London Elementary (Week 9)

Skill: Compare and Contrast


This test section contains FOUR multiple-choice and ONE open-response (short-answer) questions. Pleasemark your answers for the multiple-choice questions in the spaces provided on your Student Response Booklet. Mark only one answer for each question. If you do not know the answer, make your best guess. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET. WHEN YOU FINISH, DO NOT WORK ON ANY OTHER TEST SECTION.
1. / Look at the pictures below. Mark beside the picture that is different.
O / A. /
O / B. /
O / C. /
2. / Look at the picture and find a picture that is the same.
O / A. /
O / B. /
O / C. /
3. / An octopus and a rainbow fish are alike because they live in the ocean. How are they different?
O / A. / The way they move in the ocean.
O / B. / They need food to live.
O / C. / They live in the ocean.
4. / Look at the picture and find a picture that is the same.
O / A. /
O / B. /
O / C. /
Read all parts of the open-response question before you begin. Write your answers to the open-response question in the space provided on your Student Response Booklet. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET.
Dig Dig Digging
RD-EP-5.0.4 Students will identify the organizational pattern, used (e.g sequence, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast) to understand the passage.
5. / After reading the story Dig, Dig Digging, choose two machines to draw. Compare and contrast the two machines.
  1. Draw two machines.
  2. Write or dictate a sentence telling how they are alike.
  3. Write or dictate a sentence telling how they are different.

Do not write on this page. Please write your
answer to this open-response question in
the test answer booklet


Student Name______

Scoring Guide

4 / Student illustrated two machines from the story and wrote or dictated how they are alike and how they are different
3 / Student illustrated two machines from the story and wrote or dictated either how they were alike or different but not both.
2 / Student illustrated two machines but could not write or dictate how they were alike or different.
1 / Student drew only one machine and therefore could compare or contrast.
0 / Student drew a picture of something unrelated to the story.
Blank / No student response.

Annotated Rubric/ Performance Expectations for ORQ

Academic Expectation: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Core Content: RD-EP-5.0.4-Students will identify the organizational pattern used, (e.g., sequence, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast) to understand the passage.

Ceiling DOK Level: N/A Question DOK Level: 2

Question Type (circle): Scaffold, Single Dimension/Component, Two or More Relatively Independent Components, Student Choice, Respond to Provided Information

An appropriate student response should provide evidence of the student comparing and contrasting different machines.

For example, an appropriate response to this question would show that the student illustrate two machines and compare and contrast based on recalling information form the story and knowledge of how they are alike and different.

Essential Vocabulary: machines for example: fire truck, bull dozer, back hoe, roller, compare and contrast


Scott Foresman Reading Series

Story Dig, Dig, Digging

Assessment Sources \ Technology

Images provided by click on images

Video Streaming provided by the LaurelCounty Board of Education

Grade K -- Reading
Question / First
A.E / First CC / Second
A.E. / Second
Level of MC Question / Answer
Key / Rational/Annotation for MC Questions
1 / 1.2
1.4 / RD-EP-5.0.4
Students will identify the organizational patter, used (e.g. sequence, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast) to understand the passage. / 3 / B / Students will choose the correct answer B based on their knowledge of comparing and contrasting.
2 / 1.2
1.4 / RD-EP-5.0.4
Students will identify the organizational patter, used (e.g. sequence, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast) to understand the passage. / 3 / C / Students will choose the correct answer C based on their knowledge of comparing and contrasting.
3 / 1.2
1.4 / RD-EP-5.0.4
Students will identify the organizational patter, used (e.g. sequence, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast) to understand the passage. / 3 / A / Students will chose the correct answer A after listening to the trade book Life in the Ocean and based on their knowledge of comparing and contrasting.
4 / 1.2 1.3
1.4 / RD-EP-5.0.4
Students will identify the organizational patter, used (e.g. sequence, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast) to understand the passage. / 3 / B / Students will choose the correct answer B based on their knowledge of comparing and contrasting.