Provisionally allocating IP(s) to a case for an immediate SoS appointment.

Please note that when carrying out an immediate SoS appointment you can now provisionally allocate an IP and Joint IP(s) to a case via CA21. This will enable you to produce the Notice of No Meeting (NNM), highlighting the intention to apply for an immediate SoS, but without having to put the date of appointment on CA23. This will in turn resolve an issue that IP Unit has about the date of appointment.

1. Users will now be able to provisionally allocate an IP or Joint IP to a case from CA21.

2. On entering a meetings decision of “N" and the date, you will be prompted with question as to whether or not you wish to apply for an immediate SoS.

3. On selecting “Y”, a list of IPs is called via PU509.

4. Choose the appropriate main IP by using “Mark (F7)”.

5.Use the “ToggleIPs” function key to enable you to mark a joint IP.

6. LOIS will prompt you if you try quitting without saving.

7. Once saved, you are taken back to CA21 to enter the date of the NNM and whether or not it will be combined with the report to creditors.

8. On saving changes, you are now able to produce the Notice of No Meeting that will include details of the provisionally allocated IP(s).

Confirming appointment of provisionally allocated IP(s).

9. Go to CA23 in order to retrieve details of the provisionally appointed IP(s).

10. Select IP (F11) for main IP, which will call back the provisional IP selected on CA21.

11. Confirm that you wish to use these details by select “Y”.

12. Choose the appropriate appointment ie by SoS, and press “Select (PF2)”.

For confirmation of a joint IP, follow the steps above but use the function key “Joint IP(F7)” instead.

13. After selecting the IP(s), LOIS prompts for the application date.

14. Enter the application date.

15. On entering the date LOIS will prompt you to save changes, confirm save with “Y”.