide professional learning for staff and parents – e.g. Elders, Dance Groups, Pathways Playgroup, Indigenous Health, LEC, Queensland Cricket

Solidify Change (Achievements)

·  ASSPA Committee membership is active and organised – up to 10 families represented at monthly meetings

·  School based activities and cultural days (90% - evenings 30% - day events) encourage very high level of parent and community attendance

·  Awareness is raised by teachers working with cultural, community services and parents

·  Teacher are encouraged to make contact with parents a positive experience

·  Parents are invited to participate in non threatening and enjoyable parent education programs – playgroup, Support a Reader Writer programs are well attended – 20 families represented (32% attendance)

·  Teacher’s cultural awareness increased through annual induction program and local tours

Evaluate and Improve (Achievements)

·  Students literacy and numeracy levels are tracked and monitored strategically to inform planning and support ( Portfolios and electronic tracking)

·  Attendance is tracked and an effective strategy is in place to address absenteeism (SAROP 2004)

·  Parent involvement is monitored by attendance levels at events, interviews, meetings etc and student homework completion ( school based data)

·  Community involvement is planned for and organised through ASSPA and supported by indigenous teacher aides/tutors

SC4 Management and Resources

To achieve improve outcomes the school community collaboratively maximises personnel and resource support by using IESIP funding. ASSPA funds are predominantly used to maximise parent and student participation and learning


Human Resources

Deployed strategically – team approach

·  Year One to 6 adopted a team approach. Teacher aides work collaboratively with teachers and other specialist to present daily joint oral language inquiry based programs supported by ESL, ATAS Tutors, Specialist Support Teachers and Teacher Aides

·  Strong emphasis on employing staff to assist students to connect to their culture.

·  4 Indigenous Teacher Aides / Tutors

·  Indigenous AAEP is direct link and support for parents

·  1 teacher aide provides informal liaison with parents and wider community

Building Trust

At Durack we continue to communicate, influence and foster productive partnerships openly and honestly to strengthen trust. We continue to build on established systems and structures to collaboratively develop and implement distinctive plans, to effect pedagogical change for our indigenous students. The end result is that our indigenous population has grown from 32(2000) to 59 (2004) and our student achievement levels are now in range of State Benchmarks.

Material Resources

Bridging the Gap

A Parent Room was established and funded by ASSPA in 2001 to:

·  Provide a meeting point for families to gather together and talk with our indigenous teacher aides each morning.

·  Provide parents with access to a modern computer.

·  A student activity program and Breakfast Club

The overall result has been improved student behaviour and attendance.

Cultural Programs are funded by ASSPA each year to develop appreciation, tolerance and understanding of indigenous history, traditions and culture

Encouraging Retention - Celebrating success

To celebrate student achievement at a local level – Durack State School ASSPA introduced and funded the initial Inala District Indigenous Awards Night in 2001. All local schools now participate in this event – family attendance is very high.

Supporting data/documents – list below and attach

·  Student and Parent Opinion Surveys – 2003

·  SAROP extracts – 2003-4

·  Year 2, 3, 5 and 7 Test Results

·  P4S Overview

·  Showcase Application

To be completed by Executive Director Schools

Please corroborate the reply supplied by the nominating principal and/or Centre of Excellence in the areas listed below? What additional information are you able to supply?

Use space provided for response

Leadership and Planning

Teaching and Learning

Relationships and Community

Management and Resources

Signed ……………………………….

Executive Director Schools

District ………………………………