SYLLABUS (2018-2019)




LITERARY READER-L-I The Gentlemen of Verona, L-2 Mrs Packletide’s Tiger, L-3 The LetterL-4 A Shady Plot

Poem: Poem-1The Frog and the Nightingale, and Poem-3 Not Marble, Nor the Glided Monuments,Poem-4 Ozymandias.

Drama: Play1 The Dear Departed.

MCB- Unit 1 Health and Medicine,Unit 2 Education and Unit 3 Science.

Novel: ‘The diary of a young girl’ ( L 1 to 14)


Term I is also included

Literature: L-5 Patol Babu, Film Star and L6. Virtually True.

Poem: Poem-5 The Rime of Ancient Mariner and Poem-6 Snake.

Drama: Play-2 Julius Caesar.

MCB: Unit-4 Environment, Unit -5 Travel and Tourism and Unit-6 National Integration.

Novel :‘The diary of a young girl’ (L-15 to 23)

GRAMMAR & WRITING (For TERM-I & TERM-II): Tenses, Modals, Use of Passive voice, Subject-Verb concord, Reporting (commands & requests, statements & questions) Clauses: (noun clauses, adverb clauses of condition and time, relative clauses) Determiners, Prepositions

Gap Filling (Preposition, Articles, Conjunctions and Tenses)

Editing or Omission

Sentence Reordering or Transformation.

Letter to Editor/Article in about 100-120 words based on any visual/ verbal stimulus.

Writing a short story based on given outline or clues in about 150-200 words.

WORKBOOK (For Class Room Teaching only)

Final Exam: Whole syllabus



1)Ch-1: Real Numbers

2)Ch-2: Polynomials

3)Ch-3 :Linear Equations in two variables

4)Ch-4 :Quadratic Equations

5)Ch-6 :Triangles

6)Ch-8 :Introduction to Trigonometry

7)Ch-12 :Areas related to circles

8)Ch-14 :Statistics

9)Ch-15 :Probability


1)Ch-5 :Arithmetic Progression

2)Ch-7 :Coordinate Geometry

3)Ch-9 :Some applications of Trigonometry

4)Ch-10 :Circles

5)Ch-11 :Constructions

6)Ch-13 :Surface Areas & Volumes

FINAL EXAM : Whole Syllabus



Ch 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations Ch4 Carbon and its Compounds

Ch 2. Acids, Bases and SaltsCh5 Periodic Classification of Element

Ch 3. Metals and Non-MetalsCh8 How Do Organisms Reproduce?

Ch 6Life ProcessesCh9 Heredity and Evolution

Ch 7 Control and Coordination Ch11 The Human Eye and the Colorful World

Ch 10 Light:Reflection and RefractionCh16 Management of Natural Resources

Ch 12 Electricity(All the chapters of I Term)

Ch 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric CurrentFINAL EXAM: Whole Syllabus /

Ch 14. Sources of Energy Practical(Activity) and Short Question

Ch 15 Our Environment AnswersBased onPractical Experiments

Practical(Activity) and Short Question



1.Meaning of life skills & values.Chapters (9 to 15)

2.What are the essential life skills?

3. Chapters(1 to 8)


TERM I Lesson 1,2,6,7 & 9 TERM II Lesson 3,4,5 & 10,11 & 12 SOCIAL SCIENCE


UNIT – 1 HISTORY: India and the contemporary world – II

SubUnit 1.1 : Events and processes

(1)Chapter 1 - Nationalismin Europe

(2) Chapter 2 - Nationalism Movement in Indo-China

(3) Chapter 3 - Nationalismin India

UNIT- 2 GEOGRAPHY: INDIA – Resources and their Development

(1) Chapter 1 - Resources and Development

(2) Chapter 2 - Forest and Wildlife Resources

(3) Chapter 3 - Water Resources

(4) Chapter 4 - Agriculture

UNIT – 3 POLITICAL SCIENCE: Democratic Politics- II

(1) Chapter 1 - Power sharing

(2) Chapter 2 - Federalism

(3) Chapter 3 - Democracy and Diversity

(4) Chapter 4 - Gender, Religion and Caste

(5) Chapter 5 - Popular Struggles and Movements

(6)Chapter 8 - Challengesto Democracy

UNIT- 4 ECONOMICS: Understanding EconomicDevelopment- II

(1) Development

(2) Sectors of the Indian Economy

(3) Moneyand Credit


UNIT1 – HISTORY: India and the contemporary world II

SUB UNIT – 1.2 [Any one of the following]

(1) Chapter 4 - The making of a global world

(2) Chapter 5 - The age of industrialization, (3) Chapter 6 - Work, Life and Leisure

SUB UNIT- 1.3 [Any one]

(1) Chapter 7 - Print culture and the modern world

(2) Chapter 8 - Novels, Society and History

UNIT2 – GEOGRAPHY: India– Resources and their Development

(1)Chapter 5 - MineralResources and Energy Resources

(2)Chapter 6 - ManufacturingIndustries

(3)Chapter 7 - Life Lines of National Economy

UNIT3 – POLITICAL SCIENCE: Democratic Politics II

(1) Chapter 6 - Political Parties, (2)Chapter 7 - Outcomesof Democracy

UNIT4 – ECONOMICS: Understanding Economic Development

(1)Chapter 4 - Globalization and the Indian Economy

(2)Chapter 5 - ConsumerRights

Annual Exams : Whole syllabus




  1. MCB- Do all the exercises from Unit 1-3 in your literature notebook.
  2. The following work has to be done according to the respective Roll nos.

a)1-11______Write a poem of a popular poet on “Motherhood” on a chart paper. Give some relevant information about the poet also on the same chart.

b)12-24_____The women in our society need to be empowered. Write two interesting and catchy slogans based on the theme. (Make Cut-outs in different shapes).

c)25-35_____ You see your mother fulfilling an array of responsibilities throughout the day. You realize the selfless love she has for the family. Design a card, thanking mother and expressing your love for her. (Use Cartridge or Pastel sheet of A3 size, Folded).

  1. Make a project based on the novel.

‘The diary of a young girl’ under the following headings:



c)Summary of Part-1 (Chapter-wise)

d)Character Sketch (Main Characters)

e)Theme/ Significance of the Novel.


  1. Do Project on the following topics:- (for assigned roll no.s)
  1. Road accidents –Statistical figures, reasons, remedial measures & represent in bar graph, pie-chart

ii. Natural and manmade disaster - Statistical figures, reasons, remedial measures, losses.

iii. Show the monthly expenditure of your family in pie chart, bar – graph, pictograph.

iv. “Health is Wealth”—Factors affecting health, obesity & its adverse effect, how it can be controlled, balanced diet chart, role of Yoga & Exercises in daily routine for fitness.

v. Find the number of vowels in the selected text & represent the data in pie chart, bar graph, pictograph etc.

2. Make a Chart from the following topics:-

a) Linear equations in two variables (Conditions of solvability) Pg - 46

b) Measures of central tendency (Pg: 293 - 294)

c) Similar Triangles (Pg: 154 –6, 8, 9)

d) Use of Statistics in real life (Banking & Commerce, Weather Report, Road Safety, sports etc)

e) Mathematics Dictionary

3. Do the given assignment in folder.

Solve the following questions from R D Sharma.

i)Real Numbers: Q3-Q10; pg-1.48

ii)Polynomials: Level-2 Q9-Q20; pg-2.34, 2.35, Q27-Q35; pg-2.60

iii)Pair of Linear equations in two variables: Q39-Q42;pg-3.31, Q36;pg-3.70

iv)Complete the exercises of Ch-Statistics in your register.


1. Make a file on the following topics:

a. Lok Sabha is the lower level of Parliament but it has more powers than Rajya Sabbha. Cabinet of

Ministers is also part of Lok Sabha. Do the following on A4 sheets.

i. Powers and functions of Lok Sabha

ii. List of Cabinet Ministers (16th Lok Sabha)

b. Make a file and power point presentation on Nationalism in India.

c. i. ‘Iron and Steel Industries are backbone of India. Make a file on Manufacturing Industries.

ii. Write major industries in India and their location.

iii. On map of India locate major Air Ports and Sea Ports of India.


  • Write all the practical of I & II Term in your Practical files

Do the given assignment in folder.

  1. Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations Question no. (10 to 20 from back exercises)
  2. Chapter-6 Life Processes (Intext questions)
  3. Chapter-12 Electricity (Question no. 8 to 18) from back exercises.


  1. Do the work out section of page no. 187 & 188 take out the print out of the coding as well as web page.