Initiative #1: Siena will build upon the success of the first AEP by implementing the new AEP focused on student engagement.

Initiative 1 Outcome 1

/ Detail
Option ___
Outcome / Action / Commitments
Owner / Cumulative Costs / Costs, By Year / Deliverable(s), By Year
Siena will expand significantly its high-impact practices as part of the Liberal Arts curriculum and co-curriculum that promotes student engagement and innovative learning / 1.1.a Increase number and quality of faculty-student independent study projects by compensating faculty and evaluating results. / Deans until
Center for
Research &
Is hired / $683,000 / $124,000 / YR1-5 Incrementally increase and evaluate undergraduate research and creative activity. Set faculty compensation at $500/credit hour, max. $1500 per semester. Stipends – no effect on workload. Current compensation is $0. Based upon AY 2009-2010 participation rates by school the cost of School of Liberal Arts – 33 hours - $16,500; School of Business – 22 hours - $11,000; and the School of Science – 169 credit hours - $84,500. We have targeted 10% growth in YR1 and 5% each successive year.
$130,000 / 5% increase
$136,000 / 5% increase
$143,000 / 5% increase
$150,000 / 5% increase
1.1.b Establish the Center for Faculty Excellence and Innovation / VPAA / $562,500 / $100,000 annual salary and benefits $12,500 annual operating budget / YR1 to be used to develop a 4-year operating plan for the Center.
YR2-5planning collaborative efforts and direction with COTFD, information literacy, academic technology, e-portfolio and faculty development efforts. This is crucial to the change of direction of the Strategic Plan to high impact practices; understanding of and planning for. The Director will work with a $12,500 budget for the first-year cycle with the understanding that additional funding must be solicited within the budget cycle of the college and through the appropriate administrative channels.
1.1.c Increase capstone courses or culminating senior experiences that include formal assessment of College, school and departmental learning goals / Deans / $0 / $0 / YR1 Departments will assess current curriculum.
YR2 Departments will develop capstone courses or other culminating experiences for each major and will submit to BOI for approval.
YR3 Every Department will have established either a capstone course or culminating experience for each major.
YR1 Departments will assess current curriculum.
1.1.dEstablish faculty staffing plan to support this goal. / Deans / Pending
YR1 - $0
2-5 $TBD / YR1 Office of Institutional Effectivenessand Registrar will create an inventory of existing caps on course enrollments and the percentage of sections taught by FT tenured or tenure-track faculty.
Deans will meet with the VPAA to look at this on a college-wide basis.
YR1 Subcommittee of Deans and Faculty from the BOI will make a recommendation on course enrollment caps.
YR2 Deans will establish a 3-5 year hiring plan which will target appropriate staffing needs based upon pedagogy, agreed upon class size, and departmental needs.
1.1.e Conduct feasibility study and propose language requirement or competency / Dean of Liberal Arts,
Dept. of Modern Languages and Classics / $0 / $0 / YR1 Study feasibility of adding a language requirement, considering staffing, testing procedures, costs other than staffing. Consider partial for some majors only versus comprehensive for all majors. Delivery of report and recommendation.
YR 2 Review of proposal by BOI fall 2012
$80k per faculty hire / YR 3 Hire additional faculty as required
1.1.f Implement the CRES NEH grant activities / Director,
Center for
Era Studies and VP for Development / $500k from NEH; $1.5 million to be matched / YR1 Plan submitted in the NEH grant calls for the following: (a)the creation of a digitization workstation/lab; (b) offering of a course for students to learn how to digitize materials, create metadata, preserve materials, and do archival management; and (c) partnerships with local organizations and agencies to digitize smaller collections of historical materials with the aid of the trained students, digitization technician and library staff.
$37,000 / YR2 Implement the Cultural Heritage Digitization Lab.
YR3 Create the course on digitization and archival management and offer the services to local agencies. Submit to BOI.
1.1.g Increase number and/or diversity of students participating in study abroad through combination of need-based andmerit-based support. / Director, International Studies / $250,000 / $50,000 / YR1-5 Support 25 students/semester each year with $1,000 towards travel to and from the study abroad site each year.
1.1.h Review and revise an aspirant institutional list by the end of academic year 2011-2012 that will benchmark enhanced academic excellence goals / OIE / $0 / Use NSSE and USN&WR results to identify aspirants.

Initiative 1 Outcome 2

/ Detail
Option ___
Outcome / Action / Commitments
Owner / Cumulative Costs / Costs, By Year / Deliverable(s), By Year
Student engagement will lead to student achievement, both during and after college / 1.2.aCreate the position of Director of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity in order to support and to collaborate efforts to make undergraduate research and scholarship opportunities available to as many students as possible across the curriculum. / VPAA / $1.1 M / $100,000 / YR1-5 This will cover the cost of a faculty coordinator, travel budget, and administrative costs for establishing and maintaining the Center. YR1 Develop an operational plan for 2012-2015.
$120,000 a year / YR1-5 Grow and institutionalize funding for 40 Siena Summer Scholars.
1.2.b.Double the number of academic presentations by students at external (non-Siena) professional organizations by increasing available funds to students for this purpose / Director of CURCA / $500,000 / $100,000 / YR1-5 Based upon our internal benchmarks, we expect this to be a sustainable goal supported by an annual operating budget increase of $100,000.
1.2.cEstablish a Center for Entrepreneurship as a multidisciplinary initiative across schools to focus on business acceleration and to utilize the strong network of alumni and community members. / Dean of Business / $600,000 / YR1 Establish a multidisciplinary cross-school team to continue to build on vision, strategy, and business plan.
YR1 Engage in space planning discussion. (N.B. cross reference with outcome #3)
1 FTE,
$120,000 / YR1 – YR2 Develop proposals for major/minor in entrepreneurship along with dedicated staffing needs.
1.2.dEnhance the Career Center services for current students and alumni to assist them in applying for grants, fellowships and service opportunities. Improve tracking of new and recent graduates. / Director,
Career Center / $300,000 / $75,000 / YR1 Develop an operational plan for this new initiative by the Career Center with input from the three schools.
YR2 Hire a new position in the Career Center to accomplish the goals of this new initiative.
YR 3 and beyond: increase in # students receiving post-baccalaureate grants, fellowships, pre-professional service positions

Initiative 1 Outcome 3

/ Detail
Option ___
Outcome / Action / Commitments
Owner / Cumulative Costs / Costs, By Year / Deliverable(s), By Year
Create new teaching and learning spaces and provide the resources necessary to facilitate student engagement. / 1.3.a New Social Work/Education/Sociology academic center will be available for the Fall 2012 semester.
Liberal Arts Dean / $6-$7 Million / Construct a new Academic building with offices, classrooms, labs and adjacent student common spaces for the Social Work, Sociology and Education Departments for a net gain of teaching/learning spaces. Preliminary design and cost estimate is completed and has been presented to President.
1.3.b Provide immediate responsiveness for all types of online resources. / ITS / $750k
$1.1 M
Depending on scope inclusive of all three actions. / YR1-YR5 Provide students with computer mediated communication tools such as SKYPE, WebEx, and Google Docs to enable collaboration as teams, increasingly with students at other educational institutions.
YR1-YR5 Improvements in technological infrastructure will address issues in risk management and business continuity and will benefit students and teaching, as well as, campus business and research.
1.3.c Support the constantly expanding developments in large media file transfers, processing, displaying, storing, and serving of contemporary sets of data. / ITS / See Above / YR1 Inventory hardware and software needs to establish a baseline measurement.
YR2 – YR5 Submit capital requirements to CPFC for improved infrastructure which is obsolete, expensive to maintain and does not scale well.
1.3.d Prioritize student/faculty learning centers and labs for workstations, video display adaptors, and software systems on campus. / Deans / See Above
1.3.e Ensure that at least four new seminar classrooms with appropriate furniture and technology are in place for the F2011 First Year Seminar
Commitment to come
from 2011-2012 capital
budget / Director,
First Year
Seminar / $40,000 / Space similar to Siena Hall 217 will be in place for four additional classrooms designed for the first-year experience. Classrooms to be located in Siena and/or Kiernan Hall.
. / 1.3.f Plan and secure funding for major academic facilities according to the campus vision. / VPFA / $40 Million / $250,000 / YR1 Review campus vision and determine next academic building to be constructed.
$250,000 / YR2 Develop building program and design plan.
$250,000 / YR 3-4 Secure Funding, continue design
Initiative 1 Outcome 4 / Detail
Option ___
Outcome / Action / Commitments
Owner / Cumulative Costs / Costs, By Year / Deliverable(s), By Year
Siena will gain national recognition for experiential learning †
programs that preparestudents for work, service, and practical positive action. / 1.4.a Institutionalize Academic Service Learning and Community-Based Research.
Acronyms in this Initiative:
ASL =Academic Service Learning
CBR =Community Based Research
ACE = Office of Academic Community Engagement
FCSA =Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy
SRI=Siena Research Institute
OP =Office of the President
BWBRS =Bonner Web Based Reporting System
ITS = Information and Technology Services
--Position costs include benefits
--Only activities in need of funding are prioritized. / ACE
SRI / $610,000 / Total Cost $550,000
*50k grant funding year 1-2 /
  1. Create the position of Coordinator of ASL/CBR to provide training and project facilitation support to faculty and community partners. (20 faculty per year trained/ adding 10 course sections of ASL/CBR each year to existing offerings… Cost = 60k/yr 1-5)
  2. Add an Academic Community Engagement course attribute to courses that incorporate ASL/CBR and other Academic Community Engagement pedagogical approaches for quality control, tracking and transcript reporting. (Cost = 0)
  3. Create opportunities and resources for faculty, students, and community partners to work together through SRI on CBR projects. (5 seed projects and 2 major projects in year 1 and increasing by 1 seed and 1 major project each year...Cost = 20k/yr 1-5)
  4. Introduce more faculty, and staff to the potential for ASL/CBR pedagogy and the Scholarship of Engagement by expanding the OP retreats on Mission (30 faculty /yr….Cost = 10k/yr).
  5. Connect service-based academic internships and other service based academic major requirements-Social Work, Education, etc. – to AmeriCorps Educational Awards for Siena Students. (150-250 students per year, receiving $1200 Federal Education Awards = $180,000 - $300,000 student benefit annually….Cost = 20k/yr 1-5 for AmeriCorps federal paperwork clerical support)
  6. Increase services options associated with study abroad and other short-term international and domestic immersion experiences for students (50% increase in associated service options…Cost = 0).

Total Cost 20k / Following high impact best practices in the ASL/CBR field, create two new courses – similar to the model used to train Writing Center Tutors (WRIT-240) – to develop 18 ASL/CBR student scholars per section taught who can intern with faculty and/or SRI on ASL/CBR courses and projects as undergraduate research and teaching assistants (Cost = 5K/yr 2-5).
Total Cost 40k / Build on Federal Learn and Serve Grant (2007-2009) success and institutionalize incentive structure to reward faculty who engage in high impact/labor intensive ASL/CBR course development and implementation. ($1000 course stipend for 10 faculty per year….Cost = 10K/yr 2-5)
1.4.b Implement BWBRS/ My Service Log -- Student Service Tracking and Management System…. / ACE
ITS / $250,000 / Total Cost 150k / Create Data Management Clerk Position. (30k/yr 1-5….* connected with 1.4.a. Deliverable 5. above)
Total Cost 50k / Train and deploy across offices. (10k/yr)
Integrate BWBRS reports into e-portfolios. (starting with Freshman class and building to 100% of student body over 5 years)
Total Cost 50k / Licensing and Software Fees (10k/yr 1-5)
Goal: Allows all students to have a web based service e-portfolio /transcript of all service activities while at Siena College AND allows for better tracking, quality control, and risk management for administrative and academic offices.
1.4.c Leverage the Siena DEEP Partnership infrastructure (Bonner/Vista/ASL/CBR/etc.) to increase long-term, intensive, academically integrated services opportunities to students and to assist faculty utilizing ACE pedagogies and/or engagement in CBR. / ACE
Deans / 0 / Increase visibility to VISTA Fellows in academic settings on campus (at least 30 sections per year).
Incorporate faculty into the VISTA Fellow Academic Enrichment Program as guest facilitators (30 faculty).
Set targets (2 per year per VISTA)for all VISTA Fellows to make academic connections each year including sponsoring internships, connecting with faculty community based research and academic service learning courses, and providing value added services to appropriate academic settings on campus.
Complete implementation of Bonner Service Leaders Program and secure the pledged endowment.
Utilize Bonner Service Leaders as student paraprofessionals to expand and enhance service opportunities and initiatives across campus, particularly those with academics at the center..
1.4.d Leverage the $500K Bonner Endowment, the $500K VISTA Grant, and other internal matching funds. / ACE
Foundations and Government
Relations / 0 / To continue to attract external grants and funding - - foundations, federal and state agencies, Corporation for National and Community Service. (Goal: 100k additional external funding per year)
1.4.e Implement revenue generating programs to sustain new and existing
FCSA/ACE program activities. / ACE
VPFA / 0 /
  1. The Corporate Partnerships Program
  2. The Siena Summer of Service Scholars Program
  3. Professional Services Corps.
(Goal for net external revenue = 50k year 1 with 10% increase each year after)
1.4.f Implement a Strategic Communications and Integrated Marketing plan to highlight the Siena DEEP Service Model to local, regional, and national audiences, including all appropriate awards, designations/classifications, and other public forums. / SCIM
ACE / $75,000 / Create a SCIM plan for service at Siena.
Total Cost 75k / Develop a quarterly publication similar to the Siena Business Review, as well as other appropriate publications. (Cost = 15k/yr 1-5)
Leverage the national success of the ASCE to build SRI expertise and reputation in assessment of service activities in higher education and to raise Siena’s national profile as an expert institution in academic services learning and assessment.
Apply for Carnegie.
Apply for President’s Honor Roll.
1.4. gLeverage the national success of the ASCE. To build SRI expertise and Siena’s national reputation as an expert institution in academic service learning and assessment. / SRI
ACE / $25,000 / Total Cost 25k / Build Client base for ASCE through marketing and outreach to institutions of higher education. (Goal: 30 additional college/university clients for ASCE)
Featured participation in national assessment conferences.
(5k/yr 1-5)

Initiative 1 Outcome 5

/ Detail
Option ___
Outcome / Action / Commitments
Owner / Cumulative Costs / Costs, By Year / Deliverable(s), By Year
Implement First-Year Seminars and core courses that strengthen student recruitment and retention. / 1.5.a Recruit full-time faculty to teach the FYS and provide academic departments with visiting positions. 1:1 for the duration. / Director,
First Year Seminar / $1.4 M / $100,000 / YR1 At least two full-time tenured or tenure track faculty members will move into the FYS and be replaced by FT visiting position in their respective departments.
$200,000 / This will be an incremental process over a four-year period.
1.5.b Guarantee first-year students the opportunity to enroll in two “first-year only” core courses in addition to their FYS. / AVPAA / TBD / YR1 Cap the core courses at 30 with the exception of the FYS. Create enough first-year only section CORE courses for the first and second semester. (see 1.1.5 action) New Core begins Fall 2011.
YR2 – YR 5 We will move towards a consistent class size for core courses (when feasible) to 25.
1.5.c FYS faculty will serve as primary or secondary advisors/mentors to their seminar students. / AVPAA / $0 / This will be an expectation for faculty teaching in the FYS as well as their participation in an extended fall academic orientation. A new model will be developed.
1.5.dEstablish resource center, within Siena College's Advising Center, that primarily engages at-risk students by offering a supportive environment that promotes personal exploration and continuous persistence towards degree completion. / AVP for Academic Affairs/Student Success / Increase net tuition revenue of sophomore class only by 1,101,807 over five years would offset the five year cost of $339,175 / Expense=
$65,000 (salary and operation costs). / Y1 - Design program, recruit and hire assistant director of student success and implement program in advance of Orientation; retention rate for 2011-12 freshman class is 88%.
$66,365 / Y2 - Open the resource center and connect to the first year experience seminar and other related activities in Goal 1 of strategic plan to strengthen student engagement and success; retention rate for 2012-13 freshman class is 89%
Expense= $67,764
Net revenue of Sophomore class increase by $127,050 / Y3 - Center implements Administrator/Faculty mentoring program; retention rate for 2013-14 freshman class in 90.5%.
Expense= $69,198
Net revenue of Sophomore class increases by $360,337 / Y4 - Center implements 1st and 2nd year to 3rd and 4th year peer mentoring program; retention for 2014-15 freshman class is 92%.
Expense= $70,848
Net revenue of Sophomore class increases by $614,420 / Y5-Full implementation, retention rate for freshman is 92%
1.5.e Leverage existing resources, establish new resources in order to develop and implement a comprehensive tutoring center which will include area expertise in quantitative reasoning/analysis and English as a Second Language / AVP for Academic Affairs/Student Success / Increase net tuition revenue of sophomore class only by 1,101,807 over five year would offset the five year cost of $713,452 / Expense= $275,000 (200K for renovation; 10K for expenses; 65K for salary and benefits) / Y1- Renovate space, develop program, hire full time director, analyze tutoring needs and execute a process which would link existing services and new services. Center positioned to offer limited services.