Agenda for meeting to be held Tuesday 15 March 2011
Meeting opened: 7.00pm
Attendance: as per the book
Apologies: Marcus, Sarah
Welcome to the meeting: Kevin opened the meeting at 7.00pm
Review of minutes:
Minutes from P&C meeting held on 15th September 2015 to be reviewed. Accepted and verified by Lisa.
Incoming correspondence: Letter of thanks from school for our $5000 donation to upgrade the furniture in the library.
Email uniform shop report from Sarah.
Outgoing correspondence: None
- Business arising from last meeting
· Quotes for the painting of the library are in with assets and they are deciding on which one to go for.
· The Kindergarten orientation is taking place and uniform order forms/price lists were available including school bags.
Principal's report:
See attached paper report.
Treasurer's report:
$16,261.58 closing Balance
In flow of funds mainly from the uniform shop and the Father’s Day stall.
Canteen report:
Thursday is Beth’s availability, will get some dates together for a Meal Deal Thursday.
Cafelli, 14 orders last week, 1 a day, plus 10 on Friday. Let it run for the rest of the year, review for next year. It needs to be viable for Cafelli.
Work out a question for the survey relating to the provision of canteen. Rhonda recorded from the discussion
Fundraising report:
End of year concert, BBQ Team.
Concert starts at 6.30pm.
Arrangements: BBQ from 5pm (cooking from 4.30), cake stall. Raffles shop baskets, meat tray, drinks stall.
This will be the last fundraising event of the year.
The Christmas Disco is still a possibility and will be confirmed still.
There is an idea for a possible art and craft day as a fund raiser for next year.
Uniform shop report:
I am tag teaming with Teresa and Jenn Dancer to man the 2nd hand shop on Fridays due to work commitments changing.
New bags have arrived and look great.
Mel came to orientation to provide sizes and order forms for new starters.
Question- is everyone happy with WB Sports? I haven't heard negative feedback?
The review period is up in Feb so we need to make a decision in the next month whether we wish to take up the 24 month extension as we are required to give 3 months’ notice.
I would propose we take up the option.
Kevin proposed that we extend the contract in line with the 24 Month Extension.
Seconded: Theresa - was unanimously passed.
Grant report:
- General business:
· Interrelate is being arranged for this term, Thursday 5th November. We will contribute up to $1000
· Questions for the school survey – people suggested parent questions, parent skills.
· Language diversity in Kindergarten this year is great, could ask about parents coming in and doing special events or work to do with language.
· Last meeting of the year will be moved to the 8th December 2015.
· The meeting voted that ‘School Bags have a staggered integration into the school uniform from Kindergarten 2016’. Agreed unanimously.
Meeting closed:
Next meeting: November 11th 2015
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