
Chairperson’s/Panel Member’s Manual for External Reviews




2.Appointment of a chairpersonto an External Review

3.Rights and Responsibilities of the chairperson

4.Rights and Responsibilities of ordinary panel members




6.1.1Receipt of all self evaluation reports/portfolios

6.1.2Programme for visit

6.1.3Pre-Visit Meeting with Panel Members

6.1.4Finalisation of all logistics

6.2The Review Itself

6.2.1On the day of the External Review

6.2.2Conducting the Reviews


6.3Concluding the Review Process

Appendix A


The chairperson’s manual is intended to provide guidance and assistance to the chairperson throughout the external review process. The chairperson of an External Review is considered to be the facilitating link between the department/faculty/ support unit of the VUT and the panel members appointed for the purpose of the external review. Therefore the chairperson is appointed with the presumption that he/she will further the best interests of the institution.

The diagram below provides an insight into the cycles of the external review process at the VUT; the first cycle being the Self Evaluation; the second cycle being the External Review; the third cycle being the Quality Improvement Cycle and the final cycle being the Progress Reporting cycle

2.Appointment of achairpersonto an External Review

A chairperson will be appointed by means of the following process:

2.1The chairperson is appointed by the Dean at a Faculty Management Committee meeting or at an Executive Management meeting of the support unit, given a list of possiblecandidates for the position of chairperson by the department / support unit concerned.

2.2The chairperson will assume his/her position once he/she has been duly notified by the relevant HOD or support unit Executive Director/Director/Manager of the VUT and after he/she accepts the invitation to act as chairperson.(see Appendix A: Declaration by chairperson/panel member)

2.3The chairperson has a right to decline the appointment but should do so telephonically or in writing to the relevant department/support unit within 7 days of receipt of the notification.

2.4If there is a conflict of interest on the part of the chairperson, he / she may recuse himself/herself from the post of chairperson or from the entire process.

2.5If the chairperson is for any reason incapacitated and cannot fulfil his/ her duties as chairperson, a panel member could be co-opted by the QPU as the chairperson.

2.6A chairperson may not serve as chairperson in two consecutive external reviews (in the same department/support unit) of the institution

3.Rights and Responsibilities of the chairperson


The responsibilities of the chairperson of an external review panel are as follows:

  • Liaise with HOD/support unit coordinator regarding the preparations and logistics for the review
  • Ensuring that the review process is rigorous and adheres to the criteria set by the institution for external reviews
  • Delegate tasks/responsibilities to panel members
  • Conducting the external review by validating the self evaluation reports/portfolios and evidence provided
  • Responsible for maintaining order and discipline during interviews and the review process
  • Providing feedback to the department heads or service unit headsconcerned at the end of the review
  • Providing a comprehensive report on the outcome of the external review which will include commendations and recommendations based on the findings of the panel members within three weeks after the external review
  • To ensure that the report is critical and professional; reflecting on the status of the department/programme/ support unit under review
  • To deal with any grievances and enquiries in a professional manner. In such cases, the chairperson should consult with the HOD/Executive Director/Director and QPU in order to resolve the issue amicably
  • The chairperson’s responsibilities will cease after the external reviewreport/s for the relevant department/s or support unit/s have/has been submitted. The first submission will be a draft report and after comments by the relevant HOD/ Executive Director/Director, the final report should be submitted. (not later than one month after the date of the external review)


The chairperson has a right to exercise his/her authority as a chairpersonaccording to the rights listed below. The chairperson:

  • Will be the only line of communication between the panel members and the department head/ support unit head/QPU.
  • Can change the programme of activity by liaising with the HOD/ The Programme Coordinator/the Support Unit Manager
  • Will be responsible for the discipline and order of the review
  • Can call discretionary meetings with the panel members to expedite the process
  • Can seek professional assistance should the panel be in a dilemma regarding a particular issue or issues.
  • Can lodge a complaint to the HOD/programme coordinator/support unit Manager/QPU official with regards to any dissatisfaction with the process

4.Rights and Responsibilities of ordinary panel members


A panel member:

  • must direct all communication regarding concerns/queries to the chairperson
  • will remain as part of the panel until the entire process has been completed
  • may not discuss confidential matters of review process with any other member/staff of the VUT or any other institution
  • will report to the external review sessions promptly and avoid delaying the process
  • may contribute to the compilation of the external review report
  • must sign the declaration upon acceptance of the invitation by the relevant department/support unit of the VUT (Appendix A).
  • must inform the chairperson, if for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise, that he/she will not be able to be present.


A panel member:

  • can lodge a complaint/query with the chairperson of the external review
  • is entitled to access information related to the area of review and can also request additional information
  • is entitled to decent accommodation, transport and refreshments
  • can conduct interviews with staff/students of the VUT at the request of the chairperson


With regard to the remunerative aspect of the external reviews, HODs/Executive Directors/ Directors of support units are expected to budget for the costs of the external review (in the preceding year), which will include the following:

  • An honorarium to be given to each of the panel members including the chairperson as determined by the relevant department / support unit under review
  • The accommodation and travel costs will be taken care of by the relevant department/ support unit
  • Refreshments will be provided by the relevant department/support unit

6. The External Review


6.1.1Receipt of all self evaluation reports

The HOD/Executive Director/Director/QPU must ensure that all panel members have received the self evaluation reports of all programmes/ departments / support units under review

6.1.2Programme for external review

The chairperson will ensure that a programme is drafted together with members of the external review panel. The final programme must be forwarded, at least three weeks prior to the actual visit to the institution, to the HOD or the support unit managerso that necessary arrangements could be made, especially to arrange for interviewees to avail themselves for the scheduled interviews. The final programme and list of interviewees should be forwarded to the QPU.

6.1.3Pre-Visit Meeting with Panel Members

The chairperson will be responsible for coordinating a meeting with all panel members prior to the external review in order to discuss strategies for the external review (by teleconferencing or meeting as a group). This can be arranged at the discretion of the chairperson.

6.1.4 Finalise all logistics with department/programme/support unit managers

The HODs/support unit managers will liaise with the panel members to confirm arrangements regarding travel, accommodation, route maps and dietary requirements.

6.2The Review Itself

6.2.1On the Day of the external review:

  • A member of QPU will give a brief background of the QA system being implemented at the VUT
  • The chairperson will discuss any finer details regarding logistic arrangements with the Programme Coordinator/ Department Head/ Support Unit Head regarding the process itself.
  • All evidence documents will be made available to the chairperson and panel members by the department head or programme coordinator or Support Unit Head on the first day of the external review. All documents must be clearly and correctly labeled indicating the programme details on the front cover. A document register or index should be displayed so that panel members have easy access to tracing/locating documents/ information. Certain documents that are ‘generic’ (e.g. policies, guidelines, etc) may be available in electronic format.

6.2.2Conducting the Reviews

The chairperson will outline the intended programme for the duration of the external review to HODs / the support unit managers.


The chairperson should provide some verbal feedback on the findings of the external review to the Dean/ HoD/ Executive Director/ Director regarding their general impression of the review and perhaps some of the concerns that might have arisen from the review exercise. The chairperson need not go into a detailed discussion regarding the external review.

The chairperson should also indicate the date when a draft report would be completed and forwarded to the department/dean /support unit head.

6.3Concluding the Review Process

The chairperson would be responsible for concluding the external review process. The Dean/ Executive Director/Directorshould pass a vote of thanks to the panel members and all those responsible for preparing for the external review.

Ronnie Kundasami

Manager: QPU





NAMES (in full):______

ID. No.:











I do hereby accept/do not accept the position of chairperson/panel memberfor the external review of ______to take place on ______20___ at the Vaal University of Technology and to abide by the terms and conditions as outlined to me in the ‘Chairperson’s/Panel Member’s Manual for External Reviews’
