Welcome to
The KindergartenCenter’s
Meet the Teacher Night
The ABC’s
Of Kindergarten
Policies and Routines
By: Miss Kirk
Attendance-A successful school experience is the responsibility of the child, the parents, and the school. Your child's progress, both academically and socially, is influenced to a great extent by daily participation. Regular attendance without tardiness is critical.
Absences-Students need to be in school as much as possible. We are building language, working on auditory development, and using hands-on materials to enhance our learning. These activities cannot be duplicated for students who are missing. Excessive absences hinder a child’s progress. If your child is going to be absent, you must call the office (471-0653).
Arrival-Kindergartners should arrive at school no earlier than8:00 A.M.Your child should be dropped off in front of the preschool end of the building following the car rider signs. There will be someone on duty standing on the porch to assist the children getting out of cars.
Allergies-If your child has any allergies please make sure thatwe areaware of them. Iespecially need to know about food allergies and insect bite reactions.
Birthdays-Birthdays are very important to children.You may send birthday treats for your child if you wish. Please make sure to either call or write a note so I can tell you a good time to share the treats with the class. I realize that some students have summer birthdays. I will pick a day in May for you to send treats to celebrate your child’s summer birthday.Please make sure to send pre-packed or commercially prepared treats only. No homemade treats are allowed.
Book Orders-I will send home Scholastic book orders each month for you and your child to look over. If you want to place an order, please make checks payable to Scholastic.It may take up to two weeks for the orders to come in. Online ordering will also be available.
Breakfast- Breakfast will be served from 8:35-9:00a in the classroom. Breakfast is provided for each child free of charge.
Backpacks-Backpacks help your child carry folders, notes, projects, and books to and from school.Your child will soon be getting an Important Papers Folder. Please check your child’s backpack and folder DAILY.
Clothing-Please dress your child in comfortable clothing that is appropriate for Kindergarten.Be sure to be thoughtful about footwear, as we do go out for recess everyday. As cute as sandals and flip-flops are, they may not be the best choice for children who like to climb on the playground equipment.
Discipline –You will receive the student handbook on August 16th. Please refer to page 28 in the handbook and read and discuss the discipline policies with your child. Also, in the back to school packet you received please review the discipline plan with your child. In the Important Papers Folder there is a discipline calendar that you will need to initial daily.
Dismissal– Car Riders are dismissed at 3:40 p.m. Parents need to pull through the car rider line. There will be someone on duty to bring your child to the car. If for some reason you need to pick your child up early, you MUST stop at the office. This is for safety of your child.
Email–My Email address is . I will be checking my Email several times throughout the day, so it is really the best way to reach me. I am unable to change your child’s plans on his/her word alone. If I do not receive a note or a message from the office, your child will follow his/her normal after school plans. If you have to get an important message me or your child regarding an after school change in plans, please call the office and they will notify me directly.
Important Papers Folder-Notes, homework, and completed work from the school or from class will come home in these folders. Please check your child’s folder daily and empty it. When you are looking over your child’s papers daily please review and practice anything he/she had difficulty completing. Fill out any required papers, sign them, and place them back in the folder to be returned to school. I check the folders daily and most days, notes are sent home in them. Please help your child build responsibility by making it their job to put it back in their backpacks once checked by you.
Gold Behavior - Our Kindergartens are safe and happy places where lots of learning happens. We are a classroom family where teamwork and good relationships are expected. We will spend time learning class procedures and practicing them. Each student is expected to act within our standards of behavior. Problems will be dealt with one on one. If misbehaviors continue, we will contact you for support.
Hands-on Learning - The best way to help children learn is to make activities fun. Important concepts can be learned by doing meaningful hands-on activities. There are times when seatwork at the tables is required and necessary, but for the most part, our classrooms will be active learning environments.
Homework–A weekly decodable reader will be sent home with your child. Please read at least 1-2 times per week to practice reading fluency and comprehension skills. All of the homework has a purpose and is related to what we are working on in class. It should never take more than 10-15 minutes. Homework in Kindergarten is a goodhabit that when started early and supported by you, will last throughout your child’s academic career. Other at home projects are an important part of our Kindergarten program. These projects will be sent home through out the year with clear directions and due date.
Internet Usage - Kindergartners will have many opportunities to use the internet.
Independence- Independence is a goal for students because it builds self-esteem and self-confidence. Kindergarteners are very capable of doing many things on their own and I encourage them to do as much as they can for themselves in the classroom. Please continue work on zipping and tying skills. Also, I expect them to carrying in their OWN backpacks every morning. These are skills that must be taught and practiced. Thanks for your support.
Joyful Learnings - Children learn best when they are feeling loved and encouragedto try new things. My classroom builds a feeling a mutual respect, being risk-takers, and supporting each other even when we make mistakes. Happy faces are so important!
Kindness - Students in my classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class, as well as others in society, with kindness and respect. Bothering others, bullying, and interrupting learning will not be permitted.
Labeling–Please label all personal items that your child brings to school, especially his or her lunch box, backpack, and outerwear.
Library-Our scheduled library time is on Monday 10:00am-10:50am. Kindergarten students willcheck out onebookand listen to a story. We will be sending home a library checkout permission slip that will need to be signed before your child can check out a library book. Be sure to help your child remember to bring the book back each week.
Lunch-Lunch is served at 12:04pm. Your child can buy lunch daily or you can send a weekly or monthly amount in the provided breakfast/lunch money envelopes to be used as your child eats school breakfast and lunches. Please remember to always write your child’s name, your name, and the amount enclosed on the outside of the envelope. Extra milks can be purchased for $0.50, which will be taken out of your child’s meal fund. If you ever want to eat with your child, feel free. Just let me know in advance if you will be needing a tray or bringing lunch.
Meetings and Duties - Please respect that teachers are not always available before or after school. As you can imagine our schedules are quite full with staff meetings, staff development trainings, or other committee work and school obligations. We also have supervision duties before and after school. You can reach me by calling me at school (471-0653) at 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. School policy is that you stop in the office and ask Ms. Debbie or Ms. Sherrie to call our room to see if we are available to speak with you. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Math-We practice our Kindergarten Essential Skills at our school. It is used to teach concepts with manipulatives. Calendar time is also when we practice many of our math skills we are learning.
Newsletters-A monthly newsletter is sent homeat the beginning of each month. It will contain information about our classroom activities, announcements, and upcoming school events. I really value your right to keep informed and hope you take advantage of all the opportunities that will give you insight on what’s happening in our classrooms.
Nightly Reading–Nightly reading is essential for future success. All students are expected to read nightly. In class,I will work on many reading comprehension strategies andI will share those with you to practice at home as well. Your reading aloud to your child is just as important as your child practicing their independent reading. Building fluency is an essential part of successful reading.
Office Staff – Our office staff is Ms. Debbie, secretary; Ms. Sherrie, secretary; Nurse Brewer; Mrs. Rodery, counselor; Mrs. Carbaugh, Academic Leader; Ms. Hobeck, Principal.
Open Lines of Communication - Please let me know if you have ANY concerns or questions regarding your child throughout the year.I feel that it is our job to work together as partners to help your child have a successful first year. You may call me at school (471-0653) and they will be sure I get your message or you can email me. You can also send me a note with your child, but remind him or her to give it to me when they get to school. Place the note in your child’s important paper folder. I check the important paper folder every morning.
Parties - I will have various parties throughout the year.If you would like to help by sending food, treats, or coming to the parties please let me know. All are welcome to participate in the festivities!
Parent Involvement-I love Parent Involvement! Please be involved in your child’s Kindergarten year as much as you can. Your support of school activities makes your child feel important and sends the message that you value school!I am always happy to have your help for special activities in the classroom. I will try to let you know at least one week ahead of time if I need help. We hope that you can come and join in the fun!
PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization)-All parents are encouraged to join the school’s PTO.This is a great way to meet other Kindergarten parents, and get involved in all the great things they support! Come to meetings and find out more about community outreach, enrichment activities, fundraisers, student achievement support - and of course all the fun social events like the Family Fall Festival and Santa Night. Their first meeting is August 29th at 6:00pm.
P/T Conferences- Sikeston schedules first and third quarter parent-teacher conferences. At these conferences, we will discuss your child’s accomplishments, strengths, and overall progress. If you feel the need to have a conference other than these times, please call the school, send a note, or email me to make arrangements.
Questions-Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s education.I will make every effort to meet with you and discuss your concerns. Please feel free to call me at schoolor email me anytime.
Q is also for Quick goodbyes
…leave dry eyes!
Report Cards–Report cards will be sent home second and fourth quarters. Mid-quarter reports will also be sent in the middle of each quarter as well.Our hope is to be in continual conversations with you regarding your child’s learning. Please take every opportunity we provide to understand how your child is achieving at school: completed papers in Important Papers Folders, newsletter information, and through activities on the weekly homework calendar.
Reading– Our scheduled 90 minutes of uninterrupted reading time is 1:15p-2:45p M-TH and 9a-11a F. Small groups of children will work with me in the reading program, go to listening, go to reading workstations, and do independent seatwork. The groups alternate so each child participates in each activity. Read to your child daily and let your children see you reading daily. Reading to your child is the single most important thing you can do. It encourages them to become good readers.
Restrooms–Children are allowed to use the restrooms as needed, although not encouraged during a directed instruction time.Unfortunately, accidents will happen and we will make sure that your child is sent to the nurse for a change of clothes. Keeping an extra set of clothing in your child’s backpack is optional.
Safety-Your child’s safety is top priority.I will take every precaution when your child is in my care. Please be sure the office always has your updated emergency contact numbers (work, cell, and home) and the numbers of your emergency contacts in an event you cannot be reached.
Snacks-We eat lunch at 12:04pm, so your child may be hungry for a snack by afternoon recess. A snack schedule will be sent home monthly. Each child is assigned a day to bring snacks. I try to assign your child his/her birthday for snacks, if possible. If not possible, I choose a day close to his/her birthday. Please send snacks for 20 students (subject to change). Some examples of snacks are: goldfish crackers, animal crackers, pretzels, chips,Club or Ritz crackers, and snack bars. If you choose to send drinks, please send cups, as well. The snacks must be commercially prepared and packaged.
Schedule-This is a list of your child’s special class time and my plan time. 10a-10:50a:Mon.-Lib, Tues.-PE, Wed.-PE, Thurs.-Artand 1:40p-2:30p: Fri-PE.
Supplies-I will send a note home with your child when they are running low on their school supplies. We go through a lot of crayons and glue throughout the year, so it might be a good idea to stock up on those supplies now while they are on sale.
Tardies-Students late to school (after 8:45 A.M.) are considered tardy. The schoolkeeps a record of these tardies and they will be documented on your child’s report card. Excessive tardies is disruptive to the class as well as your child’s learning. When you must be tardy, please be sure to walk your child into the office and sign them in.
Toys-Please keep all toys at home. Also, try to limit jewelry as it often breaks upsetting the child, or they misplace it. These items are better left at home because they quickly become too large a distraction at school.
Transportation-To insure the safety of our students, day to day bus changes will NOT be allowed. Any long term changes will need to be discussed with the principal.
Unique- Each child in my class is unique and wonderful. In kindergarten, we learn about how we are unique and special, and we celebrate our differences and similarities. We also learn about the different cultures within our class.
Visitors–Sikeston schools has a policy that ALL GUESTS (including familiar faces) are required to check in at the school office and wear a visitor’s pass. It is important to remember that while this may seem inconvenient to frequent visitors, it is the goal and responsibility of the school to create a safe learning environment.
Volunteers-Volunteering in the classroom is encouraged and welcomed! Occasionally in Kindergarten, students will behave very differently when their parents are helpers in the room. If this becomes a problem, we will ask that you help prepare projects in the teacher workroom instead of helping in the classroom. In addition, we encourage you to not bring younger siblings to join you on your volunteer day.
Writing- Children begin at all levels of the writing process. We use a lot of kid spelling at the beginning of school, so if your child is spelling words incorrectly that is OK. We teach them to sound out the words and write the letters they hear in the words. As they progress in the year they will start writing more and more words correctly and they will be writing longer and longer sentences. We do encourage them to write their sight words correctly. We write in our journals everyday. Remember readers make the best writers!
Web Sites- These are websites especially for kids that I use in my room: