
MAN 4788Sustainability and Environmental Issues

Instructor: / Dr. Lynn Grinnell
Office Hours: / W 12-4 pm, Th 10 am-4 pm, F 9 am-4 pm
Online WebEx Hours: / M-F 12-2 pm
Office Phone / 727-791-5934 or coordinate to set up special WebEx
E-mail / Use MyCourses email (primary) or (secondary)
CourseCredits / 3 credits

This course helps students understand how to evaluate complex issues within sustainability fields in order to form managerial level decisions and recommendations. Diverse issues will be presented that may affect various enterprise level decisions, but also ourpersonal lives.As students growtheir knowledge in thisbroad field, they may find vast opportunitiesfor careers,aswell as a connection between their values. Sustainability practices and decisions areshapinghowwe think and approach decisions at a macro and micro levelin order tounderstand the impact of the unintended consequencesweare dealing with today regardinghumanity, environment, and profitability. Students will understand key issues and analytical tools that will help them to further grow fundamental knowledge in this field, as well as strategies to use this knowledge to tacklegrowing sustainability issues in their careers.As studentscontinue this journey, they should plan tolearn all theycanfrom this core class:


/ Taylor, R. (2013). Taking sides:Clashing views in sustainability. SAGE Publications. 2nd Ed.
ISBN: 9780073514536

Course Objectives

  1. The student will analyze opposing positions onvarious sustainability and environmental issues.
  2. The student will research business solutions that address global social and environmental issues.
  3. The student will identify issues and opportunities organizations face as stakeholders, government, and society.
  4. The student will evaluate present, as well as proposed, state, federal, and global policies and regulations that impact the analysis and decisions for sustainable planning.
  5. The student will develop skills to analyze and defend supply chain decisions.
  6. The student will evaluate ethical versus financial considerations of sustainable enterprise planning.

Weekly Activities

There are a variety of activities in the course:

  • Critical thinking.Weekly discussion boards provide practice analyzing and evaluating different aspects of sustainability issues.
  • Research.On a weekly basis discuss your research on business solutions a country with populations at the Bottom of the Pyramid.
  • Presentation. Present proposed solutions for small business development at the Bottom of the Pyramid,submitted and presented synchronouslyin Week 4.
  • Project.The projectis a grant proposal that details a microfinance project for small business development in one country, due in Week 8.
  • Final Exam. There will be a final exam that requires evaluating a legal case.

Assignment Schedule

Week / Topics / Assignment Type / Assignment Description / Points / Due
1 / Overview / Textbook readings
Critical Thinking / Analysis/Evaluationof issues / 25 / Thu
Research / Select a country to research/team charter / 15 / Fri
2 / Principles of Sustainability / Textbook readings
Critical Thinking / Analysis/Evaluation of issues / 25 / Thu
Research / Gap Analysis of developing country’s businesses / 15 / Fri
3 / Global Issues / Textbook readings
Critical Thinking / Analysis/Evaluation of issues / 25 / Thu
Research / Propose solutions for microfinance/ businesses for the Bottom of the Pyramid / 15 / Fri
4 / Natural Resources / Textbook readings
Critical Thinking / Analysis/Evaluation of issues / 25 / Thu
Presentation / SubmitIndividual slides
Present solutions (synchronous) / 5
20 / Fri
5 / Energy / Textbook readings
Critical Thinking / Analysis/Evaluation of issues / 25 / Thu
Research / Develop outcomes/goals, resources needed, and project plan for microfinance grant / 15 / Fri
6 / Sustainable Development / Textbook readings
Critical Thinking / Analysis/Evaluation of issues / 25 / Thu
Research / Develop evaluation, improvement plan, and budget for microfinance grant / 15 / Fri
7 / Policy & Society / Textbook readings
Critical Thinking / Analysis/Evaluation of issues / 25 / Thu
Research / Compile Grant proposal / 15
8 / Culminating Activities / Textbook readings
Critical Thinking / Analysis/Evaluation of issues / 25 / Thu
Project / Grant submission / 50 / Mon
Assessment / Final exam / 25 / Wed

Grading Policy

Points for each activity / Grading
  • 90-100%= A
  • 80-89% = B
  • 70-79%= C
  • 60-69% = D
  • 0-59% = F

Seven Critical Thinking Discussion Boards @ 25 points apiece
Six research submissions @ 15 points apiece
One presentation @ 25 points
One project @ 50 points
Final exam / 175

Rubric for Critical Thinking Assignments

Category / 0 – Not Present / 1 – Emerging / 2 – Developing / 3 – Proficient / 4 – Exemplary
1 / Critical Thinking Analysis of all eight elements for both authors
(16 points – 2 per element) / Analysis of own position / Analysis of one side of issue / Analysis of both sides of issue / Analysis supported by evidence for both sides
2 / Critical Thinking Evaluation
(4 points) / Incorrect evaluation / Superficial evaluation / Accurate evaluation / Helpful evaluation
3 / Communication
(4 points) / Poor grammar, spelling, paragraph structure / 1-2 grammatical or spelling errors, some evidence of organization / No grammatical errors, clear paragraph structure / Persuasive, fluent
4 / Connection between issues
(1 point) / Connections made

Rubric for Presentation

Category / 0–Not Present / 1–Emerging / 2–Developing / 3–Proficient / 4–Exemplary
1 / Gap analysis of country’s needs / Incorrect information / Superficial / Correct / Thorough
2 / Proposed solution / Inadequate / Superficial / Workable / Compelling
3 / Technology / Poor animation, poor charts / Uses simple animation, e.g., bullets appearing,
Uses simple charts and tables / Uses simple animation, i.e., objects/ photos appearing at appropriate times, uses multiple features of charts and tables / Uses animation creatively, e.g., layering images or blowing up sections of tables to lead eyes through presentation
4 / Artistic endeavor / Confusing template,
Busy bullets,
Poor text size choices / Standard template,
bullets with photos, some use of shapes (rectangles, circles) and smart art / New template, photos,
Minimal text,
No bullets, Uses shapes and smart art to portray information graphically / All of Level 3 +
Innovative use of drawings, smart art, or original artwork
5 / Speaking / Stumbles through presentation / Reads notes / Refers to notes / Speaks fluently without notes

Rubric for Project

Category / 0 – Not Present / 1 – Emerging / 2 – Developing / 3 – Proficient / 4 – Exemplary
1 / Sustainability knowledge / Incorrect information / Superficial / Correct information / Sound theoretical basis for study
2 / Critical Thinking / Incorrect analysis / Superficial analysis of company or country / Accurate analysis of company/ country / All of Level 3 + Evaluates other points of view, consequences of proposals
3 / Creativity / Incorrect application of best practices / Superficial application of best practices / Realistic application of best practices / Innovative application of cutting edge practices
4 / Finances / Incorrect / Superficial / Accurate / Thorough
5 / Communication / Poor grammar, spelling, paragraph structure / 1-2 grammatical or spelling errors, some evidence of organization / No grammatical errors, clear paragraph structure / Persuasive, fluent

Online classes: Students must submit all of assignments for each week by the due dates(no later than 11:30PM EST). Any deviation from that because of significant work, medical, or family issues must be discussed with the instructor. The instructor reserves full authority to accept or not accept any late assignments. Because of the accelerated nature of the course, late assignments will snowball, making it impossible to succeed in the course.

Attendance Policy

Participation in the courseis essential in order to avoid being withdrawn for non-attendance in Week 1 and 2.Participation for online classes is defined as completing and submitting weekly or bi-weekly assignments on time.

Attendance for the 60% pointof this class will require a passing grade and active participation. NOTE: Not achieving attendance leads to a WF (Withdrawn and Failed), which can haveboth financial and GPA consequences.

Presentation.Presentations will be given during a synchronous WebEx at the end of the fourth week of class. (Video submissions are not a suitable substitute since the primary purpose of the conference is to speak extemporaneously and answer questions about your topic; however, video participation can be arranged if you are out of town.)

Incompletes. In order to request an incomplete grade, students must have a passing grade on 80% of the course. Anything less than 80% will result in the appropriate letter grade being recorded. In the event of an “I”, the instructor will provide the terms for all required work to be completed. After that time, a grade of “F” (or higher if the work that has been submitted is adequate to justify the higher grade) will be assigned.

Course Requirements

Time Commitment

This is a three-credit course over eight weeks rather than the 16 weeks in traditional courses. Students should expect to spend between 13 to 15 hours per week, on average, on course activities and assignments. Spending less time would be insufficient for success in accelerated courses. Taking more than two classes in one mod is likely to require more time than a full-time job. Don’t do it!

Computer Requirements

Students should have regular access to a computer that is connected to the Internet.It is strongly recommended that students havea broadband (high-speed) internet connection such asDSL or a cable modem. When viewing on-line videos, students should have an internet connection that is stable and will not drop their connection.Studentswithout a stable high-speed internet connection should consider making arrangements to view videos with alternative means ( one of the St. Petersburg College libraries or a similar facility) where a stablehigh-speed internet connection is available.

A standard file format has been devised to apply to all classes in order to support file compatibility, sharing, and commenting needs. Studentsare required to submit all assignments in Microsoft Office formats (Word, Excel and other Microsoft formats). Other formats may have MyCourses compatibility issues or instructor feedback in comments may not be viewable by students.

The College provides full function student licenses for selected Microsoft software programs, other than the basic Microsoft Office products. Go to MySPC helpful links, and look for Microsoft DreamSpark.

Academic Integrity

Academic honesty and plagiarism falls under theAcademic Honesty Policyof the college. The College of Business has a Zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty and if the student is in violation, a zero will be given for that assignment, and the student’s name will be submitted to the Dean for future tracking. Additional violations can result in a failing grade for the course (or in future courses, even for initial violations). **Understand that not properly giving credit to the sources used in your work, even when paraphrasing, is considered plagiarism and can result in a "0" for that assignment**.


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