Class Rules/Syllabus 2012-2013 Contact Information

AP Spanish Language Jeneffer Villarie

Sra. Villarie Room A-213

Course Overview

This course is designed for students who wish to pursue the equivalent of a third-year, college-level Spanish course. Students will work intensively on improving the four major skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. The intensity of the course reflects the demands of the AP exam, and will require consistent effort and commitment on your part!

**You are REQUIRED to speak in Spanish during class time, and will sign a pledge to do so during the first week of class**

Course Outline

What are we going to do?

The class will be divided into major themes. Each theme will be supplemented by vocabulary, grammar structures and at least one work of Spanish literature. During the first quarter, you will be introduced to the various tasks of the AP exam, and we will continue to work on those tasks throughout the year.

Here is a list of the themes that we will explore throughout the year:

1. Human Rights and Immigration/emigration

2. International trade and commerce

3. Healthcare

4. Family/Friends, relationships and conflicts

5. Climate/Environment

6. Politics and current events

7. Fantasy vs. reality

8. Technology

I chose these themes, because they provide a wealth of new vocabulary, and an opportunity to practice tricky (and not so tricky) grammatical structures in a conversational context. Activities will include, but are not limited to: debate, discussion, quick-writes, formal and informal oral presentation, listening and commenting on news articles, AP-style practices from your workbook, etc.

Grading System

Grades are based on points earned. Grades will be posted in class and will also be accessible to parents online. Please monitor your performance in this class regularly.

Weighted Categories:

Performance:Exams/Quizzes/ projects/ 70%

Participation 15%

Homework 15%

Your final grade will be based on the following grading scale:

100%-90% = A

89%- 80% = B

79%-70% = C

69%-60% = D

59%-below = F

Homework/Individual Preparation

Homework and Individual Preparation are an important part of your learning in this class; many parts of your grammar review are based on the weaknesses you identify and choose to study on your own. In many cases, your homework will consist of preparing/studying vocabulary for the week’s quiz, reviewing verb conjugations for a mastery quiz, etc. If you are given a written assignment to do for the next day, it must be completed at the beginning of the hour.


Larger assignments (papers, projects) will be deducted 15% for each day they are late.


To be an active learner, you must always be prepared to cooperate and participate in any and all activities. To learn to speak a language, you must practice when the time is given in class. You will be required to speak, read, role-play, present dialogs and answer questions on a daily basis. You will receive a low or failing grade in participation if you do not bring your books and materials to class and participate in an active and positive manner everyday.

-----% of the AP exam is based on your ability to speak both formally and informally. Therefore, you are REQUIRED to speak Spanish in class, both to me and to y our classmates AT ALL TIMES (with a few exceptions). Your participation grade will be penalized if you insist on speaking English. You will receive 2 participation/conversation grades per quarter; positive and negative points will be given for the following:

·  speaking Spanish the entire hour
·  participating in partner discussion
·  contributing to class discussion
·  using appropriate vocabulary (words appropriate to your level)
·  quality Spanish in formal presentations
·  moving the discussion to the next level / NEGATIVE POINTS:
·  speaking English, particularly when the vocabulary should be known already
·  speaking English, particularly to a neighbor or even if it is not an “official” part of what is happening
·  using inappropriate vocabulary such as the “palabras prohibidas”
·  constantly repeating an idea or agreeing “too much” with peers. This is boring.
·  being tardy
·  unpreparedness
·  possession of a disruptive electronic device

Tips for success

1. Be on time. 3 tardies = detention

2. Make-up work: If you are absent, you will be responsible about your make up work. If you have missed a quiz/test/paper, you will schedule your make-up immediately. If you do not talk to me or e-mail me about this within two days, you will earn a zero for the assignment. As I will publicize dates of quizzes and tests well in advance, I will expect you to be ready for them, even if you have been absent.

3. Be focused on Spanish. Do not bring work for other classes as this will be considered VERY

RUDE. I don’t care if you have an exam next hour, really. You need to be on task 100% of the time.

4. Leave profanity and put-downs at the door.

5.Treat all members of this class with respect at all times.

6. Keep your personal technology turned off and put away. I will confiscate your cell phone/i-pod/etc. and keep it until the end of 9th period.

7. I will be available for extra help on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings (7:00-7:30) and everyday during periods 3 and 5. Feel free to stop in! E-mail any time with random questions about assignments, or to get make-up work if you’re gone.

8. Cheating on any assignment will result in a grade of a zero and a discipline referral.

9.Bring book, pencil or pen, paper, notebook everyday.

10.Use the restroom and drinking fountain before class. (Emergency passes only 10 minutes rule applies.)

11.Remain seated until dismissed by sound of bell.

12.Bring a positive attitude

Consequences: Each member of this class is responsible for the choices he/she makes both positive and negative. When you make a choice to disrupt the instruction of the class you are actually stealing valuable instructional time from your classmates. If you choose to disrupt the instruction of this class, the following actions will be taken:

1st time: Verbal warning

2nd time: Detention

3rd time: Parent phone call and conference

4th time: Referral to administrator

Have fun. I know this is a serious document, but there’s plenty of room to have a good time in this class, as well.

I’m glad you’re here, and look forward to working hard with you this year. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions about this information.


Student Accountability Contract Academic Year 2012-2013

Parent Contract of Support

AP Spanish Language

Student Accountability Contract

I have read and discuss with the teacher the syllabus for the AP Language Spanish Class. I will do my best to fulfill the requirements for Spanish and the expectations of Sra. Villarie




Parent Contract of Support

I have discussed all the information with my son/daughter______for Spanish AP language class. I pledge to support my child to fulfill these requirements and expectations.

Parent (Print Last Name, First Name) ______

Daytime Phone Number(s): ______

Signature ______Date ______

Preferred E-mail address: ______

Student (Print Last Name, First Name) ______

Class Period ______

Signature ______Date ______

Preferred E-mail address: ______