Vietnam Conflict Journal Prompts
Remember to answer ALL parts of each prompt according to how your character would react. You also MUST include historical information.
#1: Conflict Begins
It is 1965 and the first troops have arrived in Vietnam. You have been following the political decisions regarding Vietnam for the past couple of years. Based on your knowledge of your character, what is your opinion of American political decisions regarding Vietnam? Explain the Gulf of Tonkin and the resulting political debate. Explain who your character is and why they support or do not support sending troops to Vietnam.
#2: Life of Soldiers
It is 1966 and you have learned of the life of American soldiers in Vietnam, either through the personal experience of fighting or through the television and letters you have received from loved ones. Describe the draft process. Who gets drafted? How is your character affected by the draft? Do you think the draft is fair? How do you feel about draft dodgers?Describe the life of a soldier. How does your character feel about the battle the soldiers are fighting? Do you feel the violence is justified? Does the experience of soldiers change your opinion about American intervention in Vietnam?
#3: The War at Home
Describe the protests. What are people protesting? How do you feel about the protest movement? Would you ever participate? Are the protestors justified? Are they effective? Is the war futile? Explain your responses. Be Specific! (reference specific protests)
#4: December 1968 – The Dividing Line Continued
Pretend that it is December 31st 1968 and you are reflecting back on the events of 1968. Choose four of the events listed below to describe and respond to. Remember to respond as your character – choose events that your character would have felt a strong reaction to. At the end of this journal explain if your feelings about the Vietnam conflict have changed after this tumultuous year – explain.
- TET Offensive
- LBJ’s Decision not to run for President
- Assassination of MLK
- Assassination of RFK
- Chicago Democratic Convention
- My Lai
- Election of Nixon
- Violence at ColumbiaUniversity
#5: A Final Look
Discuss the end of the conflict including the election of Nixon, Vietnamization, the Pentagon Papers, and the KentState incident. Reflect back on all your journals – has your opinion about the conflict changed? Your opinion on the government? On society? How have you personally been affected? Will this time period have an impact on your future? Explain.
EXTRA CREDIT JOURNAL: Music of the 1960s
Find a song from the 1960s and print out or write down the lyrics. Respond to and analyze the lyrics from the perspective of your role. You can choose any song (except for those we discussed in class) as long as it comes from the 1960s. 10 points extra credit.
**** Don’t just summarize these events – “Live them” – react as though you have actually experienced them!!!****