A Correlation of ReadyGEN, © 2016 to the
Illinois Learning Standards for Social Science

A Correlation of


To the
Illinois Learning Standards
for Social Science
Grade 3


This document demonstrates how ReadyGEN, ©2016meets the Illinois Learning Standards for Social Science, Grade 3. Correlation page references are to the Unit Module Teacher’s Guides and are cited by grade, unit and page references.

ReadyGEN ©2016 is a K-6 comprehensive literacy curriculum that equips students and teachers with the tools to meet heightened literacy expectations Authentic, rigorous text sets actively engage students, and a complete array of print and digital resources provide teachers with the support and flexibility they need.

Authentic Text at the Core of Instruction

  • The only elementary literacy program that puts a library of 12 authentic trade books in the hands of every child
  • Cohesive text sets that provide a springboard into the exploration of language, literacy, and collaboration
  • Digital access to every trade book to shift students’ behavior from passive to active learning

Supportive, Flexible, and Customizable

  • Foundational skills instruction and practice built into every lesson
  • An Interactive Teacher’s Guide for point-of-use access to close reading support, note-sharing, and modeling videos
  • A variety of scaffolding strategies promoting instructional equity and access to rigorous text for all students
  • Meaningful Center Activities aligned to ReadyGEN texts, writing modes, and Enduring Understandings
  • Ability to rearrange content, add links and information, upload resources, and build your own tests for a personalized experience
  • Professional development for customization and instructional support

Assessment for Responsive Teaching

  • Various assessment opportunities for you to use with students to monitor their progress toward college and career readiness
  • Baseline Assessments
  • Formative checkpoints throughout instruction
  • Performance-Based Assessments at the end of every module
  • Access to technology-enhanced items
  • Summative, End-of-Unit assessments

Illinois Learning Standards for
Social Science-3rd Grade / ReadyGEN, Grade 3
Inquiry Skills
Developing Questions and Planning Inquiries
Constructing Essential Questions
SS.IS.1.3-5: Develop essential questions and explain the importance of the questions to self and others. / TG: Unit 1: Mod B: Informative/Explanatory Writing: Group Related Information/Gather and Group Related Information: 258-260; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Prepare to Write an Informational Article/Write an Informational Article: 328-330; Reading Analysis: Search Tools: 364, 366, 367; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Take Notes and Sort Evidence/Research and Sort Evidence: 378-380; Performance-Based Assessment: Informative/Explanatory Writing: 392-396; Unit 2: Mod B: Informative/Explanatory Writing: Take Brief Notes on Sources/Take Brief Notes from Several Sources: 318-320; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Gather Information/Gather Information to Write a Paragraph: 328-330; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Sort Evidence/Sort Evidence for an Essay: 338-340; Unit 3: Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Convey Ideas and Information/Gather Information to Write: 218-220; Unit 4: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Opinion Writing: Write Questions: 39; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Reading Analysis: Text Features and Search Tools: 254, 256, 257; Opinion Writing: Gather Information to Build Knowledge/Gather Information to Write an Opinion: 318-320; Opinion Writing: Take Brief Notes on Sources/Take Notes on Key Facts and Details: 328-330; Performance-Based Assessment: Opinion Task: 392-399
Constructing Supporting Questions
SS.IS.2.3-5: Create supporting questions to help answer essential questions in an inquiry. / TG: Unit 1:s Mod B: Informative/Explanatory Writing: Group Related Information/Gather and Group Related Information: 258-260; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Prepare to Write an Informational Article/Write an Informational Article: 328-330; Reading Analysis: Search Tools: 364, 366, 367; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Take Notes and Sort Evidence/Research and Sort Evidence: 378-380; Performance-Based Assessment: Informative/Explanatory Writing: 392-396; Unit 2: Mod B: Informative/Explanatory Writing: Take Brief Notes on Sources/Take Brief Notes from Several Sources: 318-320; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Gather Information/Gather Information to Write a Paragraph: 328-330; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Sort Evidence/Sort Evidence for an Essay: 338-340; Unit 3: Mod B: Informative/Explanatory Writing: Convey Ideas and Information/Gather Information to Write: 218-220; Unit 4: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Reading Analysis: Text Features and Search Tools: 254, 256, 257; Opinion Writing: Gather Information to Build Knowledge/Gather Information to Write an Opinion: 318-320; Opinion Writing: Take Brief Notes on Sources/Take Notes on Key Facts and Details: 328-330; Performance-Based Assessment: Opinion Task: 392-399
Determining Helpful Sources
SS.IS.3.3-5: Determine sources representing multiple points of view that will assist in answering essential questions. / TG: Unit 1: Mod B: Informative/Explanatory Writing: Group Related Information/Gather and Group Related Information: 258-260; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Prepare to Write an Informational Article/Write an Informational Article: 328-330; Reading Analysis: Search Tools: 364, 366, 367; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Take Notes and Sort Evidence/Research and Sort Evidence: 378-380; Performance-Based Assessment: Informative/Explanatory Writing: 392-396; Unit 2: Mod B: Informative/Explanatory Writing: Take Brief Notes on Sources/Take Brief Notes from Several Sources: 318-320; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Gather Information/Gather Information to Write a Paragraph: 328-330; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Sort Evidence/Sort Evidence for an Essay: 338-340; Unit 3: Mod B: Informative/Explanatory Writing: Convey Ideas and Information/Gather Information to Write: 218-220; Unit 4: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Reading Analysis: Text Features and Search Tools: 254, 256, 257; Opinion Writing: Gather Information to Build Knowledge/Gather Information to Write an Opinion: 318-320; Opinion Writing: Take Brief Notes on Sources/Take Notes on Key Facts and Details: 328-330; Performance-Based Assessment: Opinion Task: 392-399
Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence
Gathering and Evaluating Sources
SS.IS.4.3-5: Gather relevant information and distinguish among fact and opinion to determine credibility of multiple sources. / TG: Unit 1: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Unit 2: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Mod B: Informative/Explanatory Writing: Take Brief Notes on Sources/Take Brief Notes from Several Sources: 318-320; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Gather Information/Gather Information to Write a Paragraph: 328-330; Unit 3: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Informative/Explanatory Writing: Convey Ideas and Information/Gather Information to Write: 218-220Unit 4: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Performance-Based Assessment: 392-399
Developing Claims and Using Evidence
SS.IS.5.3-5: Develop claims using evidence from multiple sources to answer essential questions. / TG: Unit 1: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Unit 2: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Unit 3: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Unit 4: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211
Communicating Conclusions and Taking Informed Action
Communicating Conclusions
SS.IS.6.3-5: Construct and critique arguments and explanations using reasoning, examples, and details from multiple sources. / TG: Unit 1: Mod B: Performance-Based Assessment: 392-399; Unit 3: Mod A: Opinion Writing: Gather Information from Print and Digital Sources/Gather Information to Support an Opinion: 128-130; Unit 4: Mod A: Performance-Based Assessment: Opinion: 102-199; Mod B: Opinion Writing: Support an Opinion with Reasons: 268-270; Performance-Based Assessment: Opinion Task, Write About Our Government: 392-399
Critiquing Conclusions
SS.IS.7.3-5: Identify a range of local problems and some ways in which people are trying to address these problems. / TG: Unit 2: Mod A: The Athabascans: Old Ways and New Ways; Unit 4: Mod A: Brave Girl, Back of the Bus, “Rosa Parks: Hero of Our Time”, “Dare”; Mod B: Performance-Based Assessment: Opinion Task, Write About Our Government: 392-399
Taking Informed Action
SS.IS.8.3-5: Use listening, consensus building, and voting procedures to decide on and take action in their classroom and school. / TG: Unit 1: Mod B: Sleuth Work: Backyard Safari: 336-337; Unit 4: Mod B: Sleuth Work: The Election: 237; What Is a Government?: 243, 253; Sleuth Work: America’s National Bird: 336, 337; Performance-Based Assessment: Opinion Task, Write About Our Government: 392-399
Civics Standards
Civic and Political Institutions
SS.CV.1.3: Describe ways in which interactions among families, workplaces, voluntary organizations, and government benefit communities. / TG: Unit 2: Mod A: The Athabascans: Old Ways and New Ways; The Frog Princess: A Tlingit Legend from Alaska; Unit 3: Mod B: Living Through a National Disaster; Unit 4: Mod A: Brave Girl, Back of the Bus; “Rosa Parks: Hero of Our Time”; Mod B: What Is a Government?
SS.CV.2.3: Explain how groups of people make rules to create responsibilities and protect freedoms. / TG: Unit 4: Mod B: What is a Government?, Who Really Created Democracy?, A More Perfect Union: The Story of Our Constitution, “America”, “Washington D.C.
Participation and Deliberation: Applying Civic Virtues and Democratic Processes
SS.CV.3.3: Compare procedures for making decisions in the classroom, school and community. / TG: Unit 2: Mod A: The Athabascans: Old Ways and New Ways; Mod B: Performance-Based Assessment: Compare and Contrast Communities: 392-399; Unit 4: Mod B: What Is a Government?
Processes, Rules and Laws
SS.CV.4.3: Describe how people have tried to improve their communities over time. / TG: Unit 2: Mod A: The Year of Miss Agnes; Unit 4: Mod A: Brave Girl; Back of the Bus; “Rosa Parks: Hero of Our Time”, “Dare”
Geography Standards
Geographic Representations: Spatial Views of the World
SS.G.1.3: Locate major landforms and bodies of water on a map or other representation. / TG: Unit 1: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Unit 2: Mod B: Deep Down and Other Extreme Places to Live; Unit 3: Mod B: On the Same Day in March: A Tour of the World’s Weather
Human-Environment Interaction: Place, Regions and Culture
SS.G.2.3: Compare how people modify and adapt to the environment and culture in our community to other places. / TG: Unit 1: Mod A: The Case of the Gasping Garbage; Mod B: About Earth; Unit 2: Mod B: Deep Down and Other Extreme Places to Live
Global Interconnections: Changing Spatial Patterns
SS.G.3.3: Show how consumption of products connects people to distant places. / TG: Unit 2: Mod A: The Athabascans: Old Ways and New Ways
Economics and Financial Literacy Standards
Economic Decision Making
SS.EC.1.3: Compare the goods and services that people in the local community produce and those that are produced in other communities. / TG: Unit 1: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Unit 2: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; The Athabascans: Old Ways and New Ways; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211
Exchange and Markets
SS.EC. 2.3: Generate examples of the goods and services that governments provide. / TG: Unit 4: Mod B: What Is a Government? A More Perfect Union: The Story of Our Constitution
Financial Literacy
SS.EC.FL.3.3: Describe the role of banks and other financial institutions in an economy. / For opportunities to address please see:
TG: Unit 1: Mod A: “Location, Location, Location” from The Lemonade War
SS.EC.FL. 4.3: Explain that when people borrow, they receive something of value now and agree to repay the lender over time. / For opportunities to address please see:
TG: Unit 2: Mod A: The Athabascans: Old Ways and New Ways
History Standards
Change, Continuity and Context
SS.H.1.3: Create and use a chronological sequence of events. / TG: Unit 1: Mod A: Thunder Cake; Unit 2: Mod A: The Year of Miss Agnes; Narrative Writing: Organize an Event Sequence/Write a Sequence of Events: 68-70; Unit 3: Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Mod B: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Living Through a Natural Disaster, “Tornado Season”
SS.H.2.3: Describe how significant people, events, and developments have shaped their own community and region. / TG: Unit 2: Mod A: The Year of Miss Agnes; The Athabascans: Old Ways and New Ways; Unit 4: Mod A: Brave Girl; Back of the Bus; Below Deck: A Titanic Story; “Brother Against Brother”; “Where?”
Historical Sources and Evidence
SS.H.3.3: Identify artifacts and documents as either primary or secondary sources of historical data from which historical accounts are constructed.. / TG: Unit 1; Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 11; Unit 3; Mod A: Center Options: Research Center: 211; Knots on a Counting Rope; Unit 4: Mod A: Back of the Bus; Rosa Parks: Hero of Our Time; Brave Girl; Mod B: What Is a Government?; Who Really Created Democracy?; A More Perfect Union


TG = Teacher’s Guide