Responsive Classroom® 1

Morning Meeting Weekly Plans

Week One Monday Date-

Greeting: Teacher Introduction

Teacher introduces each child to the class and asks each child to answer a simple question, such as “What is your favorite color?” or “What is your favorite food?” as teacher introduces him or her.

Ex. “This is my new friend, Maggie. Maggie’s favorite color is ______”

After introductions teacher asks, “Who thinks they can name two (then three) classmates?”

Sharing: No sharing on first day- students aren’t ready for it.

Activity: Sing simple song with easy, repetitive lyrics.

Examples- Peanut Butter, Grape Jelly

Down by the Bay

Message: Message is written ahead of time before student’s come in.

Message- Good Morning!
Today is Monday, August 20, 2007.

We will learn names today.

Teacher reads the chart, then asks the children to read along with teacher as she reads again. Each child says his or her name and teacher writes it on the chart. Later teacher will make a permanent name chart to hang in the classroom.

Week One Tuesday Date-

Greeting: Teacher Model Greeting Each Child

Teacher models how to greet someone by ritually greeting each child themselves: “Good Morning, Jesse”. Teacher tells the students they may return the greeting by saying “Good Morning” back to teacher. Students choose whether or not they want to do so.

Sharing: No sharing on second day- students aren’t ready for it.

Activity: Sing simple song with easy, repetitive lyrics- can use the same song previously used

Examples- Peanut Butter, Grape Jelly

Down by the Bay

Message: Message is written ahead of time before students come in- yes or no response Teacher may add personal news about class if needed.

Message- Good Morning!
Today is Tuesday, August 21, 2007.

Do you like peanut butter? Yes/No

Teacher reads the chart, then asks the children to read along with teacher as she reads again.

Week One Wednesday Date-

Greeting: Student Self-Introduction

Children speak for themselves on day three. Go around the circle, each child says his/her name and the name of a favorite food.

Sharing: Teacher shares something from family life.

Activity: Sing simple song with easy, repetitive lyrics- can use the same song previously used

Examples- Peanut Butter, Grape Jelly

Down by the Bay

Message: Message is written ahead of time before student’s come in- draw picture response Teacher may add personal news about class if needed.

Message- Good Morning!
Today is Wednesday, August 22, 2007.

Draw a picture of something you like to do.

Teacher reads the chart, then asks the children to read along with teacher as she reads again.

Week One Thursday Date-

Greeting: Simple Greeting

Teacher first describes and then models the following greeting. Instruct the students to watch and listen carefully. “Good Morning, Nicole”- teacher speaks clearly, looking straight at the child (teacher has deliberately chosen an outgoing child to model with). Child responds “Good Morning, Mrs.___”. Ask students what they noticed about what you did with your voice, eyes, and body. Discuss. Tell the students it is their turn to try. Students send greeting around the circle- practicing what you have modeled.

Sharing: Specialist teacher shares something from family or personal life.

Activity: Sing simple song with easy, repetitive lyrics- can use the same song previously used

Examples- Peanut Butter, Grape Jelly

Down by the Bay

Message: Message is written ahead of time before student’s come in- choose among options response Teacher may add personal news about class if needed.

Message- Good Morning!
Today is Thursday, August 23, 2007.

How many pets do you have? None, one, two, three or more

Teacher reads the chart, then asks the children to read along with teacher as she reads again.

Week One Friday Date-

Greeting: Simple Greeting- Continue with greeting from previous day until all students are successful.

Teacher first describes and then models the following greeting. Instruct the students to watch and listen carefully. “Good Morning, Nicole”- teacher speaks clearly, looking straight at the child (teacher has deliberately chosen an outgoing child to model with). Child responds “Good Morning, Mrs.___”. Ask students what they noticed about what you did with your voice, eyes, and body. Discuss. Tell the students it is their turn to try. Students send greeting around the circle- practicing what you have modeled.

Sharing: Specialist teacher or principal shares something from family or personal life.

Activity: Sing simple song with easy, repetitive lyrics- can use the same song previously used

Examples- Peanut Butter, Grape Jelly

Down by the Bay

Message: Message is written ahead of time before student’s come in- choose among options response Teacher may add personal news about class if needed.

Message- Good Morning!
Today is Friday, August 24, 2007.

Draw a face in the circle.

Teacher reads the chart, then asks the children to read along with teacher as she reads again.

Week Two Monday Date-

Greeting: Simple Greeting- Continue with greeting from previous day until all students are successful.

Teacher first describes and then models the following greeting. Instruct the students to watch and listen carefully. “Good Morning, Nicole”- teacher speaks clearly, looking straight at the child (teacher has deliberately chosen an outgoing child to model with). Child responds “Good Morning, Mrs.___”. Ask students what they noticed about what you did with your voice, eyes, and body. Discuss. Tell the students it is their turn to try. Students send greeting around the circle- practicing what you have modeled.

Sharing: Whip Share

Share around the circle- “something I am good at” A whip share goes quickly around the circle with students responds in short one or two word phrases.

Activity: The Warm Wind Blows

Grade Level: Primary (with modeling and practicing) and Intermediate
Materials: Circle of students seated on chairs
How to Play: Move chairs into a circle. The number of chairs should be one less than the number of participants. Participants sit in the chairs and one person stands in the middle of the circle. She/he says, “A warm wind blows for anyone who____,” filling in the blank with a category such as “has a dog.” Everyone who fits that category comes into the center of the circle and then quickly finds a new place to sit. The one person who doesn’t find a seat now stands in the center of the circle and says, “A warm wind blow for anyone who ____,” naming a new category. The activity continues for several rounds.
This lively activity is a great way for children to learn about each other and what they have in common with classmates. Encourage students to name categories that relate to interests, hobbies, and family rather than clothing or appearance. You could brainstorm a list of categories before beginning the activity.
Plan for Success: Model and practice safe movement across the circle and tagger's choice for deciding on ties. This game can be played with an equal number of chairs and students in order to teach safety or review the process of the game. This version also works well with younger students when first learning the game.
Variations/Extensions: This game is also called A Cold Wind Blows and A Hot Wind Blows. Some versions of Fruit Basket Upset are similar.

Message: Message is written ahead of time before student’s come in- choose among options response Teacher may add personal news about class if needed.

Message- Good Morning!
Today is Monday, August 27, 2007.

______is the helper.

What is the first letter of your name? Put it in a star.

Teacher reads the chart, then asks the children to read along with teacher as she reads again.

Week Two Tuesday Date-

Greeting: Name Syllables with Rhythm Sticks

Pass out rhythm sticks to each child (borrow from music teacher previously). Go around the circle saying together, “Good morning, Michelle”. When you get to the name instruct the class to hit the rhythm sticks according to the number of syllables in the name. Teacher will need to model a couple of students before going around the circle and greeting each child.

Sharing: Whip Share

Share around the circle- “favorite thing to do outside” A whip share goes quickly around the circle with students responds in short one or two word phrases.

Activity: The Warm Wind Blows

Grade Level: Primary (with modeling and practicing) and Intermediate
Materials: Circle of students seated on chairs
How to Play: Move chairs into a circle. The number of chairs should be one less than the number of participants. Participants sit in the chairs and one person stands in the middle of the circle. She/he says, “A warm wind blows for anyone who____,” filling in the blank with a category such as “has a dog.” Everyone who fits that category comes into the center of the circle and then quickly finds a new place to sit. The one person who doesn’t find a seat now stands in the center of the circle and says, “A warm wind blow for anyone who ____,” naming a new category. The activity continues for several rounds.
This lively activity is a great way for children to learn about each other and what they have in common with classmates. Encourage students to name categories that relate to interests, hobbies, and family rather than clothing or appearance. You could brainstorm a list of categories before beginning the activity.
Plan for Success: Model and practice safe movement across the circle and tagger's choice for deciding on ties. This game can be played with an equal number of chairs and students in order to teach safety or review the process of the game. This version also works well with younger students when first learning the game.
Variations/Extensions: This game is also called A Cold Wind Blows and A Hot Wind Blows. Some versions of Fruit Basket Upset are similar.

Message: Message is written ahead of time before student’s come in- choose among options response Teacher may add personal news about class if needed.

Message- Good Morning!
Today is Thursday, August 23, 2007.

______is the helper.

Did you come to school: in a bus? in a car? in a truck?

Teacher reads the chart, then asks the children to read along with teacher as she reads again.

Week Two Wednesday Date-

Greeting: Name Syllables with Rhythm Sticks

Pass out rhythm sticks to each child (borrow from music teacher previously). Go around the circle saying together, “Good morning, Michelle”. When you get to the name instruct the class to hit the rhythm sticks according to the number of syllables in the name. Teacher will need to model a couple of students before going around the circle and greeting each child.

Sharing: Whip Share

Share around the circle- “favorite food” A whip share goes quickly around the circle with students responds in short one or two word phrases.

Activity: The Warm Wind Blows

Grade Level: Primary (with modeling and practicing) and Intermediate
Materials: Circle of students seated on chairs
How to Play: Move chairs into a circle. The number of chairs should be one less than the number of participants. Participants sit in the chairs and one person stands in the middle of the circle. She/he says, “A warm wind blows for anyone who____,” filling in the blank with a category such as “has a dog.” Everyone who fits that category comes into the center of the circle and then quickly finds a new place to sit. The one person who doesn’t find a seat now stands in the center of the circle and says, “A warm wind blow for anyone who ____,” naming a new category. The activity continues for several rounds.
This lively activity is a great way for children to learn about each other and what they have in common with classmates. Encourage students to name categories that relate to interests, hobbies, and family rather than clothing or appearance. You could brainstorm a list of categories before beginning the activity.
Plan for Success: Model and practice safe movement across the circle and tagger's choice for deciding on ties. This game can be played with an equal number of chairs and students in order to teach safety or review the process of the game. This version also works well with younger students when first learning the game.
Variations/Extensions: This game is also called A Cold Wind Blows and A Hot Wind Blows. Some versions of Fruit Basket Upset are similar.

Message: Message is written ahead of time before student’s come in- choose among options response Teacher may add personal news about class if needed.

Message- Good Morning!
Today is Thursday, August 23, 2007.

______is the helper.

Did you come to school: in a bus? in a car? in a truck?

Teacher reads the chart, then asks the children to read along with teacher as she reads again.

Week Two Thursday Date-

Greeting: Name Syllables with Rhythm Sticks

Pass out rhythm sticks to each child (borrow from music teacher previously). Go around the circle saying together, “Good morning, Michelle”. When you get to the name instruct the class to hit the rhythm sticks according to the number of syllables in the name. Teacher will need to model a couple of students before going around the circle and greeting each child.

Sharing: Partner Share- introduce and discuss expectations