
NAHI Account Manager: You

Date Revised: now


(Statement of Work)


Customer: Biggest

Customer Contact: President

Type of Machine: Trencher

Model: Deluxe

Short Description of the machine and the project’s “Work to be Done”: Type a short paragraph here.

Summary of functions to be provided:

-  Propel system

o  Pump

o  Motors

-  Auxiliary Hydraulics

o  Pump

o  Valve stack

-  Electronic Control

o  Dual path “skid-steer” electronic control system

o  Dual axis joystick for propel with trigger and 4 buttons

o  Engine speed control from joystick buttons (CAN or analog actuator)

o  Winch control from joystick buttons

o  Parking brake toggle switch w/ interlock logic

o  Propeller drive mode selection

o  Engine speed control from joystick buttons (CAN or analog actuator)

Electronic I/O List:

-  Inputs:

o  Joystick

§  Dual Axis for single joystick control of propel

§  Trigger dead man switch

§  Two momentary buttons on right side of top of joystick for winch in/out control

o  Dashboard mounted three position park switch: 1) Park brake on & bypass valves open 2) Park brake off & bypass valves closed 3) Park brake off & bypass valves open.

o  Dashboard mounted graphics screen w/ buttons

-  Outputs

o  Propel Left Side: will send proportional electrical commands to the left side propel pump.

o  Propel Right Side: will send proportional electrical commands to the right side propel pump.

o  Brake Release solenoid: on/off brake hydraulic valve

o  Engine throttle setting: - CAN based command.


Provide details of the Machine and what its function is?

What are the components and work NAHI must propose & Quote?

Describe and quantify the required performance of each component and system. For control systems, you need to describe the functions, logic, and interactions.

What is the required timeline?

Electronic System Control Validation

Once programming software has been completed per original SOW and basic function testing has been performed by North American Hydraulics Inc., this initial release has must be validated on the machine. The customer is responsible for complete functional and dynamic testing of the program and final validation on the machine. The customer will provide a NAHI technician with the capability to monitor software and or download software. Future software changes can be requested using a SOW addendum. The customer understands that all programming changes require machine validation and that additional engineering charges may apply.

By signing this document all parties accept NAHI Terms and Conditions.


Signature ______Date ______