The seasons are changing and the cold weather is upon us.

Please dress your children appropriately for the weather.


Should I keep my child home from school? This is a very popular question. Unfortunately, it is not always so easy to answer. All children are different and so are their illnesses. Generally speaking, if there is no fever accompanying a cold with a mild cough/runny nose, then it’s usually OK to send your child to school.

Here are some additional guidelines to help you decide whether your child should stay home or go to school:

1.  FEVER: Keep your child home if their temp is 100F or greater. Have them rest and drink plenty of fluids. Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen can be used as directed for reducing a fever. Do not give a child Aspirin. Your child should be fever free for at least 24 hours (without medicine) before going back to school.

2.  DIARRHEA/VOMITING: Keep your child home until the illness resolves. The child can return to school if it has been at least 24 hours since the last episode of diarrhea/vomiting.

3.  BAD COUGH/COLD SYMPTOMS: A child with a bad cough may have a severe cold or something more serious as bronchitis, flu or pneumonia. A child with a bad cough needs to stay home, rest and may need to see their doctor. The child can usually return to school when they are feeling better and the cough has improved. Some coughs may take a couple of weeks to completely go away. Follow your child’s doctor’s recommendations for returning to school. Also, sometimes colds can turn into sinus infections. Be aware of runny/stuffy noses that persist for many days and then cause thick yellow or green drainage.

4.  SORE THROAT: A simple sore throat typically improves in three days and is usually not a problem. A severe sore throat can be strep throat, even without a fever. Children with strep throat can also complain of stomachache and headache. Keep your child home and contact the doctor. The child can usually return 24 hours after the antibiotic was started. Don’t forget to give your child a new toothbrush after a strep throat infection.

5.  PINK EYE: Pink eye is highly contagious and is caused most often by a virus. Keep the child home until a doctor has given the ok to return to school. Warm compresses to the eye can help soothe eye discomfort. Take care to wash their linens, towels and washcloths to prevent further spreading.

See reverse.

6.  EARACHE: The child needs to be seen by a medical professional.

7.  RASH: A rash can be the result of one of many conditions. A child with a rash should see a medical professional. Impetigo is a bacterial skin infection that is highly contagious and requires treatment with an antibiotic. Fifth Disease is another contagious rash condition. However, it is no longer contagious by the time the rash is present.

8.  CUTS/ABRASIONS/SORES: If possible, keep open cuts/sores covered at all times.

9.  HEAD LICE: Keep your child home and treat them with the appropriate medicated shampoo. Your child must be examined and cleared by the school nurse before riding the bus and returning to school.

Once again, these are just some general guidelines to follow to protect your child and others. When in doubt, you should always call your child’s physician for their expert advice.

Upon return to school, after an absence, the child is to bring a written excuse from his/her parent/guardian. This note is necessary even if the child is sent home by the nurse. This written excuse must state the DATES of the absence, REASON for the absence, and bear the SIGNATURE of the parent/guardian. This excuse must be presented to the homeroom teacher immediately upon the child’s return to school. There is no need to call the school for your child’s absence. Any parent/guardian that has received an excessive absence letter for their child must submit documentation from a physician for additional absences. If you have received an excessive absence letter and have a question please contact the school’s main office at (570)296-3130.

As always, if you have any medical questions or health updates please feel free to call the nurse’s office.


Alana Reich RN, BSN

School Nurse


***Please remember the importance of frequent and thorough hand washing.

A fun suggestion is to have your child sing a song

for 20 seconds to pass the time and wash the germs away!***