Birley Fields Transport Working Group | Minutes

Date | Friday 14 June 2013, 14:00 – 15:30

Venue | Room 3.01 MMU Business School, All Saints Campus


Mary Heaney / MMU, Chair (first meeting only)
Lynn Bonser / MMU
Kate Chapel / Hulme Community Garden Centre
Ann Clynch / Loreto Sixth Form College
Helen Green / Loreto Sixth Form College
Cath Keane / Manchester City Council
Sarah Hughes / Works for Change
Alan Leicester / City South Manchester Housing Trust
James McInerney / Manchester City Council
Cllr Nigel Murphy / Councillor, Hulme ward
Carla Nuttall / MMU
Liz O’Neill / Z Arts
Fiona Simon / Transport for Greater Manchester
Sian Sweeney / The Zion Centre (Big Life Group)
Andrew Taylor / MMU
Dave Whyte / Manchester City Council
Chloe Wilson / Bentley TRA

Apologies received:

Julian Ashworth / Transport for Greater Manchester
Alan Davies / Bentley TRA
John Hindley / MMU
Andy Nixon / Meridian Square Management Company
Niall Power / City South Manchester Housing Trust

1.  Welcome and Introductions

MH welcomed and thanked everyone for attending. Introductions were made

2.  Purpose

MH explained that the purpose of the group was to explore ways in which we can work together to deliver future transport, road safety and parking improvements for the area.

3.  Existing parking & road safety concerns

3.1 Review of existing concerns and measures in place

·  MH referred to a letter issued on behalf of local businesses outlining road safety concerns, responses received from the two contractors (Sir Robert McAlpine and GB Building Solutions) and the action each have taken to address the issue

·  MH advised that MMU wanted to work with the contractors to introduce a special contractor parking permit scheme

·  SS acknowledged positive steps taken but disappointed with response from SRM. The marked increase in the number of vehicles now using the designated contractor car park was noted.

·  SS cited the continuing safety concerns around the junction of Old Birley Street and Rolls Crescent and advised that a formal complaint would be lodged with the Considerate Constructors Scheme.

·  NM asked whether the MSCP at Birley could be utilised by contractors. MH responded that due to public liability insurance MMU are unable to allow wider use

3.2  Residents’ parking scheme

·  MH unhappy that residents’ parking scheme not yet in place. MMU provided funding for the scheme in May 2012.

·  CK/ NM acknowledged delay and explained process and timings. NM noted that previous resident schemes have taken much longer to implement and MCC are keen to deliver the first phase of the resident parking scheme by Autumn 2013. CK reported back on the latest regarding Hulme Resident Parking Scheme plans and it’s phased implementation. A report from Simon Cook and maps are attached for information.

·  LO tabled data gathered demonstrating parking need for local businesses

·  Ancroft St located behind Z-Arts and Zion Centre was identified as a potential area for additional business parking.

·  LO/ SS welcomed Ancroft St idea, although wouldn’t resolve issues around Homes for Change, Hulme Community Garden Centre and influx around bigger events

·  LO felt that feedback on parking consultation had not been duly considered. It was noted that general consultation was carried out initially and more detailed consultation would be carried out on each phase of the scheme.

4.  Group discussion

The following points were discussed:

4.1  Building evidence base

·  DW introduced colleagues from Fiona Simon (TfGM) and James McInerney (MCC) who will advise group on other modes of transport and existing travel planning.

·  MH and AC suggested Loreto, MMU and other key organisations work together on building evidence base to present a compelling business case for better public transport serving Hulme. This will include travel flow, volume, peak times

·  MH asked whether the MMU travel page could be used to help our partners travel more efficiently i.e. car-sharing arrangements

Action: Meeting held 26 June with AT, DW, FS and HG to progress these specific points and develop our case in advance of September 2014.

4.2  Integrated ticketing

·  AC reported outcomes from focus groups with 400 Loreto students, which demonstrated that if public transport was more integrated and one affordable pass could be bought, it would be preferable to driving.

·  DW acknowledged this and advised smart ticketing is a long-term goal

4.3  Bus services

·  Group discussed potential for existing link bus be extended and whether metroshuttle could serve the campus

4.4  Cycling

·  SH raised issue of cycle storage which is a problem for businesses at Works for Change. FS advised that TfGM can help with a grant for this. Noted it would be good to expand this more widely to other organisations in the area such as HCGC.

·  DW reported that Northern Rail are introducing a bike hire scheme which could benefit the area.

5  Next steps

·  Follow up meeting arranged for 26 June with Andrew Taylor, Ann Clynch, Fiona Simon, Dave Whyte and James McInerney

·  Group agreed to report back on activity at the next meeting of the Birley Fields Community Forum in July and provide a report for the Birley Fields Project Board.

·  CN to circulate TOR to the group for comment

6  AOB

·  CK notified group of consultation on Corridor bus routes taking place at Asda Hulme, Monday 17 June, 2-7pm

·  DW advised that Network Rail will be consulting on next phase of Northern Hub early July.

·  CW advised that Bentley TRA had an advisor on transport issues that might affect them. These to be circulated with the minutes of the group for consideration. Action: CN to issue with papers.

Date of next meeting.

Agreed to meet in September 2013 (date to be confirmed)

Frequency on quarterly basis to allow reporting back to the Forum on progress.

Chair : Cath Keane.