2017-18 Provisional Facilitators Conference Calls

Topic:Responding to Challenging Behaviors Part 2Dates: May 11 & 14, 2018

Host:Julia Slater / XY / Host: Lisa Gragg / XY
Western Region / Central Region / Eastern Region
Allen, Nicole (MIU4) / Ayers, Tonya Sue / Y / Bartman, Donna (MELC childcare)
Carpino, Kelly (Jefferson-Clarion HS) / X / Beirne-Getz, Karen / Cook, Britnee (Kinder Academy) / Y
Caputo, Rachel (Jefferson-Clarion HS) / X / Buchta, Cassey / Eisenberg, Rachel (Devereux) / X
Cook, Shana (MIU4) / X / Burnham, Jill / X / Franchini-Muir, Danielle / Y
Deitterick, Meghan (CS IU16 PKC) / Y / Ginoff, Lisa (SLHDA HS)
Gump, Nicole (Jefferson-Clarion HS) / X / Eckhardt, Joyce / Hogue, Catrina (ElwynAppleseeds HS)
Harvey, Amy (NWIU5) / Gusser, Curtis / Leadbeater, Lauren (PHMC HS)
Jacobs, Dana (Lifesteps) / Hengst, Kim / Motichka, Jennifer (SLHDA HS)
Portenier, Dan (NWIU5) / X / Mellott, Allison / X / Post,Hanna (Kinder Academy)
Stevens, Brandy (NWIU5) / X / Neely, Cherie / Y / Pride, Tanesha (SERK ECMH) / X
Eastern Region / Reed, Nichole (York City SD) / Y / Romasco, Sara (Warwick Family Services) / X
Malloy, Kristin (Bucks Co HS) / Y / Wilson, Theresa / Snyder, Theresa (MELC childcare)
Morales, Johanna (PHMC HS) / Stricker, Laina (Devereux) / Y
Shulski, Brianna (DCIU HS) / Taylor, Rebecca / Yee, Christy (Kinder Academy)
Slimm, Donnalea (Bucks Co HS) / Y / Salerno, Mary Lee / Huetas, Beth (SERK) / X
IF: / Thomas, Shyno (Bucks Co HS) / Y
SLT: DeVoka Gordon / SLT: Sue Zeiders / XY / SLT:
SLT: / SLT: Aimee Newswanger / XY

IF=Independent Facilitator, SLT=State Leadership Team Member X=present during Friday call, Y= present during Monday call, T=catch up

Topics for discussion: / Notes from Discussion
Welcome and Introductions-
(Independent Facilitator)
Poll 1 policy review: With your CLT, have you reviewed your program’s current policies and procedures around behaviors? Y/N
Poll 2 analyze data: If your program is using BIRs, is your CLT meeting to discuss/analyze trends, patterns, & concerns? Yes/Not Yet discussing reports/Not Yet using BIRs / 1-50% YES; 50% NO (6 people voted)
2-25% yes; 38% not yet discussing reports; 38% not yet using BIRS (8 people voted)
1-MONDAY: 56%- YES; 44% NO (9 PEOPLE)
2-30- yes; 30- not yet discussing; 40 not using BIRS
Benchmarks of Quality and the PaPBS Database- enter information including your documentation in the database
Benchmark of Quality- show document and reference the Critical Element
  1. A team-based process for addressing individual children with persistent challenging behavior is developed. Teachers can identify the steps for initiating the team-based process including fostering the participation of the family in the process.
Resources to bring to CLT to support teachers and families:
  • Pull up 2 google docs:
  • Events and functions associated with CB (classroom)
  • Mod 3a Home observation card
How could you, as a facilitator, use these tools to support your teachers, staff, and families?
Has anyone used this Home Observation Card in the classroom?
Why is it important to have a system in place where everyone can share information about what is happening? / Children who have very persistent and severe challenging behaviors and do not respond to the typical preventive practices, child guidance procedures, or social emotional teaching strategies that would normally work with most children.
Check out behaviorpartnership.com for information on BIRs and a data system to collect information on BIRs.
Team based process used to collect data
-We use this checklist (Events and Functions) at our program and find it much easier to use than the ABC data. This data is much more helpful for the team than frequency data alone.
-Once we discussed the universal implementation, we run out of time to discuss individual children. What are other programs doing around this?
-We (CLT) typically don’t discuss individual children, but when our coaching teams meets, we discuss individual children. Our classroom team meetings is where we look at the data and problem solve on an individual basis.
-Once a month, CLT discusses program hot spots. Individual child data is discussed in a different meeting that takes place 2x a month.
-Home Observation Card has a page that looks at Setting Events. This may be something that is happening at home that the family may know about that will be very helpful to know about as it may be impacting the behaviors in the classroom.
-In the coaching role/EI role; often I do a case history form with our parents. Often it is just educating them on what can be affecting their children’s behaviors. Building the relationship with children is important in the sharing of information and how home connects to school and can impact school behaviors.
-This is an area that is challenging for me/my program. It is difficult to get family buy-in and to engage them more effectively around data collection.
-We discussed sending out a survey to parents with checklists/concerns/asking them what they know around PBIS. Hoping it will guide our future trainings and resources for families. Teachers are asking for this information from our program from the families. The plan is to do this at orientation next year.
-Family Partnership Agreement with HS- we write our program goals based upon this feedback/input from families.
-For use of BIRs, the problem solving is at the individual level but we have been looking at it at a program level. Is that appropriate? Yes, that is a very important step for the CLT. The CLT is to look at trends with Challenging Behaviors across the program and across classrooms. Then the CLT can problem solve and determine next steps and support.
-When is it appropriate to complete a BIR?
There is guidance on the Behavior Partnership.com under “About” there is guidance on when to use the BIR.
In EC PBIS, we tend to work on tier 2 and tier 3 rather quickly and address them in our BoQ early on.
If you look at your BIRS for your entire building and found a huge number were happening at arrival/dismissal, that would lend itself for the CLT to look at that time of day and then, are the frequent flyers from one class or just a few children or is it across the board a building problem.
Right now, we have been spending all our efforts on Universal Practices. What is the expectation to having a tier 2 and tier 3 intervention in place as you are building your Universal Practices?
-your deciding factor really depends on what is going on in the program. You may have to address individually as you focus on universal practices as well. Some children with persistent challenging behaviors may respond to the universal practices and improve. If you have a child with challenging behaviors you cannot say that you are not going to address those behaviors and support that child individually.
Tier 2 interventions are not individualized for one child. Teachers already know how to do them and which ones address which functions of behaviors. Children are assigned to the “extra” supports. Usually provided in small group.
Documents shared?
-will share these forms with CLT and share with staff/families
-as B.A. I use other similar forms but like how family friendly these examples are. (What My Teacher Wants to Know; Mod. 3a home observation, events and functions)
-These forms are very easy for teachers to use. I find it important to know what the child’s preferences are to keep the motivation high. The most important thing is determining what is the child’s maintaining factor so we are not reinforcing a behavior and not knowing it. I do feel that these forms will provide a viewpoint in EC and from the home that will help support the team determine function and how to intervene.
  1. An individual or individuals with behavioral expertise are identified for coaching staff and families throughout the process of developing and implementing individualized intensive interventions for children in need of behavior support plans.
/ CB part 2, question 3 Poll: Do you have someone on your team that has behavioral expertise that can support this process of “Individualized Intensive Interventions?” Y/N
8 people responded
9 people responded
CB part 2-question 4 Poll: Has your program hired or plan to hire someone with behavioral expertise to support children and staff with challenging behaviors that require individualized intensive interventions? Y/N
8 People responded
CB part 2- question 5 Poll: What does this person with behavior expertise do?
0%-writes a plan and gives it to teacher-0%
50%-comes into the classroom to observe and provides verbal strategies-22%
38%-teams with and coaches staff and families throughout the process of developing and implementing individualized intensive interventions for children in need of behavior support plans-44%
13%-we don’t have anyone yet with behavioral expertise – 33%
(8/9 people responded)
-programs report they work with IU EI that provide the expertise for them.
-We noticed that when we tried to partner with just the IU, they did not have the capacity to provide the level of coaching that we needed. So, we provided our internal coaching with MH. We also developed a process to develop our own initial behavior plans as MH/BH or EI behavior plans took too long and this got our teachers support much more quickly. We developed this over several years to have in place internally. Be sure the staff understand that the coach is there to teach them how to do it, they are not there to deal with the behaviors themselves.
How is it working for the teachers when the person with behavior expertise comes into the classroom to observe and provide strategies verbally?
Benefits of coaching is that you will have someone model the strategies for the staff on how to implement it and provide feedback to the staff along the way. It is just as important to reinforce the staff for the strategies given as it is to reinforce the child for engaging in expected behaviors.
Come back to relationships, even with the adults. You will have more buy in from the staff is the person works with them rather than just coming in and observing and leaving after a few strategies.
CB part 2-question 6 Poll: Is your program currently using PTR-YC? Y/N
Yes- 14%- 20%
(7/10 responses)
  1. Strategies for partnering with families when there are problem behavior concerns are identified. Teachers have strategies for initiating parent contact and partnering with the family to develop strategies to promote appropriate behavior.
Resources to share:
  • Google doc- my teacher wants to know (think about how this is a tool to share with CLT and to discuss with policy of engaging families at intake)
  • Google doc- Do’s and Don’ts: How to talk to families
(Show resources tabs under resources under support for families) These are resources that can be shared with your behavior person as well.
-If you are using any of these, how are you using them? / CB part 2-question 7 Poll: when is your staff expected to communicate with families about children’s behaviors?
14%-only when problems arise-0
43%-on a daily basis-25
0%-on a weekly basis-0
43%-staff are supported to develop a relationship with families to communicate with them about the overall social emotional development of their child.-75%
(7/8 responses)
-I have used the “my teacher wants to know” form in the past. I used it as a guide during home visits and relooked at it again half way through the year. It was used to bring information from home to school. Opportunity for conversation with families. Not to be sent home in backpack. Pages 1 and 3 completed for all children with families and staff. Page 2-can be used when the child has challenging behaviors. Used together with the family to engage them in a partnership. Not to be used with every family with every child.
Upcoming Dates:
  • PBIS Forum – May 22 & 23, 2018
  • Next Provisional Facilitator Cal - June 15 & 18, 2018

Regional Facilitator Contact: / Please remember you can reach out to your regional facilitators:
Julia Slater – Eastern –
DeVoka Gordon – Western –
Aimee Newswanger – Central –
Lisa Gragg– Western-
Activities will be opened after Monday’s Call around 2PM / *** Show them the homework on the portal to be completed after 2PM on Monday.
Did the pre-call work provide you with useful information?
8 participants voted on Friday
10 participants voted on Monday / Yes, I learned something I didn’t know before. / I am not sure / No, I already knew everything that was covered. / No, I still don’t know how to use the prep work.
75% / 80% / 13% / 20% / 13% / 0% / 0% / 0%
Was this conference call a good use of your time? / Yes, I learned more about applications of principles / Yes, I got my questions answered / Somewhat, but I still have questions / No, I didn’t learn anything beyond what was in the pre-call work.
50% / 90% / 25% / 20% / 25% / 0% / 0% / 0%
Do you have suggestions for us about how to improve / No, this is working for me. / Yes, please email your suggestions to the host of this call. / Comments/suggestion for change/improvement
100% / 90% / 0% / 10%