


1-Most wild animals are ……………….. shy that they run away as soon as they are disturbed.


2-………………… children see us read, …………………. Inclined they are to want to read.

a-neither /norb-both/andc-either /ord-the more /the more e-other /than

3-………………………. That they can probably hear rats getting ready to surface from below ground.

a-The cleverness of wolves guaranteesb-Wolves posses such keen eyesight

c-The noses of wolves are so sensitived-Wolves are such annoying animals

e-Wolves’ hearing is so sharp

4-I think Matisse was every bit as revolutionary an artist as Picasso.

a-If you want my opinion ,Matisse was much more revolutionary an artist than Picasso.

b-If you ask me, Matisse and Picasso were both equally revolutionary artists.

c-Matisse was not quite as revolutionary an artist as Picasso , in my opinion.

d-Neither Matisse nor Picasso was a revolutionary artist ,as I see it.

e-Picasso was quite a revolutionary artist , but Matisse was a bit more so, in my view.

5-You are becoming increasingly concerned about the rising temperatures in your region. One day, while you are out walking with your friend ,you comment sarcastically about the weather:

a-The sun is shining more brightly than ever , but it’s still not hot enough.

b-These days ,the weather is so hot that it’s very hard for elderly people to adapt to it.

c-We’ll soon be suffering from the harmful effects of over exposure to sun like skin diseases.

d-If the weather forecast misleads us again , no one will take it seriously anymore.

e-I don’t often go out without wearing my hat and sunglasses to avoid heat stroke.

6-Most of the writers of grammars of English …………….. teachers ,but some early grammar books of English …….. by men such as playwrights , scientists or philosophers.

a-are/ can be written b-have been /were written c-were /could have been written

d-had been/ were written e-may be /have been written

7-Regardless of how it is presented by different news media , …………………………

a-breaking news are usually announced almost as it happens

b-other sources of news are those managed by organizations ,including government gencies

c-it is hardly surprising that there has been a decline in the consumption of news through TV

d-a journalist can be criticized because of an article he or she has published in a magazine.

e-most news –gathering operations have their headquarters in London and Washington DC.

8-Malaria is spread by mosquitoes in tropical areas …………………..

a-if you take anti-mosquito precautions and medication to keep safe

b-as long as people can find a cure for it

c-but it cannot be transmitted directly from person to person

d-since it is the world’s second biggest killer after tuberculosis

e-even though malaria is potentially a deadly disease.

9-Despite the superstition among seamen that killing an albatross brings bad luck , ………………………..

a-the superstition was reflected in a poem by Samuel Taylor

b-seamen once looked at albatrosses with considerable fear

c-these birds are often hunted by them for their meat

d-the birds are believed to bring good luck to friendly sailors

e-such superstitions are no longer believed by seamen

10-Çoğunlukla insandavranışınıntahminedilemezolduğuveinsanhareketlerinibilimselolarakincelemeninimkansızolduğusöylenir.

a-Human behavior is often said to be unpredictable ,so it is impossible to study human actions scientifically.

b-It’s often said that human behavior and actions are unpredictable and cannot be studied scientifically.

c-The unpredictable nature of human behavior and actions often makes it impossible to be studied scientifically .

d-Human behavior and actions are said to be often unpredictable as well as impossible to be studied scientifically.

e-It is often said that human behavior is unpredictable ,and that is impossible to study human actions scientifically.

11-Whereas in rural areas visitors may arrive unannounced at any time, …….

a-visiting plays a huge role in traditional Turkish social life

b-you shouldn’t except friends to give you presents

c-many rural women spend great time on socializing

d-you need to always have a cake ready to be served

e-city dwellers ring their friends before dropping in on them

12-The Earth …………….. more solar energy in one hour than the whole world …………… in a year.

a-has received /will be consuming b-is receiving /is consumingc-received / would consume

d-receives / could consume e-had received/ consumed

13-You have been stayin in a hotel for 5 days and as you are about to check out , you see that you have been charged for 10 days. You want to point this out to the receptionist politely but in a serious manner .So you say: ……………..

a-The information I read on your website about the prices is wrong , isn’t it?

b-Do I have to pay this extra ordinary amount even if it is not my fault?

c-I’m afraid there has been a mistake .Could you check your records once again please?

d-Can I learn how much a costumer has to pay just for one night in this hotel?

e-I don’t remember ordering anything else apart from the full-board option.

14-Birgül: -I have an interesting job and I’m earning a good salary , why do I still feel so stressed?

Eda: - …………………….

Birgül: - What do you mean by that?

Eda: - I have read it an article .It says that as you gain more responsibility , your level of stress increases.

a-Perhaps ,you should talk to your boss instead.

b-Maybe you’re suffering from the stress of having to do too much.

c-You have such a calm personality to be so stressed.

d-Don’t you think you’re exaggerating this time?

e-Have you considered doing yoga to relieve your stress ?

15-One of the great advences of astronomy over recent years …………….. the discovery of planets outside our solar system , and it is the first real clue that we ………… alone in the universe.

a-is going to be / mustn’t beb-is / were notc-had been / will not be

d-was /would not be e-has been /may not be

16-When Henry saw the car coming , he realized at once that it was bringing another group of visitors .He hated these visitors. ……………….. In doing so , they took up his valuable time.All he wanted to do was to get on with excavating the archaeological site he was working on.

a-They always wanted an extensive tour of the site.

b-Most of them knew nothing at all about archaeology.

c-The questions they asked showed how ignorant they were.

d-They complained about the heat and about the dust.

e-The team members all felt the same as he did.

17-Bazı insanlar ,birotoritetarafındanyönlendirilmeye o kadaralışmıştırkikendibaşlarınaneredeyse imkansızdır.

a-Some people find it impossible to think for themselves once they have got used to having an authority dictate to them.

b-For some people it is impossible to start thinking independently again since they are so used to being directed by an authority.

c-Some people cannot think for themselves because they are used to having an authority to think for them.

d-Some people who are used to being governed by an authority find it quite impossible to think for themselves .

e-Some people are so used to being directed by an authority that is almost impossible for them to start thinking for themselves.

18-The Atlantic Forest hosts 261 mammal species while Amazonia has 353.Not only are they numerous , but they are also special. ………………………. This is true for 6000 of the 20000 plant species and 73 of the 620 bird varieties . Among the regional specialties are the ‘golden lion tamarin’ , a tiny monkey that has insprired conservation efforts in Brazil.

a-There are also a spectacular array of butterflies , parrots , ants and other tropical insects.

b-The Brazilian government has nearly 200 protected zones that set aside Atlantic coastal forest for conservation.

c-There are also over 50 private reserves in Europe that UNESCO placed on the World Heritage List.

d-Sadly,this forest has decreased massively , and it is the second most threatened rainforest ecosystem on the planet.e

e-If you see a living thing in the Atlantic Forest , it is likely that it occurs nowhere else in the world.

19-I don’t like Beyonce ……………. , but I like ………. Songs .

a-__ /herselfb-herself /her c-much/hers d-her own / herselfe-myself /hers

20- ____ can just drop in on ______house at such a late time of the day here.

a-No one / someone’sb- You / all otherc- They / ones

d- Someone / otherse-Nobody /everybody

21-My brother was very surprised …………………… .

a-when he got a message from a long –lost friendb-unless he met an old friend one day

c-where an old friend turned up suddenly d-if an old friend turns up

e-how old he himself was

22-Before he ……………… in museums , he …………. Law in hopes of becoming a specialist in the legal aspects of antiquities.

a-will work/has studied b-works/would studyc-worked /had studied

d-had worked /was studying e-has worked / studied

23-As she looked down into the garden from the balcony, ……………… .

a-birds rarely sing at night.B-the sound of passing traffic would have disturbed her

c-a dog suddenly ran out from among the bushesd-the grass should have been cut a week ago

e-it rained heavily all that night

24-People in England ……………… books about Turkey since the 15th century , but unfortunately an increase in quantity ……. By an increase in quality.

a-had been writing/ does not match b-are writing / will not be matched c-had written / are not matching

d-have been writing / has not been matched e-wrote/ had not been matched

25-As soon as I ………………. To my secretary , I realized that I ………… the situation.

a-spoke/ had misunderstood b-had spoken / have misunderstood c-have spoken / misunderstood

d-was speaking / would misunderstood e-spoke/ have misunderstood

Thehistory of coffee(25p)

Theorigin ofcoffeeas a drinkor a plantdatesbacktothemiddlethe of the 15th century in theSufiMuslimmonasteriesaroundMochain Yemen. Itwas in Arabiathatcoffeeseedswerefirstroastedandbrewed, in a similarwayto how it is nowprepared. Bythe 16th century, it had reachedthe rest of theMiddle East, Persia, Turkey, andnorthernAfrica.

Thefirstcoffeesmuggledout of theMiddle East wasbySufiBaba Budanfrom Yemen toIndia in 1670. Beforethen, allexportedcoffeewasboiledorotherwisesterilized. Portraits of Baba Budan depicthim as havingsmuggled seven coffeeseedsbystrappingthemto his chest. Thefirstplantsgrownfromthesesmuggledseedswereplanted in Mysore, in thestate of Karnataka, India. CoffeethenspreadtoItaly, andtothe rest of Europe, toIndonesia, andtotheAmericas.

Whencoffeereached North AmericaduringtheColonialperiod, it wasinitially not as successful as it had been in Europe as alcoholicbeveragesremainedmore popular. DuringtheRevolutionaryWar, thedemandforcoffeeincreasedsomuchthatdealers had tohoardtheirscarcesuppliesandraisepricesdramatically.

CoffeewasintroducedtoBrazil in 1727, althoughitscultivationdid not gather momentum untilindependence in 1822. Afterthis time massivetracts of rainforestwereclearedforcoffeeplantations, first in thevicinity of Rio de Janeiro andlaterSãoPaulo.

WRITE T/F.(10p)

1-The origin of coffee dates back to the 16th century.____

2-It was a Sufi who smuggled coffee seeds out of the Middle East.____

3-Once coffee reached North America, it was an instant success._____

4-Coffee was cultivated at a large scale in Brazil in 1727._____

-Translate the first paragraph in to Turkish (15p)


