Co-op Housing Development Group

Developer Skills and Inventory

Co-op Developer Class



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Signature: Date:



Please complete all sections of the attached application, including the skills and knowledge inventory, which is a self-assessment exercise. When completing the inventory, rate each factor from 0-3, according to the following scale:

0 = Novice (knowledge is not sufficient to be applied without assistance)

1 = Basic (can perform this skill satisfactorily but require periodic assistance or supervision).

2 = Intermediate (can perform this skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision).

3 = Expert (can perform this skill satisfactorily with initiative & adaptability to special situations).

Once you have completed the inventory and reviewed your results, please check below which of the following competencies you wish to list as your preferred focus of practice:

The Co-op Model Group Development

Business Development Building Project Management

Submit your complete application to the CHDG Membership Committee. The committee will review your application and provide you with feedback, prior to finalizing your preferred focus of practice areas.

Please note that the preferred focus of practice designation is not a certification or endorsement. Rather, it is intended to provide a degree of transparency to community groups and clients in selecting a developer. Community groups are encouraged to conduct their own due diligence in that process.

Once finalized, the membership status and preferred focus of practice will be listed on the CHDG website.

A. Overview

In 250 words, please describe your experience in the field of cooperative housing.

B. Recent Projects

Please name up to 2 housing co-op development initiatives you have been involved with. Summarize the type of cooperative and outline the role that you played and impact you had on the project.

C. References

Please list 2 references (name, telephone number and email address) who are familiar with your past work in the housing and cooperative sectors.



D. Skills & Knowledge Inventory

Using the Skills & Knowledge Inventory (attached as separate document) self-assess your skills in the various areas of competency and record the scores (0-3) below.

Section 1. Basic Requirements

1.1. Professional Behaviour/Code of Ethics

Demonstrate Confidentiality
Demonstrate Professionalism

1.2. General Management Skills

Goal setting
Scheduling and critical path development
Resource and task allocation
Meeting deadlines
Evaluation of projects

1.3. Communication Skills

Consensus development
Goal development

1.4. Interpersonal Skills

Listening skills
Exploratory questioning skills
Negotiating skills
Deal with resistance and managing conflict
Interpret and apply non-verbal communications
Interpret and apply verbal communications

1.5. Effective Client Counseling

Apply interviewing techniques
Assist client to conduct a situational analysis
Assist client to develop action plan
Recognize personal limitations and/or need to refer client to others for assistance

1.6. Knowledge Networks

Maintain awareness of socio-economic climate / environmental scan
Develop and maintain inventory of resources
Develop and maintain network of expertise and support
Source financing
Develop awareness of government and legal regulations
Develop network and brokering skills
Advocate for client

SECTION 2. Co-operative Model Knowledge

2.1. Co-operative Principles and Enterprise Types

Knowledge of cooperatives' key characteristics
Knowledge of co-op principles
Knowledge of variations to the housing co-op model
Knowledge of other forms of housing organizations or tenure types and how they differ from the co-op model
Knowledge of co-op advantages relative to the alternative business models
Knowledge of the multi-tiered structure of the Canadian cooperative model

2.2. By-laws and Governance Processes (specific to Manitoba jurisdiction)

Knowledge of co-op law
Knowledge of bylaw drafting
Knowledge of options for participatory democracy
Knowledge of different roles of members, board, management
Conflict resolution skills
Role of policies and approaches for policy development

SECTION 3. Groups Development and Facilitation

3.1. Group Assessment Skills (initial meetings)

Identify leadership
Determine whether there is a common objective
Determine whether there is a match between each individual's personal needs and the group's objective
Determine whether the group can take responsibility for project
Determine what level of understanding the group has regarding the business of housing development, group process and the social, economic, regulatory environment
Determine what financial resources are available

3.2. Knowledge of Developer Role & Function

Understanding of client's positions as the decision-maker
Understanding of developer's role to provide "sober second thought"
Identify personal and group goals
Point towards practical and realistic approaches to achieving goals
Knowledge of adult education principles
Facilitation skills
Practical training experience

SECTION 4. Business Development

4.1. Business Evaluation Skills

Market research and analysis
Strategic market planning (accessibility, culture, amenities, etc.)
Break-even analysis
Identifying members' goals and affordability threshold
Risk / benefit analysis

4.2. Business Planning Skills

Understand the uses of business plans
Knowledge of the appropriate format of housing co-op business plans
Knowledge on proper presentation of financial information for housing
Knowledge of the relevant factors and ability to construct cash flow
Knowledge of how cash flow relates to viability and replacement reserves

4.3. Knowledge of Business Financing

Knowledge of types of financing, member shares, member loans, debt, etc.
Knowledge of sources of financing
Knowledge of government funded programs
Developing an offering statement
Raising capital

4.4. Accounting Knowledge

Understand the need for and requirements of an accounting system
Basic knowledge of the GAAP as they apply to presenting housing cooperative financial statements
Knowledge of bookkeeping procedures
Knowledge of issues regarding patronage dividends and member loans
Knowledge of taxation issues (nonprofit, GST, land transfer, etc.)
Audit preparation

4.5. Diagnostic and Problem-Solving Skills

Recognize problems common to housing co-op operations
Possess problem solving approaches applicable to housing co-ops
Ability and willingness to follow up on proposed problem solving solutions

Section 5. Building Project (Construction) Management Skills

5.1 Building Project Management Skills

Experience using PDF and seed funding application process knowledge
Knowledge of zoning regulations and how to successfully apply for changes and variances

5.2 Use of Professionals

Knowledge of how and when to use architects
Developing requests for proposals and evaluation of responses
Ability to oversee selection of general contractor
Matching architect drawings with construction tenders to select builder

5.3 Oversight Skills

Ability to provide construction oversight and evaluation of requests for progress payments
Can match access to mortgage funds with required progress payments
Experience working with lawyers to settle liens from trades
Ability to keep client fully informed on project progress