Allerdale & Copeland District Delivery Group
Attendees / Alex Fitzgerald (AF) / Michael Cunningham (MC)
Anne Cartner (AC) / Michael Priestley (MP)
Barbara MacKenzie (BMa) / Neil Spence (NS)
Beverly Morgan (BM) / Nick O’Key (NO)
Eileen Teasdale (ET) / Paul Walker (PW)chair
Jim Busher (JB) / Rebecca Whent (RW)
Joanne Thornborrow (JT) / Richard Farnworth (RF)
Justin Bibby (JB) / Robert Porter (RP)
Katie Moore (KM) notes / Roy Beale-Prat (RB)
Karen Rutter (KR) / Stephanie Crosthwaite (SC)
Keith Little (KL) / Susan Hodkin (SH)
Lesley Sanczuk (LS) / Susan Toomey (ST)
Lynette Norris (LN) / Wendy Skillicorn (WS)
Martin Shields (MS)
Date / 12th Jan 2012 /
Directorate/Partnership / Children’s Trust Board
Venue / Workington Police Station
Apologies / David Willetts (DW), Jane Muller (JM), Janette Baines (JBa), Lorrainne Smyth (LSm), Russell Norman (RN), and Zoe Lenaghan (ZL)
Matters Arising
By who
1. PW welcomed the group and informed them of Dave Willett’s new role. The group wished Dave good luck and thanked him for all his efforts within the DDG. / PW
2. Minutes from the last meeting were agreed as a true record. NO noted that CSP plan is being finalised and he will relay data to the group when it is available. / NO
By who
1. BM gave an update on the Children’s Trust Board. KL suggested that job titles or organisations are provided alongside the action notes. / BM
2.The group were given feedback around Peer Challenge. PW noted that when he receives feedback he will share information with the DDG. / PW
3. The Child Deaths report was linked to priority 1 of the CTB priorities and outcomes triangle. RP enquired if there was a summary that related this document to Cumbria. NS to raise with line manager and advise DDG how the information in the report is to be utilised. / NS
4. RF informed the DDG about the Stay Safe Initiative. It was noted that the project could apply for funding through Local Committee if needed. / RF
5. SH and SC gave feedback from the Parenting reference group. The group intend to map the parenting programme provision in the West and have designed a template to capture information which will assist them with the task. The template will be sent out to the DDG for members to complete if they deliver parenting programmes or if they have staff trained to deliver parenting programmes. SH explained that they have obtained a database of professionals who are qualified to deliver parenting training, SH to share this with the group for members to analyse so that it can be updated at next meeting. / SH
6. PW noted that anyone who would like to contribute to the Parenting reference group can contact SH to join. / ALL
7. SC gave an update from the Child Poverty Group regarding free school meals. SC to share leaflet encouraging families to sign up to the scheme to RP for wider distribution. / SC
8. SH raised that LSm has asked for a representative to sit on the countywide free school meals board. SH to advise LSm to contact the child poverty group with further information. / SH
9. It was agreed that the thematic issue of drugs and alcohol should be added to the agenda for the next meeting, and suggested that members bring information, data, evidence for more in depth discussions. / ALL
10. MP noted that he compiled a report relating to alcohol and young people for the alcohol outreach worker initiative. PW requested MP share his report at the next meeting. / MP
11. The issue of drug and alcohol related admissions into hospital was raised. PW suggested that this may be something RB could provide for the group. BM to request data through Caroline Sutton from the Cumbria Impact and Evaluation group. RB to be asked to provide analysis of current alcohol and drug related data for young people at next meeting. / RB/BM
12. ET asked the group for examples of good practice and noted she would send out a template form through SH. She asked the group to return this data by 17th Jan. SH to send ET information already collated through the DDG. / ALL/SH
13. ST suggested that CAF features on the agenda for the next meeting and a task and finish group could be useful. / SH
14. ET noted that she has healthy weight statistics and will distribute via SH. / ET/SH
15. SH to circulate the issue and good practice template for members to complete and return. / SH
Date of next meeting:
1pm - 3pm, Tuesday 20th March venue - LakesCollege.
Documents shared at meeting: