
Children and parents are reminded that full school uniform must be worn at all times. This includes jumper, shirt, tie, skirt or trousers. No tracksuit bottoms.

Important Information

If your child is being collected early from school please inform a member of staff in advance. If your child is being collected by someone else then please let us know in advance. A sign-out book will be available in the school and this must be signed before your child leaves the school.

If your child is absent from school please phone on the day and send a note on their first day back to school following their absence.

Upcoming Dates

Thursday 12th January / NSPCC Talk
Monday 16th January / Dean Opening (P7 only)
*Wednesday 18th January / Industrial Action Strike
Monday 23rd January / Byrson Energy Talk
Sunday 22nd January / Do This In Memory of Me
Christ the King Church 12noon
Thursday 26th January / Swimming Commences 15weeks
P4-7 pupils Only
Friday 27th January / Panto – Strule Arts
Monday 30th January / Internet Safety Talk

Dates for future notice:

Confirmation - 23rd March at 3.00pm in Christ the King.

Holy Communion - 21st May at Mountfield 10.00am.

*School closed on Wednesday 18th January 2017 until 12.30pm.

St Brigid’s Primary School

4 Lenagh Road,



Co. Tyrone,

BT79 7PT

Tel: 028 80771327

Principal: Mrs Rosena Tracey

Principal Awards

Well done to all the award winners this month who received a Principal’s Award for all their hard earned work.

Year / Pupil / Achievement
1 / Aaron Reynolds / For great counting in numeracy and trying his best.
2 & 3 / Caolan Doran / For independent sentences during Literacy.
4 & 5 / Brona McCloy / For her willingness to learn and her caring and sharing personality.
6 & 7 / Aaron Kelly / For his lovely presentation of work and sharing his ICT skills.

Well done to those pupils who had a full months attendance in December. Keep it up for January. Please see attached a flyer on the importance of School Attendance.

Welcome back

We welcome all the children back from their Christmas Holidays and hope Santa was good to them. A massive congratulation to all the children who participated in the Christmas play and our thanks to you, the parents for your support. Our thanks are also extended to those who assisted with refreshments and to those who bought and sold raffle tickets. Thanks to all those who donated prizes. In total we raised £922 which we are delighted with. These funds are already been put to good use and are going towards the purchase of new i-pads to help the pupils in their education.

September 2017 Admissions

Remember if you have a child eligible for either Pre-School or Primary School please ensure they are completed and returned by noon on Wednesday 11th January 2017.

Dinner Cost Increase

Please be reminded that there is a 5p increase in School Meals. A dinner per child is now £2.55 with effect from 1st January 2017.


The PTA AGM is on Thursday 26th January at 7.30pm here in the school. Everyone is encouraged to attend


A letter will be sent out today for the P4-7 pupils detailing the swimming programme which is due to commence on Thursday 26th January for 15weeks. Children will be transported by bus.


This years panto is Jack and the Beanstalk which I on Friday 27th January in the Stule Arts Centre for the whole school. Children will be transported by bus. The cost is £5 per child. A letter will be sent out with the details and consent.


A member from NSPCC will be conducting an assembly to the children on Thursday 12th January.

Dean Open Day

P7 pupils will be given the opportunity to explore the Dean Maguirc College on Monday 16th January. Bus will be provided. Details will be given to P7’s.

Energy Talk

A talk from a member of Byrson Energy Team will be given to the P5-7 pupils on Monday 23rd January at 11.00am.

After School Clubs

Commencing week beginning Monday 16th January.

Tuesday: ICT Club (Years 4-7) Miss Ward

Thursday: Literacy Club (Years 4-7)

Wrap Around Care

Wrap around care continues to be of service up until 5.30pm except for Fridays, which ends at 4.00pm.


The cost of Music up to the end of February are as follows:

Milk - £3.30 per child

Music - £3.00 per child.

Anyone who has not yet paid their music or milk for Term 1 or 2 then please do so at your earliest convenience.

*Please ensure that these amounts are paid in order to assist with running costs as Mrs Sweeney is to be paid each week and Milk is to be purchased each week.

Healthy Eating

As we all know healthy eating plays a major role in the well-being of us all. Here at St Brigid’s we follow a healthy eating policy to help maintain a healthy life for our children. Please ensure that your child takes a piece of fruit with them for their snack each day.

School Photographer

School photographs will be scheduled before the end of February. Details to follow.