Misterton Parish Council

You are summoned to a meeting of Misterton Parish Council

to be held in the WI Hall, Middle Street, Misterton

on Tuesday 21st March 2017, starting at 6.30pm.

Public Question Time: the meeting will start with an open session, limited to 15 minutes, for the public to raise any matters of importance to the Council.


1.  Apologies;

2. Declarations of interest and to receive any written requests for DPI dispensations.

3. To agree and sign as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting held on 21st February (circulated to councillors).

4. Matters arising from the minutes not elsewhere on the agenda.

5. Highways; i) to receive feedback from SCC flooding meeting held on 15 March.

ii) feedback from SCC re parking on Station Road.

iii) to consider any action in response to letter received re traffic issues (circulated).

6. District Councillor’s report.

7. County Councillor’s report.

8. Planning; i) 17/00284/FUL Mr D Symes, Wellspring Farm, Mosterton Road for erection of extension to agricultural building for livestock storage. Approved by Planning Committee.

ii) 17/00307/COU Mr B Wills, Land Rear of Sherwood, North Perrott Road for change of use of existing domestic workshop to use for fabrication welding & welding repairs for use of owner of Sherwood only. SSDC has granted permission.

iii) Land behind Bullring Farm reinstatement update and to consider if a letter of complaint be sent to SSDC re the lack of enforcement.

9. Recreation Field & Play Area; i) to note inspection reports and agree any action.

ii) to consider a request from SCC to run activities on the Rec on Weds 31st May as part of an event using the village hall.

10. Finance Report (circulated with bank rec & budget v actual).

i) to note the Clerk has completed The Pension Regulator declaration of compliance.

ii) Agree Asset register (circulated).

iii) to note the 2017/18 S137 is £7.57 per the 829 electors = £6275.53.

iv) approval for the following payments will be sought: AED Locator (EU) Ltd (defibrillator) £2766.30, Vision ICT Limited (website host/support) £150.00, Misterton WI (hall hire re Clean-up) £16.00, Clerk (March salary/expenses) £729.22, HMRC (PAYE) £36.59, Information Commissioner (data protection registration) £35.00, Vodafone DD £35.60, Cox & Co (payroll) SO £21, Village Hall (rent) SO £45, Misterton WI (hall hire) SO £11, CPRE membership DD £36.00.
v) to note monies received; cemetery fees £72, Merriott Wildcats U15s Football Team £100 (donation to Rec), Mark 1 Fitness £100 (donation to Rec).

Council to approve Financial Report.

11. Chairman’s report for information acceptance. i) to receive Emergency Plan update.

ii) to receive report on Village Clean-up iii) to agree items for the April magazine.

12. Clerk’s report (circulated) for approval. i) to discuss plans for Open Air Cinema.

ii) to discuss format for the Annual Parish Meeting.

13. Correspondence received;
i) SSDC Area West Committee on 19 April, 17.30 at Henhayes, Crewkerne.

ii) ICCM magazine

The above will be available for inspection at the meeting.

14. Reports from Outside Bodies. Village Hall committee; to note several of committee standing down at AGM this month.

15. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 18th April. The Annual Parish Meeting will start at 6.30pm, followed by the Parish Council meeting.

Christine Langford

Clerk to Misterton Parish Council (signed on original)