Minute of North of Scotland Regional Network 1

Meeting held in AB1 Building, 48 Huntly Street, Aberdeen

on Friday, 26th January 2018 at 11.00 a.m.


Cameron Grant / Vice Chair (Chairing Meeting) / CG
Leonora Montgomery / Secretary/Treasurer / LM
Betty Simpson / Committee Member / BS
Gerald Low / Committee Member / GL
Derek Wilkie / Committee Member / DW
Alasdair Mackenzie / Committee Member / AM
Rita Smart / Committee Member / RS
Colin Stewart / Co-opted Member / CS
Lynne Palmer / Co-opted Member / LP
Steve Byrne / Committee Member / SB
Alice Bovill / Committee Member / AB

In attendance:

Annabel Hoatson / Scottish Government / AH


Bill Chapman / Chair / Apologies
Jennifer MacLeod / Committee Member / Apologies
Steven Christie / Committee Member / Absent
Pearl Smart / Committee Member / Apologies
Kirsty Ngala / Co-opted Member / Apologies
Bill Robertson / Committee Member / Apologies
Item / Action
1. / Welcome and Apologies
CG welcomed all to the Meeting and apologies were given as stated. / CG
2. / Minute of Meeting held on 28th November 2017 and
Matters Arising
Subject to minor amendments, this was proposed by AM and seconded
by GL as an accurate record of the Meeting.
Matters Arising –
Item 6 – SHR Liaison Group
LM gave an update on this in that as she had been deputising for BC for
some time and SB also knew how this Group operated, it was proposed
by BC that they share this role until the AGM. All were in agreement
with this. / CG
3. / Treasurer’s Report
LM advised that after our last Meeting (28/11) she carried out an
electronic transfer that night into the Account as there was not quite
enough funds to cover all the cheques issued. On discovering on 1/12
that this had not happened, she went down to the Bank and credited
£10.00 in cash to cover the deficit of £1.06 and was assured that this
was okay. However, on receipt of the Statement a £20.00 charge had
been levied which LM went into the Bank to complain about. The Bank
agreed that this situation should not have occurred and could see that
she had requested the transfer but could not give an explanation as to
why it had not been carried out. The £20.00 was therefore refunded and
a note put on the system. The balances at the end of December 2017
after deductions were : Petty Cash £26.17 Cr and Bank Account
£504.30 Cr (which included Interest of £0.07). / LM
4. / Business Matters –
• Work Plan – Amendments requested at our last Meeting had been
made and copies were handed out. Subject to the removal of a bogus
sentence, all present agreed to the adoption of the Work Plan.
• Communications Strategy – The list of area TPO’s and Officials
requested by LM at the last Meeting had not been provided and in
reply to the question as to why these were required, LM held up the
list she had been working with for over 4 years in the old Region 2
and stated that all Minutes from Region 2, Chairs and Secretaries
and SHR, together with other relevant information, was forwarded to
them for distribution to their groups. AH advised that she would help
with these lists.
• Fuel Poverty Consultation – AH advised that Susan McLellan felt
each Region should decide whether or not to respond as some had
opted out of doing so as it was too complex and technical. AM
seconded by CG felt that as a Region we should respond and a
considerable amount of time was therefore spent on going through the
24 questions one by one to obtain an answer, the outcome being that
LM was tasked with responding by the due date of 1st February 2018.
• Chairs and Secretaries Update – LM started this off by advising that
George Walker the new SHR Chair and Anne Jarvie the Deputy Chair
gave a very interesting and informative presentation mostly round a
summarised version of the Review of their Regulatory Framework to
obtain our initial views.
• SHR Liaison Group Update – CG actually attended this but could not
give all present an update as he did not have his notes with him.
• JHPDG Update – Neither Hugh nor George our Representatives on
this Group were able to attend the last Meeting but stated that they
were looking for 2 Deputies to initially ‘shadow’ them and then take
over. LM advised that this was very ‘high powered’ and required
extensive knowledge of all things housing to be able to contribute. Any
Member who is interested to contact the Scottish Government.
• Age Home and Community Monitoring Advisory Group – Ronald
Ritchie, the Regional Networks Representative on this, sadly died at
the end of last year and has been replaced by our own SB who was
Ronald’s Deputy. Another Deputy on this Group is therefore sought
and an invitation will initially go out to the other Regions to be fair and
then if no takers, it will be opened out to all.
• Housing and Social Security Group Update – A paper was provided
on this which AH will forward to all.
• National Panel on Fire Safety Update – AH took over this part and
advised that the first meeting of Tenants and Residents took place on
17th November 2017 which LM had attended and majority of time was
taken up with a presentation on the different types of Sprinklers. A
letter and Survey has since gone out to all those on the Group so we
await the outcome.
• Constitution for the New Network – It was agreed that this would be
discussed and ratified at the Annual Event so that all Regions adopt
the same Constitution.
• Meetings with the Minister – It was agreed that a date would be fixed
for this after all the AGM’s, which was thought to be in mid June.
• Meeting Schedule for Chairs and Secretaries – These were
provisionally agreed as 27/3/18; 19/6/18; 25/9/18 subject to change. / AH
5. / AGM 2018 Timeline and Planning
LM advised that with BC being in hospital discussions had not taken
place as yet however, she will be contacting Woodhill House to obtain
Menus and progress from there and will also send an Invitation to Kevin
Stewart, Housing Minister, to be our Guest Speaker.
AH handed out Draft Letters and Forms which are updated versions of
the ones used previously and asked if all were happy with the content,
which the majority agreed they were but to advise the Scottish
Government if any changes/amendments were required. In answer to
several questions, AH advised that as in previous years it would be 2 per
Group invited to the AGM and the numbers capped.
GL asked if the 10.30 a.m. for 11.00 a.m. start could be put later as he
felt he would have problems getting there for that time and was advised by CG to book overnight accommodation. AH stated that she would
ensure that LM had sufficient funds (which will be considerable) to pay
all the expenses.
6. / A.O.C.B.
• Data Protection – CG raised this for noting as the name is going to be
changed to General Data Protection Protocol and information would
only be held for 6 months with costs for non compliance being
• FOI Consultation – As there was only 2 questions, the answers were
straightforward and quick so again LM is tasked with responding by the
due date of 3rd March 2018.
• SHR Regulation of Social Housing – All had received this and
AH requested that we have answers to the Questions for our next
• Scottish Government Consultation on FreeWi Fi – AH wanted us
to note this for the future as it’s in the early stages.
• Regional Network Event Newsletter – Copies were handed out.
• Basecamp – CS asked how everyone was getting on with this and got
varying answers and gave advice to those who asked. / CG
7. / Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting –
Friday 23rd March 2018 at 11.00 a.m. in the Scottish Government’s
Offices within the AB1 Building at 48 Huntly Street, Aberdeen. / ALL

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