TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2014





616 Indiana Avenue, Glassport (Lot/Block: 558-C-175)

620 Indiana Avenue, Glassport (Lot/Block: 558-C-178)

The public was welcome to give testimony as to why these properties should or should not be torn down.

COMMENTS: Tom Deliman – Said that he lived right next door to 616 Indiana Avenue and that it was a fire hazard. Kids going in and out of this property for years. I find candles and burned papers. If that thing goes up in flames I go up with it. There is a house next to me that could go up at any time. It is going to be a tragedy. There are all kinds of animals, snakes, rats, etc., coming out of there. I have a swimming pool for my kids and they have to fight wasps every day. Something has to be done. Kevin Morrow was in there and he will let you know what he has been catching in there.

Ella Sparico (Owner of the Property) commented that her properties at 616 and 620 Indiana Avenue are in deplorable condition. I went to the parents of these kids that are going in there and everything. I kept going back. The buildings are in deplorable condition.

Tom Deliman said these properties are in her name and she has other properties. How can she sell property and not have any other money to tear them down? Do you have property that you collect rent from?

Ella Sparico said no I do not collect rent from anyone. I have a property that I am trying to get in someone else’s name and I do not collect rent from them.

Solicitor Gary Matta said is there anyone else that would like to talk about these properties for the health safety and welfare of the community and if they accept the findings of this hearing?

Ella Sparico said she is very concerned about someone getting hurt at these properties.

The solicitor asked Mrs. Sparico if she was aware of any other liens on the properties or anyone that may have an interest in these properties.

Mrs. Sparico said that 620 Indiana Avenue has a lien with PNC.

Councilman Eugene Skerkoski asked Mrs. Sparico if she had any money coming in on any properties?

Mrs. Sparico said no.


Nicky Mazur asked is she going to have a judgement against her for the costs of these demolitions?

Solicitor Gary Matta said once they are demolished the properties will have a lien on them and once they are sold they will have a lien that the new owner will have to pay. The cost of the property to be demolished is more than what they are worth.

Mayor Rosemary Bradley said that 616 Indiana Avenue had fire insurance proceeds.

Nicky Mazur asked if the taxes are paid on these properties?

Solicitor Gary Matta said I don’t believe that they are. With no one rising to have a question I would ask the chairman to adjourn this hearing.

Motion: Skiba seconded by Skerkoski

To adjourn the Public Hearing.

Motion Carried.

Remarks: Deliman asked when will we know the outcome on this?

Council said that they would get back to him on this.


TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2014





ROLL CALL: Bradley, present; Crncic, absent; Kudla, present; Skiba, present; Skerkoski, present; Trunzo, present; Kowalski, present; Mayor Rosemary Bradley, present.


Cynthia Trimble – 216 N. Monongahela Avenue, Glassport

Asked about the property tax installment payment for the Borough Taxes. When the taxes double and you have to make one payment it is very difficult to come up with all of that money at one time. When I asked about it the tax collector said no you couldn’t make installment payments. If someone is a senior citizens we have to pay for my stepdaughter’s house and our house if you can pay in at least two payments three would be great. A lot of people were in favor of that.

Solicitor Gary Matta said it was beyond the time that Council could do anything for this year and they will get information and would have to make a decision on that prior to next January, 2015. A lot of people will just pay it or pay it late. If you are paying before the due date say January, February and March you come in to make a payment no one is going to turn you away and then you can’t be penalized on the unpaid balance. The request when I was here last was to have payments all year.

Cynthia Trimble said the school payments are allowed to be made in installments, why not the Borough?

The penalty for the Borough Taxes starts June 30 for Borough taxes. When property taxes doubled that made it more difficult.

Solicitor said some of these issues are workable.

Cynthia Trimble asked what if I make two payments by June 30?

Solicitor said we will have some type of structure for next year.

Cynthia also talked about the sewer people. There is supposed to be a new ordinance outlining the services and fees. A couple weeks ago our water was shut off when no notice.

Councilman Thomas Bradley said they didn’t shut off anyone without notice.

Cynthia Trimble said that she called and asked them if they put a notice on her house and they told her no. You have to go to a hearing in their office. Your Borough hired them and they are the only ones that are allowed to do anything. Their fees are $300 and $400 bucks. You can’t do anything to get caught up.


Tom Bradley, Council, said they only shut off twice a year. They past out 243 Water Shut off notices. You do not get a shut off notice until you are delinquent. PAMS are very efficient at what they do.

They brought in $93,000 of delinquent Sewage.

Cynthia said they threaten people. It was in my name for twenty five days. I paid a whole month and I still continue to get a bill.

Tom Deliman said they are making millions off of the people.

Tom Bradley said PAWC was no longer going to collect the sewage. We had to go somewhere else to have it collected. PAMS was the most efficient for the Borough at the time.

Cynthia said there were two or three months of bills that we never received. My husband is disabled and they doubled and tripled the bill. I would rather be paying the Borough then paying them.

Tom Bradley said make sure you are paying your sewage bill. It is $21.00 a month.

Cynthia Dean said someone said they pay their bill a whole year in advance.

Solicitor said the only time that they are getting fees is if you are delinquent.

Margie Deliman said I paid the bill on Friday and come Monday I got another bill. A note on the bill said it is not the end. More fees are coming. I get six papers a month. This is what I owed. Do you know how much I paid them so far?

Solicitor Gary Matta said I am going to make a copy and look at this.

Margie said they have harassed me.

Cynthia Trimble said I am getting bills for over $100 – horrific mess. I am getting four bills a month for one property and different account numbers. I talked to the President of the Company. It is just a huge mess. I tried to get back back ahold of them and I started to get all these screwed up bills again.

Tom Deliman said we are not the only Borough that is having trouble with them. Whitaker, Irwin, Clairton is having problems. Do you know how much money this company is pulling in from people?

Dave Kowalski said we are going to do what we have to do to rectify the problem.


Motion: Skiba seconded by Bradley

To approve the Regular Monthly Meeting of May, 2014 minutes and make a part of Borough Records.

Motion Carried.



Motion: Kudla seconded by Skerkoski

To approve the Monthly financial reports for May, 2014.

Motion Carried.

Motion: Skiba seconded by Kudla

To approve and pay bills for the Month of May, 2014, in the amount of $149,623.14.

Motion Carried.


Municipal Buildings/Property/TRCOG Delegate/Honor Roll – Councilwoman/Chair-Nancy Crncic

No Report

Parks & Recreation – President of Council/Chair – David Kowalski

On Sunday the GAA had All Star Games all day. There were about 700 people at the ballfield

Fun To Be A Kid Day will be held on Saturday, August 9, 2014. The time will be announced at a later time. Registrations will be available in July.

Crime Watch Meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 2, at 7:00 p.m. Senior Citizens center

August 5 – 2nd Annual National Night Out – 5:30 p.m. – Blue Light Special – Poster Contest to Show views of police, firemen and EMS – Sign up at Crime Watch on July 2.

Sewage Committee – Council/Chair – Thomas Bradley

Expenses May, 2014………………………………………………….$ 88,041.32

Expenses January thru April………………………………………$ 122,098.63

Expenses Year To Date………………………………………………$ 210,139.95

Receipts May, 2014…………………………………………………..$ 115,688.45

Receipts January – April…………………………………………….$ 193,184.85

Receipts Year To Date………………………………………….……$ 308,873.30

Total Delinquent Sewage Collected to date…………………$ 93,292.06

Total Investments to Date……………………………………………$ 73,731.78

May Inspection by the DEP - Everything went good and passed. Had issue with a Sanitary Sewer Problem on Oregon and Ola Avenue. KLH went up and deemed it an emergency situation and the contractor went up on Monday and fixed the problem by the next Monday and Tuesday and everything has been going good down at the plant. There are no major repairs.

Sorry to people for their inconvenience with the sewage billing. I can’t stress enough and pay PAMS on time. We will have no in house collection. It will either be PAMS, Keystone or Jordan Tax Service.


Tom Deliman said how could you change to another company?

Tom Bradley said we never said that we would. We will just check it out.

Eugene Skerkoski said if they are not In compliance then we could consider changing.

Motion: Kudla seconded by Skiba

To apply for engineering services for the Harrison & Ola Avenue Sanitary Sewer Ext. You must be shovel ready. This would be for surveying and detail plans in the amount of $32,000.00. That makes us eligible for grant money to apply.

Motion Carried.

STREET & LIGHT COMMITTEES – Elaina Skiba, Chair/Council

Borough lots were cut and weed wacked, including lots of demolished houses.

Filled in dump road so that the Glassport Development Corp was able to hold their mixer and tour the area.

Worked on Oregon Avenue with Millings and snaked the sewer

Cleaned Catchalls at Harrison and Detroit Hollows

After the last storm they cleaned catch basins and downed trees on Harrison and Maryland

Removed stakes in the drying beds at the sewage plant

Took equipment and vehicles to be serviced

Dye tested sewer lines on Vermont

POLICE COMMITTEE: Eugene Skerkoski, Chair/Council

Month of May, 2014 Report

2,730 Patrol miles put on the police cars

$ 274.00 Expense Repairs to the 2011 Crown Victoria

$ 100.00 Expense Repairs to the 2014 Ford

Parking Meter Collections - $ 230.00

Parking Violations - $ 50.00

JP Fines……………………………..$1087.83


Hood repaired on the new car. Individual hit head on roof – restitution granted in favor of the Borough


Total incidents for May – 17

Work Comp forms are signed (I still need to get 9 more)


5 Firefighters have completed their WRER training with Swift Water Team. All training has been completed in Indiana County. Fire Department will provide a vehicle as discussed for the June 23rd bike event.

Boot Drive Request for June 20

Street Fair will be held from June 17 – 19


A Total of 370 meals served

Bingo will be held on Tuesday, July 1, at 7 p.m.

Floors were cleaned at a cost of $670 (stripped and waxed) All donated

We will paint the front of the building.

Please put your garbage out the night before.


Mayor Rosemary Bradley – Mayor’s Report

Attended a CD Meeting Town Center Association Carnegie to discuss how we can all work together. John D’Angelo is working very hard to utilize the study. That was turned over to the Development corporation financed through County Development.

Fishing Contest held on Saturday was very successful. There were 80 children and it was very organized – Friends, Family Members attended – A lot of pictures taken – Daily News will have article in paper along with division winners. Total cost was $1,500.00.

Golf Outing Relay for Life – The proceeds will benefit cancer and recreation. It will be on Saturday, July 12, and registration forms are available at the Borough Building. It will be held at Seven Springs Golf Course

COPS Program – Sergeant LaFever is working on this to complete the application and get funded. Computer will be down having maintenance and I hope that they will extend the time on the deadline.

The construction of the police station – I have not heard anything on this yet. No news is good news.

The 2nd landlord meeting will be held in the middle of July. By that time we will have reached about all the landlords. What the police are doing is drug trafficking and measure our progress. I notice that we have not had many calls in that area. We are addressing those calls as we speak. They are doing a very good job our police. I hope that everyone agrees. There is certain information that cannot be released.

Traffic Stops – 36

Citations Issued – 13


Non-Traffic Citations – 22

Ordinance Citations – 0

There were 457 Calls for Service

The calls consisted of public drunkenness, harassment, theft, criminal mischief, suspicious activity, traffic offense moving, suspicious vehicle, noise complaint, juvenile complaint, parking complaint.

Juveniles Arrested – 24 (Ages 7 to 17)

TAX COLLECTOR – Jennifer Bell

Month of May, 2014 - $205,902.38 Collected

TREASURER – Tracy Harris

Report Available Upon Request – Month of May, 2014

SOLICITOR – Gary Matta (Dodaro, Matta and Cambest)

Ordinance No. 1134 – To provide for the regulation of seismic testing and geophysical operations in the Borough of Glassport. This ordinance was advertised under the Legal Ad Section of the Tribune Review on Friday, June 13, 2014.

Motion: Bradley seconded by Skerkoski

To approve Ordinance No. 1134 for passage and make a part of Borough Records.

Motion Carried.

Ordinance No. 1135 –An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance Section 308 of 2004 allowing for oil and gas well drilling as a conditional use in the conservation manufacturing zoning district subject to various conditions.

Motion: Trunzo seconded by Kudla

Mayor Bradley asked what about the residential district?

Solicitor said if you would like that we could ad it.

Mayor asked would that need a Zoning Variance or special exception.

Solicitor said yes.

Motion Carried.


Comcast Agreement – Approval of Franchise

Motion: Trunzo seconded by Skiba

To approve the Franchise Agreement with Comcast which will be for ten years commencing on June 17, 2014.

Motion Carried.

Resolution #1 (6-17-2014) – Slums and Blight Resolution for 616 and 620 Indiana Avenue

Motion: Bradley seconded by Kudla

To approve the resolution pertaining to slums and blight of 616 and 620 Indiana Avenue

Motion Carried.

Concurring Resolution for Emergency Demolition with CDBG funds in the amount of $13,000.00

Resolution #2 (6-17-2014) – Resolution declaring a DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY

Motion: Skerkoski seconded by Skiba

To approve the emergency declaration of demolition for 616 and 620 Indiana Avenue.

Motion Carried.

Received a letter from Nancy Crncic, Council resigning her position effective June 17, 2014.

Motion: Bradley seconded by Skiba

To accept the resignation letter of Nancy Crncic.

Motion Carried.

All in favor with one negative vote (Paul Trunzo)

Solicitor Gary Matta remarked as time went on they developed an interesting relationship and if I would have had a commercial, I think that she would have done a good job.


COMMUNICATIONS: David Kowalski, President of Council


Met with J.D. Shearer, Arentzaen Blvd., Suite 206, Charleroi, PA 15022 from the James R. Bower Company regarding the intent to approve an application to Three Rivers Marine and Rail Terminals, LP.

Met with Dominic Carroll from Congressman Doyle’s Office and he took information regarding grants that would be available to the Borough in certain areas and support letters for various grants already submitted. Thank you for the POW Flag that was provided by Congressman Doyle’s Office.

Vacant Property Demolitions that should be considered by Council for the next round of Community Development through Twin Rivers Council of governments. A meeting will be set up with the fire chief to go through the list of properties that are the worst.

Allegheny County Vacant Property Recovery Program will be accepting applications to acquire vacant properties for side yards to an owner-occupied primary residence or blighted structure remediation at a reduced cost to the applicant. Under the 2014 Side Yard and Blighted Structure Program, they will waive their standard parcel fee of $3,000 for applicants for side yards to their primary residence and will discount it to $1,400 for applicants proposing to rehabilitate or demolish a blight structure. Applications must be postmarked by August 30, 2014. Only one applications per applicant. They will accept no more than 5 applications from any single municipality, based on funding availability. The properties that have been torn down under Cd Year 40 (532 Ohio Avenue, 625 Summit Avenue, 618 8th Street, 707 Peach Alley) the neighbors will be notified to purchase these lots.