Sustainability Advisory Committee

Thursday, February 16, 2017 11:10 to 12:00

Meeting Minutes

SAC Committee Members: Dennis Elliot (chair), Michael Lucas, Kevin Piper, Patrick Lemieux, Jill Nelson, Shelby Thomas, Jocelyn Lu, Megan Coats, Hunter Francis, Ron Skamfer, Scott Bloom

Ex Officio: Julie Hawkins, Steve Polvi

Guests (invited): Eric Veium (recorder), Kylee Singh, Claire Balint, Ron Hostick, Scott Loosley, Greg Yeo, Molly Barker, Mark Sine, Naba Ahmed

Attendance: Dennis Elliot, Eric Veium, Kylee Singh, Ben Christensen, Cheryl Andrus, Kevin Piper, Natalie Montonya in for Shelby Thomas, Hunter Francis, Molly Barker, Jill Nelson, Ron Skamfer, Patrick Lemieux, Julie Hawkins

Approval of Minutes

·  Minutes from the January meeting were approved

Solar Farm Update

·  REC Contract executed in February.

·  ACTION: Eric: Include Kevin, Sheep Supervisor, Dr. Noland in scheduling and on-site coordination communication.

·  Name the solar farm –

o  Is there a forerunner of sustainability that could be honored?

o  Is there a past or current president that could be honored?

o  Dennis is pursuing a potential advancement opportunity

o  Time sensitivity to early press releases

o  ACTION: ALL: Submit ideas to Dennis.

Recycling Video

·  Completed by Cory Jones, Environ Mgmt -now graduated, One with Nature

·  Video will be used at staff and faculty orientation starting in March

·  Video is available on

·  Kylee presenting to student affairs in coordination with Housing & ASI

STARS, Change the Status Quo, Earth Week

·  STARS submitted 2/16 – 10 day review period – certification will be announced

·  Strong Silver

·  Create Path towards Platinum

·  Develop a Recommendations Report

o  ACTION: DENNIS: Kylee will Present at February SAC meeting

·  Change the Status Quo conference – Feb 17-18

o  Facilitating two 2-hour sessions

o  Bridging sustainability and social Justice.

o  Working with Kari in the office of Diversity and Inclusivity

·  Earth Week – April 25-28

o  Sustainable Transportation fair

o  Patagonia WornWear tour

o  Half day sustainability charrette/workshop/summit

o  Big key note speakers

o  Solar Farm ground breaking

·  Empower Poly coalition – creating a responsible voters guide

o  Student voting is April 26

o  Creating recommendations 1-pager with candidates’ names and positions

Capital Projects Update

·  Julie Hawkins unable to attend but provided updates

·  Update

o  Vista Grande targeted to be LEED Gold Certified

§  Expect building to be twice square ft but same or less energy as old building

o  Utilidor project underway – Next phase - April through Aug, Following phase in 2018

§  Life is a ditch – impacts across campus with construction and movement

§  Replacing aging infrastructure that has caused water and chemical leakage into local creeks – Make water tight and energy efficient

§  Piggy backing energy metering with that project - $1,000,000+ additional scope

o  Oppenheimer Project

§  Phase I taking place near horse unit

§  Horse barns replaced and cover arena – using LED lighting

§  Improve storm water management

o  Wine and Vit project

§  Not going to be LEED certified only LEED “equivalent”

§  SAC committee is interested in seeing this building being LEED certified or more

§  Micheal concerned LEED standard is too low – wants to pursue Net Zero Energy

§  ACTION: DENNIS: Agendize Wine and Vit LEED certification and creation of design standard for campus.

ECO Reps

·  Ben Christensen, Green Campus Team member lead

·  ECO-REPS – engage students in creating sustainable community

o  Phase I – Green Room Certifications (323 completed)

o  Phase 2 – Living Community Projects

o  Phase 3 – Campus Wide Projects

·  Agenda:

o  Get feedback

o  Continue to interface between campus and SAC

o  Discuss projects

·  Green Container program to provide sustainable dining container option

o  Grab-Go-Return container

o  Coordinate with campus dining

·  Sustainability in Greek Life

o  Bring them into sustainability community

o  Create sustainability chairs

§  Green Events Check list

Request for agenda items

·  Patrick: Summary of Climate Action Plan / Sustainability Charrette Outcomes

Adjourned: 12:00 pm