Course Syllabus: Common Core Math I: 2016-2017


TEACHER:Charles Johnson


PHONE NUMBER:(910)843-4211


Mr. JohnsonRed Springs High School--- 509 N. Vance StreetRed Springs, NC 28377

Course Syllabus: Common Core Math I: 2016-2017


3-Ring Binder

Notebook paper

 Composition Notebook, 3 Subject Spiral Notebook,

Glue Sticks

 Kleenex

Color Pencils, Highlighters, Pencils

Mr. JohnsonRed Springs High School--- 509 N. Vance StreetRed Springs, NC 28377

Course Syllabus: Common Core Math I: 2016-2017


Math 1 follows the adopted North Carolina Common Core standards for High School Course I. Math I provides students the opportunity to study concepts of algebra, geometry, functions, number and operations, statistics and modeling throughout the course. These concepts include expressions in the real number system, creating and reasoning with equations and inequalities, interpreting and building simple functions, expressing geometric properties and interpreting categorical and quantitative data.


Unit 0:Linear Equations and Proportions Unit 4: Expressions and

Unit 1:Functions & Their Graphs Part I Unit 5:Functions & Their Graphs Part II

Unit 2:Systems of Equations & Inequalities Unit 6: Connecting Algebra &Geometry

Unit 3:Descriptive Statistics


Mr. Johnson’s expectations of students

You should:

  • Come to class ready to engage in meaningful substantive discussion as it relates to real world applications in Mathematics.
  • Treat the opinions of others with respect and tolerance.
  • Complete all assignments on time and with thoughtfulness.
  • Practice academic honesty in all your work.
  • Come to class on time (with cell phones off).
  • Notes: You will also be required to take notes as it is necessary to your success in this class.

What you can expect from Mr. Johnson

Mr. Johnson will

  • Establish and maintain, with your involvement and help, a safe, comfortable learning environment.
  • Make meaningful assignments designed to broaden your knowledge and help improve your ability to problem solve.
  • Offer you availability to address any concerns or issues that may interfere with the learning process.
  • Keep the course moving at a reasonable pace in order to satisfy the state learning objectives.
  • Attempt—to the best of the instructor’s ability—to work with you in answering all your questions.
  • Supply you with fair, honest, and timely evaluators of your progress.


It is very easy to be successful in this class. First, make sure you do all assigned work. Second, participate to the best of your ability, daily. Third, ask as many questions, related to class, as you need to understand the concepts being taught. Last, leave all attitudes, personal problems, and issues at the door before you enter.


Please come to class regularly. Remember that the student is responsible for what has gone on in class; regardless of whether he or she was present that day. Missed work must be turned in during the following block after you return if Excused Absence. If you have multiple days of missed work, then I will discuss the due dates with you. The student is responsible for copying down assignments and/or getting worksheets on days that are missed. Max of five days after returned absence.







Fbelow 60


You will be evaluated using a combination of classwork, homework, quizzes, projects, and tests in class.

Classwork 25%

Homework 10%

Quizzes – 10%

Projects – 20%

Tests – 35%

Classwork/Homework is very important. It is a way for you to measure your understanding of the material. Basically, its practice; and the more you practice, the better you perform on the test. Each homework assignment is due the beginning of the next class. All work must be shown to get full credit for answers on the homework. All work MUST be done in pencil.No work will be accepted in Pen or Erasable Pen.

Tests are worth 35% of the grade. They will be administered using the Schoolnet web based program or paper and pencil.


If it is not turned in on time, it will result in a 10-point deduction per day.


Cheating will result in a zero grade and discipline referrals for ALL participants.


Tutoring will be provided at some point during the semester and times, as well as, dates will be given whenever it is started.


Parent Signature:______

Student Signature: ______


Mr. JohnsonRed Springs High School--- 509 N. Vance StreetRed Springs, NC 28377