Jones County School System
Gray, Georgia
Three‐Year Technology Plan
July 1, 2012‐June 30, 2015
Submitted to MSC ETTC and the State DOE for approval
Mr. William C. Mathews
Executive Director, K-5 Curriculum and Instruction
Kelly Roberts
(478) 986-3032
Technology Director
Adam Barnett
(478) 986‐3032
Director for Instructional Technology, 6-8 Curriculum and Instruction
Charlotte Foskey
(478) 986‐3032
Director for 9-12 Curriculum and Instruction, CTAE
Nancy Nash
(478) 986‐3032
Table of Contents
I. Vision for Technology Use 3
II. Current Reality 4
A. Data Sources 4
B. Instructional Technology Use 4
1. Elementary Schools 4
2. Middle Schools 5
3. Ninth Grade Campus/High School 5
4. All Schools 5
C. Instructional Gap Analysis 5
D. Administrative Technology Use 6
E. Administrative Gap Analysis 6
F. Parent/Community Uses of Technology 7
G. Parent/Community Gap Analysis 7
H. Goals, Benchmarks, and Strategies 7
III. Communication and Marketing 12
IV. Professional Development 13
V. 8th Grade Technology Literacy 14
Appendix A: Cybersafety At JCSS 15
Appendix B: Cybersafety At JCSS Elementary Schools 20
Appendix C: Cybersafety At JCSS Middle Schools 25
Appendix D: Cybersafety At JCSS High Schools 30
Appendix E: Board Policy Internet Acceptable Use 35
Appendix F: Board Policy Internet Safety 37
I. Vision for Technology Use
Compose an overall mission and/or vision which describes the steps the LEA is taking to ensure all students/teachers have increased access to technology. Include a list of specific vision statements for system educational improvement over a three-year period.
The mission of the Jones County School System is to maximize the academic performance of all students by promoting innovative instructional practices in a nurturing, safe learning environment in order to graduate confident, self-directed, life-long learners. Our vision is to promote academic achievement, responsible behavior, and ethical character all the while ensuring that graduates are equipped for employment in a global, 21st Century workforce.
In Jones County schools, technology affords the enhancement of our belief in the following:
· All students are unique and learn differently
· Differentiated instruction and authentic assessment meet the individualized needs for engaged learners
· A quality education is a responsibility shared by students, staff, faculty, parents and community
· Engaging, collaborative, resource-rich learning environments lead to greater academic achievement
· Community involvement is essential for successful schools
Jones County schools strive to provide technology resources seamlessly and efficiently in order to afford students the most engaging and versatile learning environments. While teachers meet many differentiated instructional needs by using interactive whiteboards, immediate feedback performance systems, and content specific technologies (i.e. probes, calculators, microscopes, etc.), our students benefit by participating in collaborative, engaging activities which intrinsically motivate and promote the use of higher-order thinking skills.
· All teachers and students will be proficient in identifying and effectively using 21st century skills, tools, methodologies and standards.
· Administrators, teachers, media specialist, and central office curriculum staff will use technology resources to access data systems needed to improve and personalize instruction delivery for all students.
· All administrators will be empowered to observe, monitor, and recognize effective and impactful instructional technology use by teachers and students.
· Central office and administrative staff will utilize appropriate technology tools to connect with teachers, parents, students and community.
· Central office and administrative staff strive to find new resources to keep parents informed and updated regarding students.
· Administrators and staff use Observation 360 to store resources and documents.
· Paperless initiative of communication of special interest groups.
Students in Jones County are no longer bound to only the curriculum that the Jones County teachers are certified. Our classrooms use the following tools: Video Streaming, Web based instruction, Web based streaming tools.
II. Current Reality
Identify your data sources. What data does your technology inventory survey tell you?
Compose a narrative analyzing the gap in access to technology across the district.
Address the following groups—instructional, administrative, parent/community, system
readiness/system support—personnel/resources.
A. Data Sources
JCSS utilizes the following data sources to collect valuable data for informed technology planning decisions:
• Annual technology budget
o Software
o Hardware
o E-Rate
• Annual technology inventory submitted to State Department of Education
o WAN/LAN capabilities
o Number of “modern computers” per school, room, etc.
o Ratio of students to “modern computers”
o Breakdown of administrative versus instructional technology
o Inventory of other instructional technology
• Annual technology literacy assessment to evaluate 8th grade students
• Classroom walkthroughs which yield level of technology implementation (i.e. emergent, operational or fully operational)
• Annual surveys
o content and quality of instructional technology professional development
o quality of technology support offered from technical specialists within the district
o technology resources desired by the classroom teacher
o overall technology needs of the school
B. Instructional Technology Use
1. Elementary Schools
Each elementary school in Jones County has at least one computer lab. Some schools employ full-time lab instructors who work collaboratively with classroom teachers in order to enhance the current curriculum being taught to the students. Other schools utilize the classroom teachers as the lab instructor. While in the lab, teachers post and follow the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards and assist students with using software applications, Internet resources, performing research, writing reports, keyboarding skills, creating spreadsheets, and designing and creating materials that display understanding and mastery of subject matter. Classrooms have at least one instructional computer.
Available software programs include, but are not limited to:
• Microsoft Office
• Renaissance Place
o STAR Reading
o Accelerated Reader
o STAR Math
o Accelerated Math
• Harcourt Math
• Study Island
• SuccessMaker
• Lexia
• Kidspiration
• Inspiration
2. Middle Schools
Both middle schools in the district have three computer labs. Students take courses in these labs to learn the basics of computers as well as to enhance the current curriculum being taught to the students in their regular classes. All math classrooms have SMART boards and projectors to enhance the instruction and curriculum as well as to support student collaboration and achievement.
Available software programs include but not limited to:
• Microsoft Office
• Renaissance Place
o Accelerated Reader
o Accelerated Math
o Math Facts in a Flash!
o STAR Math
o STAR Reading
• Lexia SOS
• Geometer’s Sketchpad
3. Ninth Grade Campus/High School
The Ninth Grade Campus and Jones County High School (JCHS) have the largest number of computer labs and modern computers. There are five computer labs at the JCHS and five at the Ninth Grade Campus. These schools are also equipped with mobile labs with laptops. Some of the labs are dedicated to vocational education where the students learn computer basics, trade skills, and business applications. All math classrooms have SMART boards and SMART Math Tools enhance the curriculum. There are also SMART boards and projectors in several of the vocational classrooms as well as the AP Academy at JCHS.
Available software programs include but not limited to:
• Microsoft Office
• Geometer ‘s Sketchpad
• Education 2020
• Automated Accounting
• MicroType
• Texas Instruments SmartView
• Keytrain
• USA TestPrep
• Adobe CS5
4. All Schools
All Schools in Jones County currently use Infinite Campus as the student data application and SchoolCenter for web hosting. WebMailPro is the district’s web-based email. Troubletrakker and Maintenance Direct are our management systems for work orders placed for technology and facilities respectively. McAleer Solutions Nextgen is our financial and personnel application. All schools are connected to the Internet and are able to use our system wide applications. All schools are connected via gigabit fiber. Network drops are present in all classrooms, computer labs, media centers, offices, and conference rooms. While we do have wireless connectivity in the common areas of every school, our goal is to have wireless connectivity throughout every school by FY2013. Interactive whiteboards and projectors have been installed at every grade level with the focus currently on science and math classrooms. Jones County employs four Technology Specialists at the district level that are assigned to schools and maintain all technologies and connectivity at their respective sites.
C. Instructional Gap Analysis
Our goal as a system is to have the following standards for all classrooms in the district:
• One modern PC for instructional use
• A ceiling mounted data projector with at least 2000 Lumens
• An interactive whiteboard with accompanying software;
• Wireless network coverage
• Gigabit wired network connectivity
The current definition of a modern computer is one that is capable of running applications currently used in the environment. While the vast majority of computers in the district meet this requirement, there are still a large number of computers that are on the verge of being non-modern. These computers are greater than 6 years old and have insufficient memory and/or processor speed to keep up with software specifications.
Interactive whiteboards and mounted projectors are currently installed in approximately 60% of classrooms in the district. Our ultimate goal to allow for equitable opportunities in instruction is 100%.
Five of our eight campuses have full wireless coverage over all instructional areas and gigabit connectivity to the desktop. These projects have been completed thanks to E-Rate funding. Our goal is to acquire funding for the remainder of our schools.
D. Administrative Technology Use
Administrative applications are installed and supported at the district level. These applications are available to all schools and include student information management, food services, personnel information management, district finances, purchasing, and transportation. These applications are either hosted on local servers or through a web based hosted solution.
Available software programs include but not limited to:
Infinite Campus – Student Information System
Lunchbox – Nutrition Services Management
Versatrans – Transportation and Route Management
PDExpress – Professional Learning Management
PD360 – Professional Development Content Management
Data Director – Data and Assessment Management System
WebMailPro – Email
TroubleTrakkerPro – Technology Work Order Management System
MaintenanceDirect – Maintenance Work Order Management System
Observation360 – Classroom observation tool
One Call Now – Crisis Communication System
All teachers and administrators access network‐based data through a secure high speed data connection. All schools connect through gigabit fiber links to the district data center.
District administrators and some support staff are provided with mobile phones to promote more effective and efficient support of the district and school needs. School personnel are provided web‐based e‐mail accounts to promote better communication between the schools, staff, and parents.
E. Administrative Gap Analysis
In the administrative offices of the schools and the district, modern computers are provided for all staff. Internet access, access to district wide applications and email are also provided. Administrators at some schools have mobile devices available to them to help them perform walkthroughs and observations. Our goal is to have these devices in the hands of all principals, assistant principals, and instructional coaches.
Central office administrators currently have access to wireless phones. Our goal is to also provide phones for principals at every campus.
The current definition of a modern computer is one that is capable of running applications currently used in the environment. While the vast majority of computers in the district meet this requirement, there are still a large number of computers that are on the verge of being non-modern. These computers are greater than six years old and have insufficient memory and/or processor speed to keep up with software specifications. Our goal is to provide the modern computer to each and every administrative user.
Five of our eight campuses have full wireless coverage over all administrative areas and gigabit connectivity to the desktop. These projects have been completed thanks to E-Rate funding. Our goal is to acquire funding for the remainder of our schools.
F. Parent/Community Uses of Technology
Jones County Schools utilizes our web site, email, local newspaper, and newsletters to promote better communication between schools, staff, parents and community members. Student assignments, class content, grades, and attendance information are available to the parents through a combination of our SIS, Infinite Campus, and our teacher web pages hosted on SchoolCenter. All board meeting agendas and minutes are posted on a web site provided by eBoard which is linked to the JCS district web site. In the case of an emergency situation or just the need to disseminate information to all parents, we have a crisis communication provider which uses automated telephone calling to transmit pre-recorded messages. Jones County Schools also has a Facebook account and a Twitter account in order to push information to our stakeholders.
G. Parent/Community Gap Analysis
An obvious problem with communicating with parents and the general public is that not everyone has access to the same technologies and methods of communication. This is why we attempt to use different venues for communicating with our community stakeholders. Our SIS, Infinite Campus, and district/school/teacher web sites are valuable resources, but not all parents have access to Internet connectivity in their homes. Since many have access to cellular devices, using Facebook and Twitter seemed like a logical move. We plan to add a parent resource computer in a common area at all schools for parents to access school related materials.
H. Goals, Benchmarks, and Strategies
Instructional Goals
Goal 1: / To increase the graduation rate and decrease the drop-out rateStrategies / Benchmark / Evaluation Method / Funding Source/Amount / Person Responsible
Support the use of E2020 as a credit recovery program for after-school and summer remediation. / We have 55 licenses:
19 used by Academic Academy
25 used by Credit Recovery Night School
Of that we want an 80% pass rate. / Pass/Fail Ratio / Local Funds / Director of Instructional Technology
Director of Technology
Goal 2: / To provide equity in programs and opportunities
Strategies / Benchmark / Evaluation Method / Funding Source/Amount / Person Responsible
Support opportunities for all students to engage in extra/co-curricular activities including Film Festival / Annual increase in film festival entries / Annual Technology Survey
Film Festival / Local Funds / Director for Instructional Technology
Director of Technology
Goal 3: / Improve and Update the Technology Infrastructure
Strategies / Benchmark / Evaluation Method / Funding Source/Amount / Person Responsible
Increase internet bandwidth district wide / Average less than 70 % bandwidth utilization / Statistics from network monitor / E-Rate awards
Local funds
2,000 / Director of Technology
Safeguard network environment in preparation for implementing BYOT / Ability to segregate internet from intranet by using separate SSIDs and wireless controller / Technology inventory
Wireless network analyzer / Local funds
E-Rate awards
$340,000 / Director of Technology
Replace aging network equipment / 100% network equipment upgrade by 2014 / Technology inventory / Director of Technology
Add network drops where needed / Ability to support all wired devices / Technology inventory / Director of Technology
Increase wireless coverage and density / Ability to support mobile labs in all instructional areas / Wireless network analyzer / Director of Technology
Goal 4: / To improve access to and the reliability of hardware, software, and technology networking
Strategies / Benchmark / Evaluation Method / Funding Source/Amount / Person Responsible
Replace outdated and out of warranty computers in the classrooms and labs / 100% of regular ed classrooms with at least one modern computer and each lab with enough computers to support maximum classroom size / Technology inventory / Local funds
$200,000 / Director of Technology
Improve the completion time of technology work orders. / 100% within 3 days / Statistics from work order system / Director of Technology
Add SMART Boards and mounted projectors in classrooms / 20 installations per year / Technology inventory / Local funds
$80,000 / Director of Technology
Install SMART Notebook on all teacher computers / 100% / Technology inventory / Free / Director of Technology
Implement at least 1 mobile lab containing 32 devices at each middle school / Full implementation / Technology inventory / Local funds
$35,000 per lab / Director of Technology
Goal 5: / To improve and update the 21st century digital classroom equipment and peripherals
Strategies / Benchmark / Evaluation Method / Funding Source/Amount / Person Responsible
Increase the number of 21st century digital classroom components in every school (i.e. Document cameras, digital cameras, student response devices) / To have enough components available to provide access to at least one component in half of all classrooms at any given time. / Technology inventory / Local Funds / Director of Technology
Director of Instructional Technology
For new school construction, budget for installation of new digital components in all classrooms. / Technology inventory / Local Funds
State Funds / Director of Technology
Administrative Goals