Classroom Basketball

Theobjectof thisactivity is to motivatethe studentstoshow responsible behavior, participate inclassandto attempt to answerallthe questionsonassignmentsand tests, aswellas toreinforce participationandcorrectanswers.


•The Teamwith themostpointswinsthe game.

•Pointsareearnedby shootingthe ballintothe basket:More pointsare earnedforgreaterdistance fromthebasket.

•Students earnshotsby participatinginclass and answeringquestions



1. The studentsand theteacherdecide whatthe Teams are goingto

playfor(longtermreinforcer).Someexamples includespecialactivitiesthatthe studentslike, time inthe gymorfree timeoutside.

2.The studentsand theteacherdecide howlongthe game will lastfor,

forexampleone week, atthe end ofwhichthe winningTeamreceivesthelong-termreinforcer.

•The length of time thatthe game lastscan be graduallyincreased

asneeded(forinstance, the pointscan be added atthe endof oneweek, ortwoweeks, orthree weeks).

•Before decidingon howlongthe gamewill last, the teachershould

ensure thatthe long-termreinforcercan be provided atthe endofthepredetermined time.

•The teachershould plantime forthe long-termreinforcerto be

provided immediatelyatthe end of thattime.

3.The teacherdecidesthe numberofTeamsinthe game(2Teams,for

example by dividingthe class intotwogroups, or4Teams, by dividingtheclass intofourgroups).

4.Therules ofthe gameshould be explainedto the students.


•Nerf basketballgame:Balls/Basket(orothertypeof indoorgame)

•Plastictapeformarkingdistance lines

•Posterboard forscore board


•Studentscanearnshotscontingenton class participation, numberof

answers onatest, correctanswers, grades, etc.

•Students should be ableto earnshots fairlyeasilyatthe beginning,forinstance simplyby attemptingto answeraquestion(whetheror

notitwascorrect),sothatthey canallexperience playingthe game.

•Astime goes on, criteriaforearningshotscan be graduallyincreased,either byincreasingthe levelofdifficulty,forexamplethe answer

needsto be correct,orby increasingthe numberofrequiredattempts, forexampletwoattemptsare necessaryforearningashot.

•Studentscanalso earn “bonus”shots, forexample by answeringsomedifficult questioninclass.


•The lastfiveorten minutes of class can be saved forshots,sothattheclass isnotdisrupted inthe middle.

•Distance linescan be placedonthe floorsothatfurtheraway shotsmay earn morepoints(ex. Basketmadefrom3rdline =3 points).Thisenables studentsthatmaynot be as experienced toalso earn points.

•The basket, thescore board, and the linesonthe floorshouldbe placed some placewhere they will notdisruptthe class by distractingthe students,forexampleinthebackof the classroomoronthe side.

Earning Points:

•Points foreach Teamcan be talliedonascore board placed nearthe basket sothat thestudentscansee howmany points theirTeamhasearnedso far.

•The numberof pointsearned foreach shotis contingentonmaking

the basketfroma particular line onthe floor(studentscanshootthe

ballfromany line thatthey choose to).

Winning thegame:

•Points should be added atthe end ofthe predetermined time (one or

twoweeks), and thewinningTeam should be announced.

•Oncethe winningTeamis announced, thewinningTeam shouldreceivethelong-termreinforcerthathad beendecided uponatthe beginning

of the game.

•The Teamthatdoesnotwinthe gamecanengage insome otherfunactivityin class.

•Oneway to increasemotivationwouldbe toletthe studentshelptheteacherdetermine the reinforcer