Lower Moreland High School
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

Graduation Project Part A

Class of 2015
Career & Post Secondary Research
Dr. Marykay Feeley
Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Mary Jane Richmond
Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Mrs. Julien Drennan
High School Principal
Mr. Mark Mayson
Assistant High School Principal
Mr. Anthony Veneziale
Assistant High School Principal
Prepared by the High School Guidance Department:
Mrs. Laura Blanche
Mrs. Janet Dunn
Ms. Maura Quinn

Student ______

Mentor ______

Building ______

E-Mail ______

To the Class of 2015:

The Lower Moreland High School Graduation Project is a two-part project designed to assist all students in their transition after high school. This summer you will complete Part A:Career and Post-Secondary Research. In the fall, you will complete Part B: “CAPS” which consists of a Proposal, Presentation and Placement. Seniors are required to be Proficient in bothparts of the Graduation Project in order to graduate. Part A is due on the first day of school and will be collected in Forum. A Grading Rubric for Part A is enclosed. This packet can be accessed on the Guidance Website under the Graduation Project Part A link and must be typed.

Components of Part A:

  • Research- Complete the Cover Sheet, Student Profile and Research questions related to one college (2 or 4 year school or technical school) and one career field of interest. These items must be submitted with your project.
  • Resume- Create an Extracurricular Resume for grades 9-12 in your Naviance Account. The resume is located under “About Me” and select “Resume.” You should use your Extracurricular Activity Sheet (also in Naviance) to construct your resume. The resume should be completed as soon as possible so teachers can utilize it this summer as they write letters of recommendation. You may also wish to use your resume for scholarship applications or interviews. Your Resume must be submitted with your project.
  • Writing the College Essay- The Personal Statement is used in the application process. You should complete the enclosed brainstorming activity first. Your rough draft should be submitted with your project.
  • Interview- Your mentor will conduct a mock admissions interview on Wednesday, October 15, 2014. Be prepared to share your strengths, goals and post- secondary plans. See the tips enclosed.

Good luck!

Mrs. Blanche

Mrs. Dunn

Ms. Quinn



To satisfactorily complete Part A, student must score 12 or better out of 16 maximum points and be at the Proficient Level in all categories. For scores below 12, or “Basic” or Below Basic” the student must resubmit portion of project to mentor until proficient.

RESEARCH / Research is thorough and exceeded expectations. / Completed research accurately to specifications. / Research needs improvement or revision. / Missing or incomplete assignment.
RESUME / Naviance Resume completed, printed
and exceeded expectations. / Naviance Resume completed, printed
and satisfactory completion. / Naviance Resume minimally completed. Needs improvement and revision. / Naviance Resume missing. Incomplete assignment.
and exceeded expectations. / Format followed
and satisfactory completion. / Overall format not followed. Needs improvement and revision. / Missing or incomplete assignment.
INTERVIEW / Punctual, professional, articulate. Engaged in interview process. Demonstrated excellent interpersonal skills. / Punctual, prepared, demonstrated good interpersonal skills. / Needs improvement in interpersonal skills. i.e., eye contact, articulation, body language. / Late and unprepared or no-show for interview.
TOTAL / / 16 points

Student name:______


NAME: ______E-MAIL: ______

MENTOR: ______

I. Check your current Post High School Plan:

______four-year college______armed services

______two-year college______employment

______technical school______undecided

II. Career Objective: ______

  1. Possible college major/ technical training area/ career area:


  1. College or Technical Institute and Career field researched:

College: ______


  1. Additional Colleges, Technical Schools or Careers under consideration:

a. ______e. ______

b. ______f. ______

c. ______g. ______

d. ______h. ______

Student Profile
Total credits for grades 9-11? ______Senior year? ______
Estimated GPA: ______Estimated decile rank: (1st-10th)______
What will be your highest level of math: ______
What will be your highest level of science: ______
If you took a foreign language, list total years in the HS (include 12th): ______
List all Advanced Placement courses you will have taken: ______
List all Honor courses you will have taken: ______
List involvement in clubs/activities/community service: ______
Standardized Test Scores:
SAT Reasoning Test:: Date ____ / Math _____ / Critical Reading _____ / Writing ____
SAT Reasoning Test:: Date ____ / Math _____ / Critical Reading _____ / Writing ____
SAT Reasoning Test:: Date ____ / Math _____ / Critical Reading _____ / Writing ____
ACT: Date: ______Composite Score ______
ACT: Date: ______Composite Score ______
SAT Subject Test: Date _____ / Test ______/ Score _____
SAT Subject Test: Date _____ / Test ______/ Score _____
SAT Subject Test: Date _____ / Test ______/ Score _____
College Research: Page 1
Name of College: ______
Location: ______
Size of Undergraduate Student Body:______% of students living on campus: ______
Tuition $______Room/Board/Fees $ ______Total Cost $______
Student/Faculty Ratio: ______Average Class Size: ______

Admission requirements:

Average GPA and Rank: ______
SAT Reasoning Test Range: Math ______CR ______Writing ______
ACT Range: ______
SAT Subject Test Requirements:______
Does the college offer Advanced Placement credit for high school AP courses? _____
Name of AP Test and score required for credit: ______
Is Foreign Language required for Admission? ______How many years? _____

Unique Admission Information: (portfolio or audition, additional essay, athletic, learning

disability) ______

Variation of admission policies for different majors: ______
Type of admissions policy and deadline dates: ______

Major(s) considered: ______

Minor(s) considered: ______
Areas of concentration: ______
Did you visit the campus? ______What did you like most about the campus? ______
Does the college have an Honors Program: If so, name and criteria: ______
List the activities/program/sports/groups offered at the college that interest you:
(ROTC, Study Abroad, intramurals, religious:)
List special programs such as accelerated, joint-degree, pre-professional:
College Research-Page 2
Housing Information and Individual Needs:
 single room  computer access  health aids  dieting views  special accommodations
How many years are you entitled to live on campus? ______
What are the types of housing available? ______
Is off-campus housing available and how do you get information? ______
Can you have a car on campus Freshman year? ______

Financial Aid

Does this school offer financial aid? ______
What forms/applications are required? ______
What are the deadlines? ______
What percentage of students are receiving financial aid? ______
What is the average Financial Aid Package for students with need? ______
Institutional Scholarships at the College you researched: Search for two.
These may include Merit Scholarships, which you do not apply for.
Name of scholarship: ______
Amount ______Deadline ______
Eligibility requirements ______
Name of scholarship: ______
Amount $______Deadline: ______
Eligibility requirements: ______

Career Research

Career Assessments such as the Do What You Are, Cluster Finder and Interest Profilerhelp you identify your interests, skills, strengths and various personality characteristics that will help you make appropriate career-related decisions.Based on your career assessmentresults located in Naviance under “Careers” tab:
  1. Explain your personality type? (Do What You Are Results): ______
  1. What Career Clusters have you added to your Favorite Careers/Clusters? ______
  1. Choose one career field that interests you the most and answer the following questions:
Career field:______
What is the required training/education?______
What type of degree will you earn?______
What is the starting salary?______Average earnings?______
Related jobs?______
Job outlook?______
Are you interested in pursuing this career field for your CAPS placement?______
Have you acquired skills or training outside of school? (for all students to answer)
  • Apprenticeship? ______
  • Fire service/lifesaving? ______
  • On-sight training? ______
If you attend ECAT, indicate the program and the certificate you will earn upon completion:
Program name: ______
Will you hold a certificate in an area? ______


You are required to use the Resume feature located in your Naviance Account under “About Me” and scroll down to “interesting things about me.” The categories are preset in bold (see the sample on the next page). Please save your resume inyourNaviance Account. Please complete the Resume as soon as possible so teacherscan utilize it to write your letter of recommendation. Also remember to update your Extracurricular Activity Sheet first under “About Me” and “Surveys to take” (in far left margin) in Naviance account. Print your Resume and submit it with your project in September.


Laura Blanche

Objective / To obtain a Business degree and become a Certified Public Accountant
Summary /
  1. Proven leadership skills with multiple leadership positions

  1. Excellent communication and collaborative skills

  1. National Honor Society Member since 2011

Education / Sep 10 – Jun 13 / Lower Moreland High School
Huntingdon Valley, PA
Will Graduate June 2014
Volunteer Service / Sep 10 – Present / Community Service
Holy Redeemer Hospital
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
6 Hours/Week
Transport patients for testing/x-rays
Extracurricular / Sept 12 – Present / Senior Class President
Activities / Grade 12
12 Hrs./Week
Work with Class Officers and Class Advisor to plan senior year events and assemblies. Address the class at graduation.
Sep 11 – Present / Varsity Lacrosse
Grades 10, 11, 12
18 Hrs./Week
Captain: 2011, 2012 Team MVP: 2013
Apr 10 – May 13 / Varsity Soccer
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
18 Hrs./Week
Captain: 2010, 2011 All-Conference: 2010-2012 Lead conference in goals: 2011-2013
Skills/Academic / Apr 11 / National Honor Society
Achievement / Inducted in 2011 after meeting qualifications in the areas of: academic, leadership, service and character.
Leadership / HOBY-Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Conference, grade 10 Selected by LMHS Staff
Additional / Summer Enrichment Program-11 Introduction to Psychology-Temple University, 3 college
Information / credits
References / Mr. Tamaccio
Senior Class Advisor
Lower Moreland High School
555 Red Lion Rd.
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006



  1. The Guidance Web site: Click on “Departments” then “Guidance” then “Links for College Research and Testing” (U.S. Universities Link)
  2. College Admissions Data Sourcebook – Guidance Office and HS Library (given at Junior Conference).
  3. Barron’s Profiles of American Colleges (or Peterson’s)
  4. College websites
  5. Naviance- Use your “Colleges I’m thinking About” list and the links provided.


Guidance Website: “Careers” then “OOH Link”

Occupational Outlook


Informational Network

Today’s Military

Office of Apprenticeship

PA Dept. of Labor

PA Career Zone

Writing the College Essay

The personal statement/essay assists College Admissions Counselors in understanding and interpreting your high school experience in ways other than grades, test scores and other objective data. The essay demonstrates your ability to express yourself clearly and effectively. Use this packet to help organize your thoughts and ideas over the summer and write a rough draft. The draft is due on the first day of school. However, it will be a work in progress as you will get input from your mentor which may require revisions. In addition, students are encouraged to make an appointment with an English teacher to review their rough draft. If you make changes to your rough draft before your mentor meeting, please bring a new copy of your personal statement to your meeting. Mentor meetings will take place the morning of Wednesday, October 15-please save the date. Meeting times/locations to be determined. Meeting locations will be in your mentors’ respective building.

1. Below are the five essay questions for the Common Application.(Choose 1) 250-500 words

A. / Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.
B. / Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lesson did you learn?
C. / Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?
D. / Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there and why is it meaningful to you?
E. / Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
2. / University of Pennsylvania: (Do not exceed one page-approximately 500 words)
Considering both the specific undergraduate school or program to which you are applying and the broader University of Pennsylvania community, what academic, research, and/or extracurricular paths do you see yourself exploring at Penn?
B. / Temple University: Temple requires an essay from all applicants.
Imagine you have graduated from Temple University. You are preparing to attend your 10-year reunion, and the alumni office has asked you to write a one-page essay about your personal and professional accomplishments since graduation. What would yours say?
Please tell us more about yourself. Relate one or more experiences or circumstances that have contributed to your personal and/or academic development.
4. / Pennsylvania State University: Please choose one of the commitments that you listed (activity, interest or workexperience) and provide a short description of its importance to you. Include why that commitment could berelevant to your student experience at Penn State.
5. / School of your choice: View application online and search for the essay question.

Top 10 Tips for Writing your College Essay

The Essay is an opportunity to show admissions officers what kind of person youare, what kind of academic promise you have, and how well you write and think.

Tip#1The best essays are ones that help admissions officers understand your character better or what factors have influenced your life.

#2Think of the essay as a “slice-of-life” rather than a chance to tell your whole life story. Concentrate on one incident that shows what you are really like.

#3The most effective essays take a small, seemingly insignificant incident and elaborate on it and make it come alive.

#4The essay is a creative way to express your unique qualities.

#5The essay should give insight into your personality and individuality. If you don’t get across some aspect of your personality, you haven’t written a successful essay.

#6Rather than describing what you’re like (ex: “I’m a leader, I’m a great-guy”), let it come across in your essay (“show” don’t “tell”).

#7Find your “voice.” This means use a natural, conversational style in your writing. The language should sound like you. “Voice” conveys the personality behind your words. As a rule, you may want to steer clear of anything you’d feel uncomfortable saying aloud in a class discussion or in a friendly conversation.

#8Unique essays stand out from the crowd.

#9If the reader wants to drop everything and meet you in person, you’ve written an excellent essay.

#10Most importantly, there is nothing more discouraging than an over-edited essay. Most experienced readers can pick out essays where adults have edited and added more sophisticated words.

* Remember: / The essay is only one piece of the review process that determines your admission. There are many other factors that are equally, if not more, important.

College Essay Brainstorming Activity

One of the best methods of brainstorming is to begin with a grand list of potential topics and slowly let the best rise to the top. In order to generate a list of important people, events, accomplishments and activities in your life, fill in the worksheet below.

A. If you were writing your autobiography right now, what would be five to ten events or things that would have to be

included? It will be easiest to think over your life chronologically.

1. ______6. ______

2. ______7. ______

3. ______8. ______

4. ______9. ______

5. ______10. ______

  1. Ask a few friends or family members to pick five adjectives or personality traits that characterize you. List them here:

Friend or Family Member #1 Friend or Family Member #2 Friend or Family Member #3

1. ______1. ______1. ______

2. ______2. ______2. ______

3. ______3. ______3. ______

4. ______4. ______4. ______

5. ______5. ______5. ______

  1. List five accomplishments you have made over the last five years. (Do not limit yourself to accomplishments for which you have been formally recognized since the most interesting essays are often based on accomplishments that may have seemed insignificant at the time but become crucial when placed in the context of your life.)

1. ______4. ______

2. ______5. ______

3. ______

D. List three to five things on which you consider yourself very knowledgeable.

1. ______4. ______

2. ______5. ______

3. ______

  1. What are your most important extracurricular or community activities?

1. ______4. ______

2. ______5. ______

3. ______

  1. List 5 people whom you respect and admire. They can be real or fictional.

1. ______4. ______

2. ______5. ______

3. ______

  1. What is your favorite movie or book? ______

Who is your favorite musician? ______

  1. List two times in life when you failed miserably and two times when you were a fantastic success.


1. ______1. ______

2. ______2. ______

  1. Ask your parents for five events in your life that they will always remember.

1. ______4. ______

2. ______5. ______

3. ______

J. List four of your favorite things and four of your least favorite. These can include activities, places,

objects, virtues, etc.

Favorites Least Favorites

1. ______1. ______

2. ______2. ______

3. ______3. ______

4. ______4. ______

After Completing the Worksheet...

You should now have many potential essay topics. The next step is to narrow this list down to the topics that are most suited to an admissions essay. For each item listed above, answer the following questions. Some of your ideas may reveal themselves as dull, while you will find plenty to discuss for others.

For each of the personal characteristics or skills you have listed, ask: