LOL Devo - Lift You Higher

Surround yourself only by those who lift you higher.

This is a common inspirational phrase, and it makes sense. Why would you hang out with someone who is a constant bad influence? It can’t be much fun, always worrying about the decisions he/she is making, worrying if you’ll be in trouble by association.

God has something to say about this as well.

Matthew 4: 18-20 As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. "Lay down your nets and follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him.

We’ve heard this story before. Jesus was gathering his disciples and it’s easy for us to assume they had no trouble casting away their old life (as fishermen) and follow Jesus. Fishing was their life, their income, for some even their passion.

Is there anything or anyone you feel like you can’t live without? Think of something that would actually be extremely difficult to let go of. Now God doesn’t ask us to randomly give up things that are important to us because he feels like it. He asks that when we devote our lives to him (something many of us may have affirmed in Confirmation). He asks that we cast away the things that keep us from spending time with him. He asks us to surround ourselves as best we can with people and activities that draw us closer to him.

Does this mean that we can’t enjoy a movie or music or fun with our friends? Not necessarily, God asks that he is the focus, the point of your life. He asks that you make him a priority.

Discussion Questions

Q: What is something in this world that you are passionate about? [playing an instrument or a sport]

Q: What are some simple, meaningful ways you can make your faith a priority in your life? [coming to faith club, worshipping with friends]

Q: How can we dispel the myth that being a Christ follower is boring? [By being filled with joy and happiness and being a contagious Christian, by having ‘parties’ just like anybody else would!”]

Closing Prayer

Jesus, thank you for loving us more than we’re able to love you. Help us to remember the importance of making you a priority in our lives. You are the point of life. Help us to see where our lives are getting in the way of being close to you. We ask that you allow us to slow down and recognize the times when we should be making room for you. Today specifically we ask that even one decision is made with you in mind. Bless us today and every day. Amen.