Hemsworth Town Council represents the people living in Hemsworth, Fitzwilliam & Kinsley and provides the following local services:

¨  Information & Administration Office at 1 Bank Street, Hemsworth

¨  Hemsworth Water Park & The Windsurfer Licensed premises.

¨  Sports Complex at Kirkby Road, Hemsworth

¨  Community Hall at Bullenshaw Road, Hemsworth

¨  Bonfire & Fireworks Display, Brass Band Concert & Christmas Presentations

¨  Garden Scheme for the infirm/elderly

¨  Allotments & Garages

There are fifteen locally elected Councillors – nine representing Hemsworth wards (South, East and West), three for Kinsley and three for Fitzwilliam. These Councillors are elected to represent a ward for a four-year term. The Town Council presently has two vacancies for Town Councillors. Would you like to become a Town Councillor? Do you have the interest of your community at heart? If so, why not apply for one of the vacancies that are available.

You can contact any of the Councillors for advice on local issues (see page 7 for details). Or you can also contact the office on 01977 617617. Staff working at the office will be pleased to assist you.


As Chairman of Hemsworth Town Council, for the second year it gives me great pleasure to keep residents informed of progress in this the fourth Newsletter & Best Value Performance Plan Summary produced by the Town Council.

All Hemsworth Town Councillors and Town Council staff are committed to providing the highest quality services to residents within the resources available.

The Town Council will always try to rise to the challenges ahead, and focus on community needs and delivering quality services. We keep trying to improve consultation by all year round surveys of users of main services. This helps us take better account of your views and concerns and provides more opportunities to involve you in our future decision making relating to services and activities.

This Council takes very seriously the results of these questionnaires and these are published in our 2005/2006 Best Value Performance Plan.

Where possible the Council reflects the needs of the results of the questionnaires when setting budgets for improvements to services - information on projects highlighted by the public are detailed in this newsletter.

On closing I would like to thank all Town Councillors and Town Council staff for their support during my term as Chair of the Town Council.

Councillor George Mellows


Hemsworth Water Park & Playworld

An increase in entrance charges to Playworld and other facilities at Hemsworth Water Park has been agreed as follows:

Playworld £1.50 per child

(There is no longer a charge for any adult)

Pedalo Hire £1.50 per person

Child Fishing £1.00 (Concession rate)

Residents of Hemsworth, Fitzwilliam or Kinsley can obtain a permit for a reduction in the cost of some of the facilities at the Water Park. To obtain a permit please visit the office at 1 Bank Street, Hemsworth with a document showing your address and the fee of £2.00. You will be able to obtain a permit for each member of your household and a car parking permit. Residents aged thirteen or under can obtain a Water Park permit free of charge.


A rent increase for allotment plots will come into effect on 01st February 2006. Improvements following consultation with allotment holders (Best Value Questionnaire) will include upgrading site paths and work on land at Newstead allotment site.

Celebratory Presentations

The Town Council makes a presentation to residents living within the township who are celebrating an eightieth birthday, ninetieth birthday or any birthday over ninety, a Golden Wedding or a Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Anyone with details of a resident celebrating any of the above please contact the administration office or a Town Councillor.

Community Hall

The Community Hall situated on Bullenshaw Road in Hemsworth is used by a number of organisations: the Royal British Legion, Age Concern (who run a luncheon club), Line Dancing and Mums & Toddlers. The hall is available to hire for groups or private family functions. For more details contact the administration office.

Garden Scheme

The garden scheme operated successfully last year and the results of the satisfaction survey will be published in the BVPP 2005/2006 at the end of June 2005. (A change to the scheme may need to be implemented due to problems the Town Council are experiencing in relation to the disposal of the garden waste. The Town Council is currently in negotiations with the District Council and it is hoped that they will provide the Town Council with a solution to this problem.)

Sports Complex

The Feasibility Study for the Sports Complex is near completion. The Town Council are considering options outlined by the Consultants with the Town Council agreeing in principle with the notion to give a lease for the Sports Complex to community groups.

Christmas Presentations

The distribution of selection boxes to local schools for children up to and including seven years old took place with positive feedback from most schools saying that the children were grateful for their gift.



Each year this Council allocates an amount of money to make donations to local organisations. Over the past year grants have been given to:

Boar Cottage - Running costs

Hemsworth Miners Welfare Senior Football Club - Running costs

Home-Start Hemsworth, South Elmsall & District - Summer play schemes

Kinsley Primary School - Wildlife area project

If you are involved in a local organisation and would like to apply for a grant please write to the Council with details of your application and a copy of your organisation’s latest balance sheet. Please note that grants are not given to individuals.

The Windsurfer Public House

The Windsurfer has recently undergone a change of management and the new management couple brings with them a host of new ideas for entertainment, new menus and a wide variety of experience in the licensing and catering trade.

The Windsurfer has a function room overlooking the lake that can be booked for private family parties or conferences. A choice of buffet menus is also available. For more details please contact the Windsurfer management on 01977 617617.

Bonfire & Fireworks Display

A bonfire and fireworks display is held at Hemsworth Water Park every year. No charge is made to enter the event or for car parking. A Guy Fawkes competition is held and all entrants receive a prize. This event has been a success for a number of years now and the results of the satisfaction survey will be published in the BVPP 2005/2006 at the end of June 2005. For further details please contact the administration office.

Brass Band Concert

This year the concert will be held on Thursday 6th October 2005. Entrance is free, with refreshments, raffle and a bus service from various pick up points in Hemsworth, Fitzwilliam and Kinsley all free. The concert was a huge success and the results of the satisfaction survey will be published in the BVPP 2005/2006 at the end of June 2005. For further details contact the administration office.


The Town Council has worked with a number of groups over the past year these include:

·  Assisting the Royal British Legion in obtaining a grant for WMDC for improvements to the war memorial.

·  Assisting with the Green Gym Project by providing BTCV with two allotment plots on the Westend site.

·  Providing work experience at Hemsworth Water Park for a pupil from Translink

·  Providing work experience for Hemsworth Arts and Community College year 10 pupils at Hemsworth Water Park.

·  Working with Somerfield to clear the precinct planter and purchase plants. Unfortunately the plants were stolen a week later.

·  Christmas Light Switch On – Hemsworth Town Council paid for the road show for this event.


Best Value was introduced in the Local Government Act 1999. It was implemented by all principal local authorities including the Police, Fire Services and larger town and parish councils.

Best Value aims to deliver improvements in services to the public. The legislation requires local authorities to challenge, compare, consult and compete on it’s existing service provision.

To assist us in our decision-making a variety of surveys covering all aspects of service provision have been carried out and the council will use these results along with the reviews of services for future improvements.

The Best Value Performance Plan (BVPP) for 2005/06 will be the means by which the Town Council can engage with local people on its record of delivering local services and how it plans to improve upon them. The BVPP will be published by 30th June 2005.

For a copy of the plan or for more information on Best Value issues please contact:

Tina Pattison - Town Clerk Hemsworth Town Council, 1 Bank Street, Hemsworth, Pontefract WF9 4JX

Tel: 01977 617617


Best Value Service Reviews

The Council has undertaken Service Reviews on the following services: Garden Scheme, Administration including Financial Systems, Christmas Presentations (formally the Christmas Grotto), Annual Brass Band Concert and the Bonfire is in the process of undertaking a review on the Windsurfer.

It is hoped that the following timetable can be adopted to undertake the following service reviews:

2005/06 Hemsworth Water Park

2005/06 Sports Complex

2005/06 Community Hall

Corporate Mission statement

The vision of this Town Council is to maintain the highest possible standards of services in those areas for which we have direct responsibility.

We will do our utmost to reflect the views of the people we represent in the policies we develop.

The Town Council’s core values are public accountability and partnership working.

Our Values and Aims

Hemsworth Town Council will:

1. Provide the highest standards of open and publicly accountable local government for residents

2. Act in an effective manner and ensure that our objectives are met

3. As an organisation we will constantly seek to improve our services and achieve best value

4. Set out performance measures and targets to help the public judge how successful the Council is in delivering and improving services

5. Publish a BVPP every year that shows how successful the Council is in achieving Best Value.

6. Ensure partnership of members, staff and the community – this will be an ongoing development of a culture which focuses on citizens, quality, partnership and value for money.

BEST VALUE (cont.)
Our Strategic Objectives

High Standards Providing high standards in service provision with courteous and friendly staff.

Strong Partnerships Forging stronger partnership links with Local Authorities, external agencies, voluntary organizations, the private sector and individuals in all areas of our work.

Quality Development To improve the quality of Council services in line with the principles of Best Value Legislation.

To consult widely and to be responsive to the needs of the public.

Financial Procedures To review the financial structure with regard to past Capital Expenditure.

Consultation Statement

Hemsworth Town Council as a Best Value Authority will continue to consult the community in respect of the services and issues that are of concern to all the Community.

The type of consultation exercises will include:

The Annual Town Meeting



Press Releases

The Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Act was passed by Parliament in November 2000 and came into full force on 01 January 2005. The Act gives individuals the right to access various types of ‘recorded’ information held by public authorities such as this Town Council. The Act is completely retrospective and covers all information held by the Town Council irrespective of when it was created.

Once a request is received, the Town Council has a duty to respond within 20 working days or, within the same timescale, provide the requestor with the reason why the information is being withheld.

Information may only be withheld if it is considered to fall under one of the 23 exemptions, which include information provided in confidence, personal information, and information which may harm your commercial interests. Information can only be requested in writing. However email requests will be accepted.

Information that you may have provided, and may provide in the future to the Town Council, will be subject to the Act. Unless an exemption form the Act applies, upon request the Town Council will be obliged to disclose the information to the public.

If your organisation has any information that you would prefer not to be made public than you will need to discuss your concerns with us. You may prefer to do this prior to supplying information as negotiations regarding disclosure may affect your decision to supply information.

If you have any enquiries please contact Tina Pattison, Town Clerk on 01977 617617.

Please visit The Information Commissioners Office website at: www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk

COST CENTRE / BUDGET 2004/05 / BUDGET 2005/06
£ / £
Allotments / 23,758 / 30,508
Bonfire / 15,111 / 14,711
Changing Rooms / 755 / 705
Civic & General / 88,674 / 64,174
Community Hall / 11,720 / 16,801
Corporate Management / 38,649 / 46,583
Garden Scheme / 11,405 / 11,405
Garages / -168 / -168
Grounds Maintenance Unit (Unallocated) / 20,230 / 25,901
Loans & Financing / 12,020 / 14,990
Offices / 13,195 / 14,110
Section 137 / 4,540 / 8,540
Sports Complex / 10,590 / 10,790
Water Park / 69,962 / 62,462
Windsurfer / 12,192 / 27,599
Capital Projects * / 88,688 / 109,600
SUB TOTAL / 421,321 / 458,711
Use of Balances / 85,321 / 108,711
PRECEPT / 336,000 / 350,000

The Town Council introduced a Maintenance & Replacement programme during 2004/05 with projects to be undertaken to improve the services that we provide and this program is continuing in 2005/2006. The Council is currently carrying out improvements at the Water Park and Windsurfer and has introduced additional Health & Safety measures and is assessing disability access over all services.

Capital Projects, General Schemes & Maintenance & Replacement Programme:

Hemsworth Water Park - Refurbishment of the outside toilets

Bank Erosion

Playworld - Kiosk and toilets

Windsurfer - Kitchen extension and new equipment