of a North Leverton with Habblesthorpe Parish Council

Clerk: Sara Stilliard

the old milking parlour, cottam road, South leverton, Retford, DN22 0BU

Tel: 01427 881582


MINUTES OF THE MEETING held on Monday 4th September 2017

Present: Cllr M Ferguson (Chair), A Conn; S Ferguson, C Overend, C Erridge, G White Clerk: Sara Stilliard

Members of the Public: Two

Guests: DCllr Hugh Burton


No points were raised


Declarations of Interest – Planning Meeting – Hugh Burton was not present for the planning meeting.

Applications – to be considered by the Parish Council –
Install Vertical Flue for a New Boiler Habblesthorpe Manor Habblesthorpe Road North Leverton Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 0AH Ref. No: 17/01078/LBA | Received: Thu 10 Aug 2017 | Validated: Fri 18 Aug 2017 | Status: Awaiting decision
Action Clerk to report no objections
Replace Existing Outbuilding with Double Garage Orchard Lodge Southgore Lane North Leverton Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 0AA Ref. No: 17/01013/HSE | Received: Fri 28 Jul 2017 | Validated: Fri 28 Jul 2017 | Status: Awaiting decision
Action Clerk to report no objections

Prior Approval for the Change of Use of an Agricultural Building to One Dwelling (Class C3)

Building At Habblesthorpe Grange North Leverton Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 17/00974/PDN | Received: Thu 13 Jul 2017 | Validated: Thu 20 Jul 2017 | Status: Awaiting decision

Action Clerk to report no objections

Decisions – considered by Bassetlaw DC / Notts CC / Planning Inspectorate –

Outline Planning Application (All Reserved Matters) for 2 Dwellings
The Old Plough Main Street North Leverton Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 0AD Ref. No: 17/00711/OUT | Received: Mon 22 May 2017 | Validated: Wed 31 May 2017 | Status: Grant
Proposed Front Extension for Proposed Reception Area and Fencing
North Leverton C of E School Main Street North Leverton Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 0AD Ref. No: 17/00624/FUL | Received: Wed 03 May 2017 | Validated: Tue 06 Jun 2017 | Status: Permitted development

Erect Single Storey Front Extension Lilac Cottage 3 Magpie Lane North Leverton Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 0AJ Ref. No: 17/00643/HSE | Received: Mon 08 May 2017 | Validated: Fri 12 May 2017 | Status: Grant

Proposed Two Storey Dwelling with Detached Garage Block and Associated Landscape Design/Construct New Access Land to The East Of Fingle House Fingle Street North Leverton Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 16/01651/FUL | Received: Wed 23 Nov 2016 | Validated: Wed 23 Nov 2016 | Status: Rejected


09.17.01. Apologies for absence. – There were apologies from Cllr P Dadd and PCSO Airey which were accepted by Council

09.17.02. Declarations of interest – Parish Council meeting – Cllr Erridge declared an interest at point 12

09.17.03. Chairman’s remarks on the Agenda

Data protection information added at point 11b

One invoice to be deleted from the list on the agenda at point 12b

Renumbering to give the last 5 items on the agenda individual sections in the minutes and all future agendas – Action Clerk

09.17.04. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 3rd July 2017

The minutes of the above meeting were approved by Council and signed by the Chair as a true record of the proceedings.

09.17.05. Matters arising – Non-agenda items

Council noted that the actions on the Clerk and Councillors have been completed.

The schedule of urgent highways requests has been sent to John Ogle

The gate across a bridleway does have a horse friendly opening

Clerk confirmed that Ian Hobbs has been removed as a signatory at Nat West bank and signatories have been updated at the Building Society

09.17.06. Police Report.

Police Report.

PCSO Dave Airey reported 3 crimes for North Leverton in August – theft from and damage to a motor vehicle and another theft and one crime in July – theft of a pedal cycle

At the time of completing this monthly report, the school summer holidays are drawing to a close and it is pleasing to note that the number of youth related anti-social behaviour incidents reported over their summer break has been quite minimal.

There has been concern amongst many rural villages as to if, and when, a replacement for PC 1695 Bailey, who retires before the end of the year, might be announced. I am pleased to tell you that his replacement is to be PC 2694 Darren Hayes. PC Hayes is an experienced police officer, with a good knowledge and experience of policing the Bassetlaw area and is looking forward to serving communities in the area presently covered by PC Bailey. PC Hayes has previously worked from Retford police station as a beat manager and, is presently, working from Worksop police station in a similar role.

With immediate effect, I am now the Police Community Support Officer responsible for this area and also the BEEB beat area (which covers the parishes of Misson, Everton, Gringley on the Hill, Walkeringham and Beckingham) and the BEMI beat area (which covers the parishes of Misterton and West Stockwith).

Many legitimate businesses sell products door to door (windows, solar panels, cleaning products, home maintenance, tree surgeons etc.). Gas, electric and water companies will also visit to read meters. In addition, charities may visit to ask for donations or post collection bags for you to fill and leave out for collection. However, scammers also do the above to part you from your money, gain entry to your home to steal, or profit by posing as charities in order to collect donations.

Door to door scams involve selling goods or services that are not delivered or are very poor quality. You won’t get value for money and you may get billed for work you didn’t want or didn’t agree to.

Some scammers conduct surveys so they can obtain your personal details or disguise their real intent to sell you goods or services you don’t want or need.

Door to door sales are normally uninvited and the people selling MUST leave if you ask them too.

Even when a genuine business and product is being sold, unscrupulous employees can sometimes still act illegally.

If someone knocks at your front door claiming to be from a company always check their ID. If you are not happy, then do not let them in your home.

Never ring the telephone number on the ID card. Tell the caller to wait outside, shut the door and ring the company’s number from the telephone book or website.

Might I ask that all community members remain vigilant at all times and continue to report suspicious persons, vehicles and/ or activity, when it is happening, to the control room on 101, or 999 as appropriate. Calls of this nature are important, do make a difference and help to reduce crime figures further.

Dave’s full report can be seen on-line

Confirmation of the Police contact numbers are as follows: - Notts Police – Non-Urgent – 101. Notts Police Urgent – 999. Mobile numbers for other non-urgent matters: PCSO Dave Airey – 07525 226838; PC Bill Bailey – 07910 336884.

09.17.07. Community Speedwatch and Traffic Calming Group

Community Speedwatch

Cllr S Ferguson reported that the Speedwatch team was out for 3 days in July, during which 20 speeders were recorded from 280 vehicles (7.1%) and for 3 days in August where 16 speeders were recorded from 217 vehicles (7.3%). In both cases most of the speeding cars were caught at the bridge end of the village. The team will be out next during w/c September 18th

Trentside Traffic Calming Group

No progress to report

CCllr Ogle was to arrange a meeting with the new person in charge of Highways – John Cottee – and Council agreed to wait for the outcome of this meeting before deciding whether to invest in a speed sign for the village Action Clerk to chase John on the date for this meeting.

Wheatley PC having tried to buy an interactive speed sign have been told by Notts Highways that they do not yet have permission to apply it to lampposts and await that decision.

In the meantime large 30MPH posters will be applied to posts around the village Action Cllr M Ferguson to put these up

09.17.08. District and County Councillors Reports.

DCllr Burton said that he is always available to take up issues on Council or resident’s behalf, particularly planning issues which may be difficult or controversial – just call him if anything needs his attention.

He also raised the Sturton Ward Neighbourhood Plan – he has given a copy of the new draft BDC Local Plan to Cllr Marchant at Sturton to see if the SWNP can be modified to fit. Action Cllr M Ferguson to talk with Cllr Marchant and report back to next PC meeting

09.17.09. Highways, Footpaths and Public Safety Street Lamps & Signs and Street Furniture,

It was noted that street light number 12 on Main Street has been removed - presumably for repair or change

Photographs and details of the most urgent highways issues for the village have been sent to John Ogle including water splashing issues opposite the shop and resurfacing requirements for Main Street. Other issues / matters to report

More research is required on the timber vs plastic decision to repair the bench at Keeton Way. The cost of delivery for plastic wood is a consideration so may end up using hard wood. Action Cllrs Ferguson and White

09.17.10. The Lengthsman Report / Village Handyman report

The Lengthsman report

Nothing specific to report. There will be a spraying job for Jack in the Autumn Action Clerk to check that Jack is able to acquire pesticide Training courses for lengthsman

Jack has passed his hedge cutting course. Just Manual Handling left for him to attend

Handyman report

The litter bins in the village need to be emptied more frequently and are often overflowing. There is also broken glass in the basketball area of the playing field Action Cllr M Ferguson to talk to John about the time needed to ensure this is done

09.17.11. Reports from Outside Bodies. Bassetlaw information on Community Infrastructure Levy

There is no CIL payment due to North Leverton Updates on laws on Date Protections and offer of a Council training course

Changes in the law may affect the Council. Action Cllr M Ferguson to review the papers and the implications for North Leverton PC

09.17.12. Financial Matters. Bank Reconciliation

The Bank Reconciliation to 20th August 2017 was presented to Council and approved. Expenditure.

The following payments (for the previous month unless stated otherwise) were noted and approved by Council. Action Clerk.

Sara Stilliard – July & Aug
Jack Foster – July
Jack Forster - August / 622.68
John Taylor - July
John Taylor - August / 120.00
Came & Co Insurance
Holmes Groundcare – Churchyard July
Holmes Groundcare PCx2 July
Holmes Groundcare PCx2 August
Cameron Erridge – plaque engraved
Play Inspection Co
BDC – 2 green bins
Indigo Indust Supplies – refuse sacks / 927.56

09.17.13. The Blacksmiths Playing Field. Weekly Inspection Report

Cllr White reported that the playing field is all fine apart from the continuing litter and overflowing bins. Cllr White has some litter stickers which he will apply to the bins in the field.

The old bin on the fence needs to be removed and the bin near the shelter needs to be moved to stop children climbing onto it and from there to the shelter roof Action Cllrs White and M Ferguson Annual Play Inspection report

Cllr White had received a copy of the Annual play Inspection Report and had already contacted various equipment manufacturers for quotes on replacement items. Cllr White has also made 2 repairs. Action Cllrs White and M Ferguson to walk the Play Park and check off all items needing attention

Memorial Garden benches

Cllr Erridge reported that residents feel there are enough benches now so no further action required apart from removing or repairing the old bench. Action Cllr M Ferguson to chase removal

The fence has now been painted by Jack along with other benches. A second coat is needed on the benches in the Memorial garden Action Cllr Erridge to ask Jack to do this

Will need to call for volunteers to cut back and tidy the Memorial Garden at the end of October. Action Cllr S Ferguson to Place Article in Newsletter

09.17.14. Correspondence.

The following items of correspondence were received this month for circulation:

a)  Invitation to join Notts ‘Lamp Post Poppy’ Campaign – councillors to decide if they want to put large Poppies on the lampposts throughout the village to mark Remembrance day. Action Cllr M Ferguson to let Clerk know if want to buy these Poppies by end September

b)  Letter from Chief Inspector Andy Rooke re Bill Bailey – no action required

c)  Thank you letter from Notts CFR – no action required

d)  Funded places at Low Carbon Britain event in London – Nov 8th – no action required

e)  Invitation to a McMillan event on September 29th – circulated to all councillors to reply directly if they wish to attend

09.17.15. Parish Council Newsletter and website Parish Council Newsletter

The Autumn newsletter is due in late September following Harvest Festival (September 25th). Articles so far include :- new councillors profile; event at North Leverton Windmill; Police report; traffic calming results; nursery places / move to the Sure Start Building; volunteers needed to tend the village Heritage sign Parish Website

Website is fine - statistics for the last 3 months will be available at the September PC meeting


09.17.16 Village Archive

Notts CC archive department has agreed to take North Leverton’s archive material which will be delivered to Nottingham on 5th September with full list of items. An access code will mean it can be accessed if required Action Clerk

09.17.17 Councillor Vacancies

The two members of the public attending the meeting both expressed their interest in becoming Councillors. Action Cllr M Ferguson to visit them to talk about the role.