Deerfield PTO General Meeting Minutes
December 13, 20167pm
PTO President Ashley Allcalled meeting to order – 7:01 PM.
Motion to approve November meeting minutes – PASSED.
Staff in attendance: Jenny Humburg (K)
Reports of Officers
Vice President – Jenny Humburg – Review of t-shirt sales and options. There was a new design for the Deerfield t-shirt this year. When do we want to change it? Are there shops where we set up the design and orders can be placed online for a variety of items? Are t-shirt sales a PTO fundraiser or is the goal to only provide a product? PTO will look into options for new designs or online sales, probably for next year.
Secretary – Lori Schlenker – PTO receivedcard from Ms. Soileau thanking PTO for conference meals.
Treasurer – Cristy Holloway – Reviewed financial summary – budget, income and expenses. Check has been written for the playground equipment order: $39,519. Income from Dillons Give Back program with 17 families participating was $255 last quarter. Let’s try to get more to sign up. Deerfield PTO gets money every time a registered family uses their Dillon’s card.
Committee Reports:
HyVee High Five: The next deadline is Friday, December 16. HyVee selected Mrs. Gutierrez as the November honoree and Ms. Barnes as the October honoree. Question posed – can copies of all nominations be sent to teachers? Many felt that would mean a lot to the teachers.
Watch D.O.G.S.: There are still open dates for Watch D.O.G.S. There is a link to the sign up list on the Deerfield website.
Marathon Club: Chairs are working on t-shirt design and securing sponsors. T-shirt quote is about $1400. There were 305 participants registered and at least 250 should complete a marathon. Some runners are nearing 2 marathons completed.Parents can submit up to 10 extra miles for students accumulated outside of Club. Send message to:
Discussions with Ad Astra to sponsor and they may provide additional prize for top 3 finishers. Growing Smiles may donate water bottles, however Brian Jones said there were still some left over and stored at the District warehouse. He will check on this. Application submitted to Run Lawrence for support. For $100 a sponsor gets name on back of t-shirt. If you know of a business wanting to sponsor, contact Heidi. Chairs are looking at going paperless next year by using Eventbrite for registration and permission slips.
Dines Out:
Next Dines Out scheduled for Monday, December 19 – Quinton’s, 4-9 PM
- Recent earnings: Noodles & Co.($293), waiting to hear total from Papa Keno’s.
Snowmen: Snowmen with ‘snowballs’ of teacher and staff wish list/gift ideas are posted outside of each classroom pod. The list is also on Google Docs:
Bake Shoppe: Teacher Appreciation Committee is bringing cookies and treats to school on Wednesday, December 14. This is different from previous years. Let’s ask for teacher feedback. If the Bake Shoppe is enjoyed, we can consider it for another month, like Valentine’s Day.
Fundraising: Need to vote on if we want to work with Fundraising University next year so we can lock in dates. Discussion: Can we get the cash donations option added back to online orders? There is some difficulty to account for prizes and determining what donation amount equals an item sold.
MOTION – To continue contract with Fundraising University for next school year – APPROVED.
Science Fair: No date is set yet, but Science Fair will be held in the library in early February. Chair, John Monaghan, would like to expand the Science Fair in future years, possibly with interactive science experiments run by 5thgraders. John will be a Deerfield parent for 6 more years. Poster boards will be distributed to teachers to sell to students. Volunteer judges might be recruited from Free State High School students. Next year John has an idea for a science showcase that could be held a month before the Science Fair to help generate student excitement and participation.
Book Fair: This will be held the week of conferences in February.
Carnival: The first planning meeting will be held January 15, 2017 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM at the HyVee on 6th St. food court. Meetings will be twice a month until the carnival on May 6th. Anyone interested in helping is welcome to attend. Contact Chairs Jenny Humburg or Wendy Canaday if you have questions: .
Playground– New playground equipment has been ordered and will be installed in early spring. A soccer goal on the north playground is broken. A goal from the south playground will be moved to the north so there is a complete set. We will order a new goal for the south playground for spring after the new playground equipment is installed.
Garden – The garden shed was moved to the back side of the school. Plants and the fence were removed. There seems to be some confusion about why this change is happening. Ashley All and Joni Appleman will send a letter to all families explaining the safety and security concerns including the District’s policy that no plants or bushes around the school be more than a couple of feet tall.
Still need to determine the size of the new replacement shed.
NEXT PTO MEETING: Tuesday, January 10, 7 PM
Meeting Adjourned– 8:04 PM
Upcoming Events:
12/19Deerfield Dines Out – Quinton’s, 4–9 PM
12/22Winter Class Parties, 2 PM, 1st Grade party at 11:45 AM
1/5Online sign up for teacher conferences opens
1/10PTO Meeting
1/16NO SCHOOL – MLK, Jr. Day
2/22 – 2/23Teacher Conferences
Attendees: Ashley All, Jenny Humburg, Lori Schlenker, Cristy Holloway, Melissa Jakmouj, Brian Jones, Ellen Jones, Kris Pedersen, Heidi Matsaku, Wendy Canaday, Rachel Lynch, Nicole Celeste, John Monaghan, Bonnie Wohler, and Melissa Jakmouj.