Alternative to the Frog Dissection

Objective: Students who cannot perform the actual frog dissection can use this alternative to learn the parts of the frog and receive credit for the dissection. Keep in mind, there is no substitute for actually viewing the real structures on the frog and having the real experience of dissection. This project is to be completed by the student on their own time, using a computer and an internet connection.

Dissection of the Frog without the Frog

Complete two virtual dissections, using the links below.

Site 1 - Go to MHHE Virtual Frog Dissection and complete the module:

Site 2 - Go to Froguts Virtual frog and complete the dissection (free preview version):

Between the two virtual dissections, you should have a good idea of how frog dissections are performed and may have been able to answer many of the questions in the lab handouts. To show that you have completed the dissections, answer the following questions, you will turn these questions in to your teacher.

1.  Describe the procedure you would use to cut the frog to expose the organs to view. You may include drawings to explain the technique.

2.  Describe the inside of the frog's mouth. What structures are visible and what are their functions? You may also include drawings.

3.  Describe what you first see when you open the body cavity of the frog. What organs are obvious? Which organs may require a more thorough inspection?

4.  Compare a male to a female frog. How can you tell the difference?

5.  Choose one organ that you would find in the body cavity of the frog. Describe it in thorough detail, explain what it does, where it is located and how you would find it in the frog, you may want to sketch the organ to show its locations in relation to the other organs.

Label the Diagram

A.  ______

B.  ______

C.  ______

D.  ______

E.  ______

F.  ______

G.  ______

H.  ______

I.  ______

J.  ______

K.  ______

L.  ______

M.  ______

N.  ______