User Guide for FOSS Near IR Intact Tablet Analyzers Spectroscopy System


NIRS Intact Tablet Operation Steps:

1.  Before using Near-IR Intact Tablet Analyzers, please make sure the Monochromator has installed the Intact Tablet Module. If the monchromator install Spining Core Module, please see the Foss Intact Tablet Analyzers Installation and User Guide page 3-6 for replacement and installation. For further question about replacement please contact Tingfeng Yeh or Dr. Kadla.

2.  Turn on the power of monochromator for at least 2 hr to make sure the machine is stable.

3.  Turn on the computer and input Username and Password according to the first page of NIRS user book.

4.  Double click the Vision icon in the desktop of computer.

5.  Enter the User ID and Password , you can also see the User ID and Password in the first page of NIRS user book.

6.  Please refer to copy page 21 to page 25, and follow the instructions.

7.  When you do Diagnostics – Wavelength Linearization, Diagnostics – Performance Test, and Data Acquisition Mode – Reference, you should put your empty sample holder into machine and push fully back into the viewing area until it stops. Intact tablet analyzer use air as a reference.

8.  After you measure your sample NIR spectrum, you should save the spectrum. Please click Acquire – Save, and input the sample names and descriptions.

File export:

1.  Please click File – Export – ASCII, and a dialogue shows up (Export to ASCII file(s)). There are three options in the dialogue Whole Project, Selected Product(s), and Selected Samples. Mark the option you need and follow the dialogue instruction.

2.  If you need 2nd or 1st derivatives spectrum of samples, please click Configure – Math Manipulation, a Math Treated Data dialogue will show up. This dialogue looks like an Excel worksheet, but the first page is 2nd Derivative and the second page is 1st Derivative. Click the sample ID you need from the left, and the sample’s data will transfer to 2nd and 1st derivatives data, and show in the worksheet directly. You can choose as much sample as you can. Then finally click the save icon in this dialogue to save all the 2nd and 1st derivatives data in a file. This file is a Microsoft Excel file.

For more details and trouble shootings, please contact Tingfeng Yeh or Dr. John Kadla.

Modified July 23, 2002