Grants Programme for Sports-Related Equipment

Barnwood Trust is dedicated to supporting residents of Gloucestershire by providing help for those who are living with complex disabilities. This grants programme is intended to support organisations based in Gloucestershire which provide sports activities for people affected by long term disability. To apply for a grant under this scheme, your organisation must be based in Gloucestershire.

Under this Grants Programme we are able to consider applications for funding towards specialist equipment to enable people with disabilities to take part in sports programmes. The maximum sum we are able to award under this scheme is £5,000. Applications will be considered quarterly. Please note this grants programme is for equipment only. We are unable to consider applications for revenue funding.

Name and Address of Organisation:

Status of Organisation (please circle):

Statutory organisation / Voluntary organisation / Self help group
Registered Charity No ...... / Not for profit Ltd Company No ......

Website Address:

Purpose of Organisation:

Bank Account Details:

Bank Name : / Account Name:
Sort Code: / Account Number:

Main Contact Name:

Contact email address:

Contact daytime telephone number:

Address for correspondence (if different to Organisation Address):

How many Gloucestershire people will directly benefit from this grant? ......

Total number of Gloucestershire people with a disability taking part ......

...... with physical disabilities / ...... with sensory disabilities
...... with mental illness / ...... with learning disabilities

What district of Gloucestershire will benefit from this grant? (please circle)

Gloucester City / Cheltenham Borough / Stroud District / Cotswold District
Tewkesbury Borough / Forest of Dean District / Countywide

What is the total cost of the need or project?:

How much of this do you seek from Barnwood Trust?:

How will you fund any shortfall?:

(Please provide details of other funding already received, any pledges received and any applications still pending)

Please describe below how and when you plan to spend the grant, if awarded:

(Please be specific about what you are trying to achieve from the grant, what you will do, how you will do it and a full breakdown of what you would spend the grant on)

Signature ...... Date ......

Position ...... Tel No ......

Email ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Please remember to send your most recent set of income and expenditure accounts

For further information please contact:

Gail Rodway, Head of Grants
Direct line 01452 611292