Board Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2003
Board members present and voting: Phyl Renninger, Gail Vertz, Michael Wells, Cynthia Oda, Marilyn Boess, Jerry Dillehay, Frank Mandley, Janel Patterson, Randy Givens, Deanna Nurnberg, and Linda Lambert.
- Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:33 p.m.
- Approval of Minutes: Michael Wells moved the approval of the February 23, 2003, Board Meeting Minutes as distributed. The motion was seconded by Cynthia Oda and carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: Michael Wells presented the 2002 financial report, the 2003 adopted budget, and the 2003 proposed revised budget. An error was identified in the 2003 proposed revised budget. Janel Patterson moved that the 2003 proposed revised budget be tabled until tomorrow (2/24/03) following the committee presentations. The motion was seconded by Deanna Nurnberg. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Deanna Nurnberg moved that the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee meet to discuss how to include financial services work in the contract with Grant Services. Janel Patterson seconded the motion, which carried.
The board meeting was suspended at 4:20 p.m. and was scheduled to reconvene at 1:30 p.m. on February 24, 2003.
President Renninger reconvened the meeting at 1:34 p.m., on February 24, 2003. All those present at yesterday’s meeting were present.
Marilyn Boess moved to accept the following amendments to the agenda:
Item IV, to be deleted;
Item VII. b., to be moved to Item XII d; and
Items VIII, IX, X, and XI to be deleted.
The motion was seconded by Gail Vertz and carried unanimously.
- Report Items: President Renninger presented the Executive Committee Minutes. There were no comments.
VI.Discussion Agenda Items:
- Review of Standing Rules: Deanna Nurnberg reported that standing rules that would reflect the changes made to the Bylaws as approved by the membership in November.
- The following Committee Recommendations were presented by 2003 Conference Committee Chair Gail Vertz:
- Approve signing a contract with proposed keynote speaker Steve Shapiro for $2,500 plus up to $500 travel expenses. Upon roll call vote, all present voted in the affirmative. (Janel Patterson was not present for this vote.)
- Approve 2003 conference agenda as amended on April 11, 2003. The recommendation carried unanimously. (Janel Patterson was not present for this vote.)
- Approve signing of contract with Westin hotel in Boston for the 2004 conference.
Upon roll call vote, all present voted in the affirmative. (Janel Patterson was not present for this vote.)
- Set future conference dates two weeks before or after the second week of November. Recommendation carried unanimously.
- Give the Conference Committee latitude to negotiate middle-of-the-week days for conference dates. Recommendation carried unanimously.
- Approve signing contract with meeting planner Teresa Hellman, payment not-to-exceed $5,000. Upon roll call vote, all present voted in the affirmative.
- Authorize the AAGP President to contract with the Phoenix conference hotel. Upon roll call vote, all present voted in the affirmative.
- Unfinished Business and Consent Agenda Items
a.Motion tabled from the February 23, 2003, meeting in Phoenix is as follows:
Linda Lambert moved that the President appoint Committee Chairs and that the Chairs appoint their committee members. The motion was seconded by Frank Mandley. The motion was tabled for discussion at the April Board Meeting. The motion was amended to read, “Effective November 2003, that the President appoint Committee Chairs and that the Chairs appoint their committee members. Upon roll call vote, the motion carried with nine votes for and one vote against.
b.Chapter Committee – moved to Item XII.d.
VIII., IX, X, and XI -Deleted
XII.Discussion Agenda Items
- Contracted Services Report - Deanna Nurnberg moved that the contractor recommendations be referred to the Executive Committee for their recommendations to be returned with budget implications via e-mail vote to the board within two weeks from today (4/12/03). Marilyn Boess seconded the motion, which carried with Gail Vertz abstaining.
- Membership Services Committee - Chair Marilyn Boess made the following Committee Recommendations:
- AAGP approve the proposed enhancements to the AAGP website and authorize Membership Services to enter into the necessary agreements and contracts immediately. Upon roll call vote, all present voted in the affirmative.
2.AAGP create a new Marketing Committee. This advisory committee will work with other committees and the AAGP Board to strategize, support, and coordinate the marketing needs of AAGP and its committee. The recommendation carried with nine votes for and one vote against.
- AAGP Nominating and Voting Process - Chair Jerry Dillehay made Committee Recommendations to change wording in the Nominating and Voting Procedures. The recommended changes deleted “hard copy;” inserted “cast ballots as so noted on the conference program and ballot;” changed U.S. mail ballots be cast by “a given date,” changed electronic means to “e-mail;” and changed the approval date of the board to April 12, 2003.
- Chaptering Committee - Chair Janel Patterson made the following Committee Recommendationsto the Chapter Bylaws:
- Under Article 1, Section 1, include name of state where the chapter is located. The recommendation carried unanimously.
2.Under Article 2, Section 1, add the following: “The chapter may continue so long as they are in good standing, as defined by the Association’s Board of Directors and has a valid Chapter Certificate. The recommendation carried unanimously.
Janel Patterson also suggested that Brad Knudson be named the state representative for Minnesota. President Renninger asked that committee chairs write their own letters and certificates, which should be sent to Gail Vertz for formatting prior to obtaining the President’s signature.
e.Credentialing Committee - Chair Frank Madley made the following Committee Recommendations:
- The AAGP Board approve the timeline and establishment of a separate 501 (c)(3). The recommendation carried unanimously.
- The AAGP Board charge the Credentialing Committee to pursue what could lead to NOCA certification standards. The recommendation carried unanimously.
f.Bylaws Committee – Chair Michael Wells presented the following Committee Recommendation:
- Board to accept the following timeline: Suggested bylaws changes to committee members for 5/9/03 conference call meeting. (If necessary, an in-person meeting will be held 6/4/03.) The Committee will have recommendations to the Board for their conference call meeting during the week of 7/14/03.The recommendation carried unanimously.
- Board to direct Bylaws Committee to come up with a plan to implement a three-year term for board members. The recommendation carried with eight votes for and two votes against.
- Board to direct the Bylaws Committee to change the office of Vice President to Vice President/President-Elect.
The recommendation failed with five votes against, four votes for, and one abstention.
- Addressed in Item XII., b., 2., Membership Services.
h.Marketing/Logo – A discussion ensued to develop a logo to describe who we are, what we stand for, what we do, and what we want for and from our audience.
- Treasurer’s Report tabled from 4/11/03.
Linda Lambert moved that we continue to operate under the 2003 approved budget until further notice. The motion was seconded by Marilyn Boess and carried unanimously.
- Anyone in the audience wishing to address the board – none.
- Comments from anyone on board – Gail Vertz announced that dinner was on your own tonight. Deanna Nurnberg thanked Gail Vertz for arranging this meeting. Marilyn Boess congratulated Gail Vertz on a job well done. Jerry Dillehay expressed that Kansas City was sure to be a great conference thanks to Gail Vertz.
President Renninger made the following announcements:
- Thanks to Gail Vertz for her work on the 2003 conference and contracted services.
- Former Board Member Rebecca Walsh will be rejoining AAGP.
- The 2003 Pre-Conference Board Meeting will be on Wednesday November 5th. Board nominees will be invited to audit the meeting.
- Board reimbursement – use current form and send with receipts to President Renninger.
- Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Linda J. Lambert, Secretary.
Submitted as corrected by Deanna Nurnberg, Secretary, November 11, 2003.
AAGP Board Minutes 4/11/03 and 4/12/03Page 1 of 5